Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
for the living of these days.
-- Harry Emerson Fosdick
O Lord of mercy, hear our prayer,
for the living of these challenging days.
Grant us wisdom, as we choose our leaders.
Then grant wisdom to those elected:
guide them in paths of justice,
lead them in ways of mercy,
root them in deep integrity.
Grant us healing, Lord,
from the pandemic
that threatens death;
from bitterness and division
that threaten conflict;
from poisonous anger
that threatens our own hearts and souls.
We are tired, O Lord, we are weary,
and we easily grow discouraged.
Lift us up Lord, from the valleys of despair,
that we may see the dawning horizon of hope.
Save us from weak resignation
to the evils we deplore.
Save us also, from deploring
those who disagree with us,
those who challenge us,
even those who appear to threaten us.
Give us ears to hear your voice,
even where we least expect it.
Give us eyes to see your presence,
even in surprising places.
Give us hearts to recognize
our sisters and brothers in all whom we meet.
Yes, Lord, in your mercy,
grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
for the living of these days.