OACAA Briefing: The latest news from OACAA and Ohio's CAAs

March 2020
OACAA Operations Statement, COVID-19
Dear OACAA Members and Community Partners:

As you are all aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically impacted Ohioans this year—especially over the past week. First and foremost, I want to be sure that you are all staying safe and taking the recommended precautions wherever possible. In my nearly 30 years in the Community Action Network, I have seen some amazing things accomplished by our members. I have no doubt that you are going to continue that history of successful community support as we overcome this pandemic together.

Because of the health crisis and recommendations... >>> READ MORE
Resources for Community Action COVID-19 Response
We understand operations are challenging as Community Action responds to the coronavirus pandemic, and also know our members are doing amazing things to help your communities! We encourage you to continue sharing your stories with OACAA so that we can share all that you are doing surrounding COVID-19 and beyond.

Sharing a story is easy! No need to write a full story! To share, submit a quick story lead on our website , or send an email to Kathryn . You'll be contacted if more information is needed, and you'll be entered into our new story submission incentive drawing. We look forward to sharing all of the great things you are doing!
Community Action responds to COVID-19, commends DeWine

Low-income Ohioans will be especially impacted by the new restrictions across the state. The loss of income with closings of businesses, along with the increased care needs for children out of school, will make already constrained budgets even more restricted. In our effort to quickly respond and bridge the gaps, OACAA purchased 18,000 shelf-stable meals to distribute across the State beginning Monday. >>> READ MORE
LATEST BLOG: Community Action and a global pandemic

The strength and power of our network is evident to anyone who is a part of the over 6,500 Ohioans who work every day to help communities. If you’re fortunate like me and can look behind the scenes at the passion, talent, and experience of each and every person in this network, you’ll be a witness to some fantastic things.

Census 2020 Update
Though Census has temporarily ceased operations due to COVID-19 , the importance of the Census remains! Here are a few resources to help you continue to spread the message. Remember, it's easy, safe, and important! #YouMatterBeCounted

Census Resources:
Welcome new Executive Directors!
OACAA would like to extend our warmest welcome to five new executive directors in Ohio's Community Action Network. While some are new to our network, others you may already know due to their strong history within the network. We are confident each will lead their agency well. Please join us in welcoming them to the network!

Delinquent bills lead to 21K Dayton residents losing water service
(Source Dayton Daily News, By Cornelius Frolik)

DAYTON- “There’s thousands and thousands of people who are not experiencing this ‘great economy,’” said Lisa Stempler, interim president and CEO of Miami Valley Community Action Partnership.

City officials said shut-offs have fallen significantly compared to the recent past, and they credit the drop to expanded payment options and plans.

Food Distributions Scheduled in Athens County in Response to COVID-19 Need
Two mobile food distributions will be held in Athens County this week in response to local need after the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The Southeast Ohio Foodbank, a program of the Hocking Athens Perry Community Action Agency (HAPCAP), is hosting the two events.


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