February Newsletter


In This Issue
NE Promotion - Love Your Heart
Foods We Love that Love You Back!
National Cook a Sweet Potato Day!
A Note from Lauren...
Nutrition Energy
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Issue: #76 February 2017
Love Your Heart - NE Promotion

Give your heart a nutrition valentine with one of our special offers.. 

Pump up Your Nutrition 
new client 90 minute evaluation 
$195.00 - a $35-$50 savings 
(1 per new client) 

Rekindle your Love of Healthy Food
existing client 30 minute appointment 
$90.00 - a $25-$35 savings
 (1 per client)

Call by February 28th, 2017 to take advantage of these offers.

Certificates must be used by June 15th, 2017 and are Non-Refundable. Offer valid while supplies last. Promotion period to buy certificates ends on February 28th, 2017. 

Terms:  Certificates are non-refundable and expire at close of business June 15th, 2017.  Please note that you will be paired with an available Nutrition Energy dietitian based on availability for appointments in the schedule before June 15th, 2017.  If you are an existing client coming back to get in touch with us again, please let our office manager know who you would like to meet with.  If your usual dietitian that you have previously met with is booked through June 15th, we will extend to the period to use the appointment to July 15th, 2017, at which point you will be paired with an available dietitian.  After June 15th, 2017, all certificates will expire and are non-refundable.  
Nutrition Energy, 57 West 57th Street, Suite 1211, New York, NY 10019
Foods We Love that Love You Back!

Wine and chocolates - 2 delicious items we love so much that work so well together.  Wouldn't it be great if wine and chocolate could love you back?  According to the American Heart Association and Cleveland Clinic - they do! 

Chocolate may protect your cardiovascular system.  Dark chocolate especially, is high in flavonoids, a plant nutrient which combats damage caused by free radicals.  This antioxidant power can help keep your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) -or 'bad cholesterol'- from forming dangerous heart-blocking plaque in your arteries.  Flavanols are the main type of flavonoids found in chocolate and research shows flavanols can lower blood pressure, improve blood flow, and make blood platelets less sticky therefore lowering your risk of blood clots.  Of course, flavanols aren't only found in chocolate and cocoa, but fruits, peanuts, and red wine!  Although there is no serving size of chocolate to help you obtain the cardiovascular benefits it offers, eating too much chocolate can add too much fat and calories to your diet - so stick to about 1 ounce a few times a week.  Watch out for extra ingredients, such as caramel, nuts, and crisps that bring the caloric level into an unhealthy zone. 

Red wine not only contains flavonoids, but also polyphenols - another type of antioxidant.  A particular polyphenol, resveratrol, acts similarly to flavanols in lowering blood pressure, reducing LDL build-up, and preventing blood clots.  Resveratrol comes from the skin of grapes.  As red wine is fermented with skins longer than white wine, red wine contains more resveratrol.  However, we must mention here that as we all know, drinking too much alcohol can not only become addictive, it can also lead to liver disease, weight gain, and stroke.  Current recommendations for alcohol consumption is 1-2 drinks per day for men, and 1 per day for women.  Remember, a drink's portion size is: 12oz of beer, 4oz of wine, and 1.5oz of spirits.

Berries are a great and sweet way to add polyphenols to your diet! Unlike chocolate and red wine, berries are in a polyphenol class called anthocyanins. Blueberries and blackberries do not provide a significant amount of vitamins and minerals, but they are the biggest sources of polyphenols.  Strawberries have shown to fight against cancer, inflammation, and cardiovascular diseases.  Raspberries are not only high in polyphenols and several essential micronutrients, but also dietary fiber.  Enjoy berries individually or mixed in smoothies, with yogurt, or with your dark chocolate!

Fish, especially fatty fish - such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna, contain the most omega-3 fatty acids and therefor the most benefits.  Omega-3 fatty acids are in a class of unsaturated fats - the same kind of fat found in avocados, almonds, and peanut butter.  This fat reduces inflammation in the body that can lead to damage in your blood vessels, ultimately leading to heart disease and stroke.  The American Heart Association recommends eating two 3.5oz servings of omega-3-rich fish a week.  Of course, watch your cooking method - broiling and baking your fish fillets are much healthier than deep-frying!

