Weekly News for Nursery and Preschoolers

The Week of Sunday, November 10, 2024

Important Reminder

Perdido Bay Methodist Church policy is that parents of infants and children that are left in the care of the Nursery Staff, must remain on campus during Sunday and Wednesday Worship/Bible Study/Fellowship hours. (exception - special events such as, Parents Night Out, Summer Fun Days, etc.) Please ask if you have questions or concerns.

Thank you for letting us care for your children while you are attending one of the services or a Bible Study. We love your children, they learn about Jesus, have fun and get a snack.

Sunday Events November 10, 2024

9am Contemporary Service

Worship Service


Sunday School

11am Traditional Service

Worship Service

The children in B&T class will learn:

BIBLE CONTENT/SCRIPTURE: Isaac is Born (Genesis 21:1-6)

KEY VERSE: "Ask and God will hear you. (adapted from Luke 11:19)

BIBLE POINT: God makes us happy.

The three- and four-year-old children will learn:

THEME: Immanuel is Here. Jesus is the greatest gift..

Lesson Theme: Magi Worship Jesus. (Matthew2:1-12)

Lulu, the Golden Monkey, will help the 3s & 4s learn their Monthly Bible Verse: " I will bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior--yes, the Messiah, the Lord--has been born. (Luke 2:10 -11)

November's First Wednesday Fellowship

Wednesday evenings: The Nursery will open at

5:00pm - 7:00pm. Nursery is available for children whose parents remain on campus. Dinner will be provided for children.

Special Events

Breakfast With Santa Tickets are on sale at the Nursery/Preschool or the church office for $5.00 each.

11/6 - Night of Prayer Dinner: 4:30pm, Prayer:6:00pm.

12/4 - Hanging of the Greens; Dinner: 4:30pm, Service 6:00pm.

12/7 - Breakfast with Santa 8am - 10am.

12/11 - Night of Hope Cantata; Dinner: 4:30pm, Cantata: 6:00pm.

12/18 - The Longest Night Service, 6:00pm.

12/22 - Lessons and Carols Family Service 9am and 11am. Nursery is provided for both services.

Blessings, Mrs. Jeanne - Nursery Director

Jeanne Lemley - Nursery Director

E MAIL: jeanne@perdidobay.church

CHURCH PHONE: 850 492 2135

CELL PHONE: 850 341 6655

The mission of Perdido Bay Methodist Church is to make disciples

of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Our vision is to be the heart of the community.