OACAA Briefing
The latest news from OACAA and Ohio CAAs
October 2018 - In This Issue:

The Community Action Agency Network is made up of more than 1,100 local, private, non-profit and public agencies, created through the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. 


Ohio is made up of 48 agencies serving all 88 counties in the state. 


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The Community Action Promise
"Community Action changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other."
Self-Sufficient Wages and Health
By: Josh Summer, Development Director

The United States of America has always held up work as a core value that defines us as a nation. It is commonly expected that everyone who has the ability to work should do so. Phrases like, "the early bird gets the worm" or "the dignity of a hard day's work" represent this work ethic that is a necessary part of participation in our society. However, this thinking has become problematic as the gap between the rich and poor continues to grow.  

Although this feeling of helplessness and inadequacy is a negative force, many Americans view this situation as a motivational opportunity with the belief that people can always build skills, save money by reducing unnecessary expenses, or invest in education to improve their financial prospects. What happens when a hard day's work leaves families unable to meet basic needs or save for their children's future? People become demoralized, depressed, or even worse. Recently, there is a growing body of evidence that earning low wages is not just upsetting, it is impacting health...  Read more
Grants to pay ex-offenders, at-risk youths to renovate houses, learn skills
(Source: Columbus Dispatch)
(Source: Mark Ferenchik, Columbus Dispatch)

Five nonprofit groups have received $120,000 in grants from the city of Columbus to restore houses while teaching construction skills to at-risk youths and former offenders. 

Robert "Bo" Chilton of Impact Community Action said his program helps address a housing-affordability crisis and teaches skills to help people become self-sufficient... Read more
Success Stories Begin At The CEOGC Job Fair
(Source: CEOGC.com)

The Council for Economic Opportunities in Greater Cleveland (CEOGC) held its annual community job & career fair featuring a partnership with the  Boys & Girls Club of Cleveland . The fair was hosted at the BGCGC site in Slavic Village, a new venue for the community event.

"The need in this community is great, so we targeted it purposefully," said job development specialist, Matthew Anderson. "We connected with the city councilman of this ward, Tony Bracatelli, and we were informed of the income level so it made sense to get out in this community and help people get jobs." ... Read more
Exemplary Program Nominations 2018
Nominations for the 2018 Exemplary Programs Awards are now being accepted through November 26, 2018. Nominations are reviewed and scored by OSU John Glenn School of Business and awardees will be recognized during the upcoming Winter Legislative Conference in Columbus, Ohio. Visit our   website for more information or to download the  nomination form .
Upcoming Events
Registration is now open for the 2018 National Community Action Foundation Post Election Summit, which will be held live in Columbus, Ohio, and for the 2019 Winter Legislative Conference
Jasmine Alexander, The Persevering Smile
(Source: Council for Economic Opportunities in Greater Cleveland)

CLEVELAND -  The definition of perseverance is to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure or opposition.  The Council for Economic Opportunities in Greater Cleveland's  very own Jasmine Alexander personifies every ounce of what it means to persevere.
Alexander is one of the many faces here at CEOGC that constantly features a bright and uplifting smile. To all of her co-workers she's known simply as Jasmine,.. Read more
Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies | 50 W. Broad St. | Suite 1616 | Columbus | OH | 43215
P: (614) 224-8500 | F: (614) 224-2587