The Community Action Agency Network is made up of more than 1,100 local, private, non-profit and public agencies, created through the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964.
Ohio is made up of 48 agencies serving all 88 counties in the state.
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The Community Action Promise
"Community Action changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other."
National Impact Report: Building Opportunities for All
By: Kathryn A. Clausen, Communications Director
This year, the Community Action Network will celebrate 55 years of helping people and changing lives. In Ohio, we witness low- and moderate-income neighbors overcoming their unique obstacles every day as they work hard to walk their own paths to self-sufficiency. Annually, over 700,000 Ohioans reach out for and receive help from Community Action Agencies in the form of emergency assistance, job training, transportation, early childhood and adult education, and so much more. Yet the important work in our state only scratches the surface of what our network accomplishes each year across America.
GLCAP youth earns welding certificates
Raul Almeida, Benjamin Henry Jr., Victor Pena Jr., and Dane Rodrigues, all earned certificates through the 10-week welding and metal fabrication course at Vanguard-Sentinel Career & Technology Center. Students earned their American Welding Society credentials and 10-hour OSHA cards as part of their successful completion of the course
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Personal Needs Pantry available for those affected by shutdown
Ohio Heartland Community Action Commission (OHCAC) is assisting individuals affected by the government shutdown. OHCAC is opening up The Personal Needs Pantry to households affected by the government shutdown needing assistance with personal items, which includes individuals who are unable to receive SNAP benefits during this time.
The Personal Needs Pantry usually assists individuals with household incomes at or below 125 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, but at this time, individuals with higher household incomes, affected by the government shutdown, are also eligible for this service
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Press Release: OACAA backs AEP Ohio's solar-power proposal, rejects PUCO staff recommendation
COLUMBUS - On Friday, a recommendation by the staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio was issued against American Electric Power's bid to develop a twenty-first century solar farm in Highland County stating "supply is sufficient to meet the needs of customers." The Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies (OACAA) rejects that reasoning and stands in favor of the positive impacts the project would bring to our state
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Foundation Level Seminar Series: Domestic Violence
This domestic violence workshop is part of the Foundation Level Seminar Series for Ohio's Community Action Agencies.
The training is free to OACAA members.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
2019 Annual Summer Conference
Kalahari, Ohio
July 24-26, 2019
Foundation Level Seminar Series: Part 6 Columbus, OH Fall 2019
Meet CEOGC's Kathy Stouffer
Here at the
Council for Economic Opportunities in Greater Cleveland, there are many key components that allow this agency to run smoothly. Some people are front and center and their impact can be seen day to day, while others play the background and allow their impact to only be felt; Kathy Stouffer is in the latter group.
Stouffer is a quiet and rather unfamiliar face to most who work at CEOGC. She began at the agency in August of 2018 as the Administrative Assistant to the VP of Children & Families and the VP of Community Services; Dr. Thea Wilson and Doug Bennett. "Because of the dual nature of my role, I get to learn and experience all the in's and out's of what we do here at CEOGC," said Stouffer of her daily workload...
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