OACAA Briefing: The latest news from OACAA and Ohio's CAAs
September 2019
Homelessness, affordable housing goal of roundtable
Increases in funding for homeless and housing programs was applauded in a roundtable meeting held Monday morning at the Hillsboro Business Center on North High Street, which had as its objective the addressing of housing problems that exist in Highland County and what is being done to address them.
The roundtable forum was chaired by Julia Wise, executive director of the Highland County Community Action Organization; state Rep. Shane Wilkin (R-Hillsboro); Bill Faith, executive director of the Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio; and Gregory Thirtyacre, president of NCJC Housing & Development Foundation, an Ohio non-profit corporation.>>> READ MORE
Business First Podcast: Rise Together initiative
Bo Chilton, of
Impact Community Action, along with other community leaders, discuss the Rise Together anti-poverty initiative.
Community Action to inform local agencies about 211 service
More and more local officials are asking what the 2-1-1 hotline can do for their agencies and those they serve, an Ashtabula County Community Action representative said Wednesday.
To answer these questions and more, an upcoming informational presentation, “Keys to Community,” will bring local agencies together to learn about the county's 2-1-1 information and referral program and to facilitate the spread of information on local community resources. >>> LEARN MORE
NEW BLOG: Is it times for another board meeting already?
Check out our latest blog by Fiscal Director Greg Bollenbacher, with tips to streamline your board financial reporting process. >>> READ MORE
Annual Report Toolkit
Included within this toolkit are ready-made infographics, sample social media posts, editable EPS documents, design elements, and more.