ACL will hold a webinar on Thursday, May 12, from
1:00 to 2:00 pm ET on the anticipated OAA Regulations Request for Information (RFI). OAA regulations guide the implementation of Title III, Title VI, and Title VII programs in states, territories, tribes, and local communities across the country. This webinar will provide a brief overview of current OAA regulations, most of which have not been updated since 1988.
The webinar will review the RFI that is anticipated to be published in the Federal Register on Friday, May 6, as indicated in this public inspection notice: Through this RFI, ACL seeks input regarding supportive, nutrition, evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion, caregiver, legal, long-term care ombudsman, and other services provided by states, territories, tribes and tribal organizations, area agencies on aging, and local service providers under the OAA.
Please register and participate to learn how you can provide feedback to improve implementation of OAA programs and services nationwide:
ASL and CART accommodations will be provided for this webinar. Recordings, slides, and transcripts will be made available and posted to ACL’s website within 14 days after the webinar.