OACAA Briefing
The latest news from OACAA and Ohio CAAs
October 2017 - In This Issue:
(Source: The Columbus Dispatch/AP file photo)

The Community Action Agency Network is made up of more than 1,100 local, private, non-profit and public agencies, created through the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. 


Ohio is made up of 48 agencies serving all 88 counties in the state. 


Learn more

The Community Action Promise
"Community Action changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other."
Dear Commissioner Goodell
The following letter was sent to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on October 17, 2017. 

Dear Commissioner Goodell:

As you know, our Nation has witnessed a growing divide due to the frustration and injustices felt by some of our fellow citizens. NFL players across the league have taken a knee as part of their First Amendment right to protest in the effort to invoke change.  I am writing to you because I believe the National Football League is in a unique position to make a difference and effect change in this controversy.

The NFL, including players, owners and the League itself, can create an atmosphere of cooperation and understanding by encouraging and facilitating useful and effective community conversations.  Your players have a special position in the communities in which you have teams; they are admired by so many people, many of whom are part of the affected communities.  If they work together with law enforcement officials and members of the affected communities, they may be able to help bridge the gap between police and minorities that no one else is stepping forward to fill at this time.

Got Jobs? 
Does your agency have open positions which you are seeking to fill? Do you need volunteers to help with your programs or operations? 

OACAA will be participating in the Propel Ohio: Collegiate Leadership Summit 2017 hosted by U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown at the University of Akron on November 17th. Be sure to share your job and volunteer positions with Kathryn to share during the Internship Fair and to post on our job board
20 years after welfare reform, are Ohio's poor any better off? 
(Source: The Columbus Dispatch/AP file photo)
(Source: Catherine Candisky, The Columbus Dispatch)

" [Lancaster-Fairfield] Community Action helped her get into an apartment by paying the deposit and first month's rent. She was able to complete her education degree, which led to a higher-paying job. With federal mortgage assistance, she recently bought a house . .."  Read more
Turning on the HEAP
(Source: Morgan McKinniss, My Daily Tribune)

OHIO VALLEY - Gallia-Meigs Community Action Agency is gearing up for the winter Home Energy Assistance Programs (HEAP) with a new automated phone system. Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a phone system that is easier to use for customers and more efficient for scheduling, allowing employees at GMCAA to spend more time helping the public and less time sorting out logistical matters...   Read more
Issue 1: Marsy's Law for Ohio
In June, the OACAA Board of Trustees voted to endorse Issue 1, Marsy's Law for Ohio. Issue 1 is a citizen initiated constitutional amendment creating equal rights for victims of crime; nothing more, nothing less. Often victims feel as though they've been re-victimized by the criminal justice process, leaving them even more broken then they were before. Issue 1 constitutionally guarantees the rights of victims so no victim endures the pain of being denied their rights...   Read more
2017 Exemplary Program Awards
Deadline for Exemplary Program Awards are November 20, 2017! Be sure to submit your nominations to The Ohio State University John Glenn School of Public Affairs.  Visit our website for more information. 
2018 Winter Legislative Conference
Board of Trustees Meeting
OACAA's next board meeting will be held on November 17, 2017 beginning at 10:00 a.m. Visit our website for location details.
Recognizing Community Action
There are over 6,500 Community Action professionals across 48 agencies in Ohio, each working in a unique way to help alleviate poverty in their community with the same mission: to help people help themselves and each other.

In our effort to recognize some of the great professionals in this network, beginning next month, OACAA will accept submissions from member agencies to feature Community Action staff in our monthly newsletter and on social media... Read more
Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies | 50 W. Broad St. | Suite 1616 | Columbus | OH | 43215
P: (614) 224-8500 | F: (614) 224-2587