LEAD - Living Every Day as Disciples
St. Luke has joined Lutheran Churches around the country in a program, LEAD, to discern our mission in community.
The LEAD Journey is a 3-year transformational process….that delves deeply into listening to God in scripture, in your congregation, and in your neighborhood and focusing your mission around your core values.
Click for more information.
Year One is called Tune In.
Year Two is called Wake Up.
Year Three is called Work Out.
LEAD Update:
We are in the Tune In process – listening to God in scripture and prayer, in the congregation, and in the neighborhood. Listening tools include a congregational assessment, a survey, and focus groups. The LEAD process is already bearing fruit as we emerge into fellowship together – witness: coffee hours, shared meals, young children in the Prayground.
Due to Pastor Laurie’s resignation, LEAD is taking extra time to listen to the congregation around transitions. Thank you to everyone who participated in the Transition focus groups in March. The LEAD team will share a summary of the reflections with the whole congregation.