OACES Newsletter for July 25, 2023
Upcoming OACES Meetings:
- OACES Meeting: OIT, Klamath Falls - Sept. 21
- OACES Fall Conference: Hood River - Oct. 23-24
HB 2101 Signed by Governor, ODOT Opens New 2023 Fund Exchange Program
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has released a memo announcing implementation plans for the Fund Exchange (FEX) Program. House Bill 2101 (2023) allocates $35 million of House Bill 2017 (2017) dollars annually to eligible cities and counties, as authorized. Starting in 2023, there will be no exchange rate applied to these funds, ensuring local agencies receive the full allocation without restrictions.
Local agencies will receive their payments by Sept. 30, 2023, without the need for FEX master grant agreements or funding request letters. ODOT will reconcile 2023 allocations, sending payments to agencies owed money, while any overpayment will be adjusted from the 2024 allocations. Additionally, all 2022 and prior allocations must be exchanged by Dec. 31, 2024; unexchanged balances will no longer be eligible for state funds.
2023 OACES Legislative Summary
The 2023 “long” legislative session came to a close on Sunday, June 25, after 159 days of advocacy, public hearings, and floor sessions. The OACES and AOC legislative affairs team secured meaningful policy solutions on pressing issues and protected counties from proposals that would have had a negative impact on county functions and services.
AOC staff built on and expanded relationships with key legislators, teed up conversations and opportunities for the 2024 Legislative Session, and took advantage of opportunities to highlight the importance of the county road system, critical county emergency response, and the role counties play as a direct service provider for many programs that support Oregonians.
A total of nine impactful transportation bill were passed in 2023, including:
(+) HB 2101: Codifying the Surface Transportation Block Grant Fund Exchange Program
(neutral) HB 2095: City Photo Radar Authority
(neutral) HB 2099: Transportation Omnibus
(neutral) HB 2793: Jurisdictional Transfer Advisory Committee
(neutral) HB 3187: Water Right Examiners Licensing Requirements
(neutral) HB 3188: Marion County Speed Delegation Authority
(neutral) HB 3406: Transportation Omnibus
(neutral) HB 5005: Interstate 5 Bridge Funding
(neutral) HB 5030: Lottery Bond Authorization, Local Project Funding... [Read more]
OTC Approves Oregon Transportation Plan
The plan recognizes that operations and maintenance of the entire multimodal transportation system is vital. Roadways are a key asset for freight trucks and passenger vehicles, but they are also a conduit for most bikeways and walkways, while also serving transit buses. The OTP was developed over the past 18 months with the help of Oregonians with diverse backgrounds and experiences, including those representing partner tribes, jurisdictions, agencies, and key audience groups. Three major public comment periods ensured input from across the state and in multiple languages.
Counties to Begin Moving to IRIS v10 this Fall
The IRIS team is set to begin moving counties from the current IRIS v9 to the new IRIS v10 later this Fall. To help plan for onboarding, and the training and support that will follow, we will be bringing counties onto IRIS v10 in groups based on several factors, including which modules are being used, how they are being used, and the number of IRIS users per county.
To help us finalize the counties for the first group and determine the order they will be onboarded, the IRIS team will begin surveying counties in early August to gather and confirm information about IRIS usage. Not all counties will be surveyed in August; however, if your county does receive a survey, please take the time to complete it as thoroughly as possible.
We plan to have the first group of counties identified by mid-September, and we will share additional information once this first group is finalized.
If you have questions about the onboarding process or IRIS v10, please contact support@aociris.org.
2023 OACES Skills Demo to be Held in Roseburg, Sept. 19-21
Mark your calendar for this year's OACES Skills Demo and Safety Conference, which will be held at the Douglas County Fairgrounds in Roseburg, Sept. 19-21.
USDOT Funding Opportunities
Technical assistance resources:
Please contact AOC County Road Program Director Brian Worley with any questions about USDOT grant funding opportunities.
USDOT Opens Applications for More Than $5.5 Billion in Major Infrastructure Projects Funding
The USDOT is now accepting applications for up to $5.575 billion in funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for projects of regional or national significance. This funding supports three major discretionary grant programs that involve surface transportation projects designed to strengthen supply chains, spur economic development, and improve safety and daily life.
Available funding includes:
$1.8 billion for the National Infrastructure Project Assistance (Mega) Program
$3.1 billion for the Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Program
$675 million for the Rural Surface Transportation Grant (Rural) Program
Last year, USDOT awarded nearly $1.2 billion for nine projects from the Mega Program, $1.5 billion for 26 projects through the INFRA program, and $274 million for 12 projects through the Rural program. A full list of awarded projects for each grant program is available here: 2022 Mega, 2022 Rural, and 2022 INFRA.
The deadline for applications is 11:59 p.m. EST, Aug. 21, 2023. Additional information, frequently asked questions, and other helpful resources are available here.
