OACAA Briefing: The latest news from OACAA and Ohio's CAAs

October 2020
CARES Act funding for rent, mortgages, water & sewer
Ohio's Community Action Network is pleased to provide assistance to low-income Ohioans impacted by COVID-19. Residents at or below 200% FPL who are past due on rent, mortgage, water, and sewer payments may be eligible to receive assistance to keep them safely in their homes beginning November 2, 2020.

2020 Exemplary Program Awards Nominations
Ohio University is accepting nominations for the 2020 Exemplary Program Awards now through December 1, 2020.

To learn more about how your innovative Community Action program can be recognized by Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies and Ohio University Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs >>> CLICK HERE
Upcoming Events
Family Development Certification
  • When: November 16-19, 2020
  • Time: 9am - 4pm
  • Where: Virtual Training
  • Cost: FREE to OACAA members
Poverty: Working Moms
  • When: December 8, 2020
  • Time: 1pm - 3pm
  • Where: Virtual Training
  • Cost: FREE to members
SAVE THE DATE: 2021 Virtual Winter Legislative Conference

Save the date for the 2021 Virtual Winter Legislative Conference! Watch our website and this newsletter for more information.

January 25-29, 2021
CA Wayne/Median secures $1.4M to expand rural transportation program targeting work, medical, court
WAYNE COUNTY — Wayne County will pilot a transportation program early next year to extend ride-sharing and other transit services outside the city of Wooster.

Community Action Wayne/Medina and the Stark Area Regional Transit Authority (SARTA) will administer and coordinate the program funded by $1.4 million in grants awarded by the Ohio Department of Transportation. The area's private transportation providers will have the opportunity to submit proposals to provide the service.

Bikers raise $4400 for HCCAO Senior Nutrition Program
(Source: The Times-Gazette_

HIGHLAND COUNTY - he Greenfield-based Independent Bikers Association (IBA) West Central Chapter’s sixth annual Burning Assphalt run raised $4,440 for the Highland County Community Action Organization Senior Nutrition Program.

Local HMG earn accreditation
CHESHIRE — Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA America) announced this week that the Healthy Families America (HFA) affiliate, Gallia-Meigs Community Action Agency Help Me Grow has been accredited as a provider of high quality home visiting services to pregnant families and families with infants and young children.

Endowment from Joe Burrow Heisman donations allows Athens County Food Pantry to serve for generations to come
(Source: The Post By: Lydia Colvin)

ATHENS COUNTY - Food bank and pantry leaders commend Joe Burrow for getting up during his Heisman speech and bringing this issue to the forefront of the conversation. His speech not only helped the food pantry, but helped uplift the region as a whole. 

“I think it's something that people always knew was here,” Claire Gysegem, public relations manager for Hocking Athens Perry Community Action, which oversees the Southeast Ohio Foodbank. “But once Joe Burrow mentioned it in his acceptance speech, it was kind of like this awakening, where it forced us to really confront the issue. I think that Southeast Ohio as a whole, as an entire region was definitely uplifted in some way, shape or form by that speech.”

At a more national level, it also brought people’s attention to what a widespread issue that food insecurity is in the country. >>> READ MORE

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