Hello Jan,
2023 is shaping up as an "interesting" time. On the plus side, the industry is seeing Westinghouse's AP 1000 units at Southern Company's Vogtle plant going on-line and multiple SMR designs moving through the licensing process.
The biggest negative is cable supply. As our name implies, Cable is our business and has been for more than 50 years. Two articles on this topic are included and we hope you will read them both.
Members of the CableLAN team will be attending multiple working groups and conferences in the next 4 months. These events are listed below and we look forward to seeing you at one or more of them.
The use of Cat 6A cable has dramatically increased in the last few months. Cat 6A has been recommended for several years and future proofing your network may require upgrading to comply with current standards. With our RadCat 6A you can do it without PVC!
Finally, April 22 was EARTH DAY 2023. Remind your friends and neighbors that nuclear energy is the cleanest source of electrical energy available!