USDOT Announces Technical Grants for Transportation Projects in Rural and Tribal Communities
This NOFO combines two years of funding (FY 2022 and 2023), $3.4 million in total, to eligible applicants on a first-come, first-served basis. Individual awards will range in value up to the statutory limit of $360,000. There is no local funding match required to participate in this program.
The grants may be used to hire staff or advisors to assist with early development-phase activities including, but not limited to: feasibility studies; preliminary engineering and design; environmental review; revenue forecasting; financial feasibility analysis; statutory and regulatory analysis; and drafting and negotiation of agreements.
The Build America Bureau has created a simple, four-page funding application, available here and will begin accepting submissions at 2 p.m. EST, Aug. 14, 2023.
The Department of Transportation hosted a free informational webinar to provide more information for interested applicants. A recording of the webinar and a copy of the presentation is available here.
PROTECT Program Resilience Improvement Plan Webinar and ODOT Local Plan Submission
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will host a Resilience Improvement Plan webinar on Thursday, Aug. 3, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. EST.
During this webinar, FHWA will describe the benefits and requirements of developing a Resilience Improvement Plan, as well as answer questions from the field and share best practices using case study examples from state Department of Transportations (DOTs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs).
Additionally, let ODOT know if you’re applying to the USDOT PROTECT Resiliency Improvement Plan. If your county is going to submit a PROTECT application on your local system, it would be beneficial to be included in the state’s Resilience Improvement Plan (RIP) so that your agency has the opportunity for reduced project match without having to complete your own local RIP.
Registration Open for the 4th National Summit on Rural Road Safety
The National Center for Rural Road Safety is partnering with the National Association of Development Organization to host the 4th National Summit on Rural Road Safety. Registration is now open for this year's event, "Resources for Rurals," which will focus on practical content designed to help save lives on rural roads. The summit will be held in Oklahoma City, Okla., Sept. 12-14.
For those who cannot travel, but are interested in attending, a hybrid option will also be available, which will allow you to live stream some of the sessions.
To register or learn more, please click here. Information on sponsorship opportunities can be found here.
For questions, including information on how your organization can become a sponsor for this year's summit, please contact kevin@ruralroadsafety.org.
FHWA to Host Transportation Planning Capacity Building (TPCB) Peer Exchange Webinar, Aug. 9
Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the available program resources, peer exchange formats, benefits to participants, transportation-related topics of interest, examples of recent peer exchanges, application process, and additional support available to participating government agencies. Additionally, Gloria Jeff, Livability Director at Minnesota Department of Transportation will also share MnDOT’s experience with the “Transportation Equity” virtual peer exchange.
Free Webinar: Short Span Steel Bridges, Learning by Example - Aug. 8-17
The University of Wyoming and the Short Span Steel Bridge Alliance (SSSBA) are co-hosting a four-part webinar series for bridge owners, designers, faculty and students to provide educational information on short span steel bridges.
A distinguished panel of industry experts has been assembled to present case studies that offer innovative and cost-effective examples of bridge replacement projects. The four webinars are free of charge and will also cover topics essential to the design and installation of steel bridges. The University of Wyoming will provide certificates of completion.
Each part of the webinar will be held from 1 to 2 p.m. EST on the following dates:
- Part 1: Tuesday, Aug. 8
- Part 2: Thursday, Aug. 10
- Part 3: Tuesday, Aug. 15
- Part 4:Thursday, Aug. 17
Prevailing Wage Seminars Available Sept. 12, 14
The Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division will offer free virtual Prevailing Wage Seminars to provide training and outreach on topics such as the Davis-Bacon Act, the Service Contract Act, Executive Orders 13658, 13706, and 14026, wage determinations and conformances, and compliance assistance and enforcement processes.
Upcoming webinars include:
- Davis-Bacon Q&A: Sept. 12, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. EST
- Service Contract Act Q&A: Sept. 14, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. EST
Registration is now open for both webinars. More information about upcoming and past webinars is available here. If you have any questions about the Prevailing Wage Seminars, please email WHD-PWS@dol.gov.
2023 Bridge Maintenance Training for Local Agencies Presentation Available
This past April, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and OACES hosted a successful and well-attended, two-day Oregon Highway Bridge Maintenance Training course. The in-person instruction and web-based, self-guided instruction were designed for both local agencies and ODOT bridge maintenance workers and engineers.
County Engineering, Road Department, and Surveyor Jobs
The AOC job posting page provides counties and other government organizations with a platform to advertise job opportunities while also providing a resource for job seekers looking for a new challenge.
Current engineering, road department, and surveyor postings include:
Jackson County is Hiring Engineers!
Jackson County Roads, Engineering Division is recruiting for several engineering positions, including:
County Road Program Director
Legislative Director
Transportation Policy Analyst
Senior Administrative Manager
IT Trainer and Communications Specialist