As with all food and beverage, moderation is key.  Enjoy what you eat, but watch portion sizes, ingredients, and cooking methods.

So this Valentine's Day, have baked salmon for dinner, chocolate covered strawberries for dessert, and red wine to wash it all down - you'll not only enjoy a great evening, but your heart (and mind!), will thank you in the morning!

February 22nd is National Cook a Sweet Potato Day!

For some, the sweet potato is still unknown territory or maybe think it is difficult to cook.  You hear of sweet potato fries everywhere, and sweet potato pie on Thanksgiving - but where did they come from and why are they so good for us? 

Sweet potatoes originated in Central American as far back as 5000 years ago and South America as far back as 8000 BC and were distributed around the world by travelers, such as Christopher Columbus and Captain James Cook.  You can find sweet potatoes in almost any cuisine, from Polynesia to Japan to the Caribbean to the US. 

Sweet potatoes are load with beta-carotene (Vitamin A - over 400% of your daily needs!) - along with many essential vitamins and minerals, including high levels of Vitamin C, fiber, and potassium.  Beta-carotene is essential in vision and has shown in studies to have a protective role in preventing prostate cancer and colon cancer.  Vitamins A and C combined offer an immunity boost.  The fiber in sweet potatoes help with prevention of constipation and support regularity of the digestion system.  Studies have also shown high-fiber diets in Type 1 diabetics have lower blood glucose levels, and improved blood sugar, lipids, and insulin levels in Type 2 diabetics.  The potassium in sweet potatoes contribute to lowering blood pressure. 

So this February 22nd, grab one of these nutrient-packed spuds and add something new to your dinner table!

Sweet Potato Casserole
Recipe courtesy of Anne Burrell

Total Time: 1 hr 35 min
Prep: 20 min
Cook: 1 hr 15 min
Yield:6 servings
  • 2 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes (about 3)
  • 1 orange, zested and juiced
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup diced dried apricots
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons butter, cut into pea-sized pieces
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
  • Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
  • Put the sweet potatoes on a sheet tray and roast for 35 to 40 minutes. The sweet potatoes might still be a little hard in the center- no problem!
  • While the sweet potatoes are baking make the topping. In a food processor, combine the oatmeal, brown sugar, olive oil, butter, and walnuts and pulse until mixture comes together.
  • When the potatoes are cool enough to handle, peel them and cut them into 1-inch chunks. Discard the skins. Put the potatoes into a large dish and add the remaining ingredients. Mash together with a potato masher until well combined.
  • Transfer the mixture to a 2-quart casserole dish. Crumble the topping mixture over the potatoes. Bake until the mixture hot all the way through and the topping is brown and crispy, about 30 minutes.

A Note from Lauren...

We are now into the new year - which means you probably see more people at the gym, starting a new diet, or have weight loss goals they are trying to achieve.  Trying to better yourself as a whole is great - wanting to be healthier is a wonderful goal, but you need to be smart about it.  We've touched on this before - having realistic goals is key.  Going to the gym a couple times a week is a realistic goal, versus seven days a week.  The same thing rings true with diets, a realistic goal is key. Crash 'diets' and drastic changes in food intake (i.e. cutting out carbs) don't work. In the end, they wreak havoc on your body and you could end up gaining more weight back at the end than when you started.  

Since 'diets' don't work - why try and put forth the effort, time, and money on an end result that you don't want? Instead, we at Nutrition Energy focus on the positive nutritional aspects of foods we love (that love us back!). These are the foods that increase our energy, stabilize our body, keep our gut happy, and help to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases.  

Want to learn more? All the dietitians here at Nutrition Energy can help you avoid crash 'diets' and get you on a healthy course to keeping the weight off and reducing the risk of chronic diseases!  Love, support, and maintain your heart - and it will love you back!

Lauren Antonucci, Director
Nutrition Energy