OACES Newsletter for June 27, 2023
Upcoming OACES Meetings:
  • OACES Meeting: OIT, Klamath Falls - Sept. 21
  • OACES Fall Conference: Hood River - Oct. 23-24
Legislative Update: HB 2101 Fund Exchange Passes
The 82nd Legislative Assembly adjourned sine die on Sunday, June 25 after a whirlwind of productivity during the initial four months followed by a historic six-week stalemate. 

The Association of Oregon Counties (AOC) and Oregon Association of County Engineers and Surveyors (OACES) achieved significant policy goals in Salem this session and worked to ensure that concerning proposals did not move forward.

AOC and OACES priority bills related to transportation and public works included:

  • HB 2101: Codifying the STBG Fund Exchange Program (passed)
  • SB 635: County Right of Way Permit Cost Recovery (referred to Joint Committee on Transportation interim work group)
  • HB 3556: Abandoned Recreational Vehicle Disposal Program (interim work group is anticipated)

AOC and OACES actively pursued these legislative priorities, while also monitoring and advocating for other bills and important issues impacting county road departments — public contracting, environmental regulations, traffic safety, bridges, and road operations and maintenance funding. ...[Read More]
SRS and USFS Timber Harvest Payments Election Form Due in July
Counties have until July 12th, 2023 to submit allocation elections between SRS and USFS 1908 payments – and elections between SRS Title I, II, and III – to AOC. 

Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 (County FY 2024) Secure Rural Schools (SRS) Program payments are projected to be greater than United States Forest Services (USFS) 1908 Act 25 percent timber harvest (USFS 1908) payments for all Oregon counties with USFS land. 

Please send the “Oregon Election Form FY24” for your county to Branden Pursinger at AOC to ensure all forms are submitted to DAS by the deadline. ...[Read More]
CRP Reintroduces The IRIS Update Newsletter on Quarterly Basis
With the rollout of IRIS v10 set to begin during the second half of 2023, AOC's County Road Program (CRP) is reintroducing The IRIS Update newsletter, which will be distributed on a quarterly basis to help you keep up-to-date on the current progress, timeline for onboarding users, training opportunities, and more.

Each newsletter will be broken down into four categories:
  1. IRIS v10 Updates
  2. IRIS Tips & Tricks
  3. Training Opportunities (beginning with the Fall 2023 edition)
  4. Questions & Feedback.

If you would like to be added to the newsletter distribution list, have questions or need assistance with IRIS, please email support@aociris.org.
USDOT Announces Upcoming Funding Opportunities
USDOT Announces Technical Grants for Transportation Projects in Rural and Tribal Communities
The USDOT recently announced the opening of a Notice of Funding Opportunity for its new Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program, which offers technical assistance grants to rural and tribal communities.

This NOFO combines two years of funding (FY 2022 and 2023), $3.4 million in total, to eligible applicants on a first-come, first-served basis. Individual awards will range in value up to the statutory limit of $360,000. There is no local funding match required to participate in this program.

The grants may be used to hire staff or advisors to assist with early development-phase activities including, but not limited to: feasibility studies; preliminary engineering and design; environmental review; revenue forecasting; financial feasibility analysis; statutory and regulatory analysis; and drafting and negotiation of agreements.

The Build America Bureau has created a simple, four-page funding application, available here and will begin accepting submissions at 2 p.m EST, August 14, 2023.

The Department of Transportation hosted a free informational webinar to provide more information for interested applicants and a recording of the webinar and a copy of the presentation will be made available here.
SS4A: What Rurals Should Know Webinar Recording Now Available
The National Center for Rural Road Safety (NCRRS) offers a number of resources regarding the new Safe Streets and Roads for All Program, including the recently recorded webinar SS4A: What Rurals Should Know. This webinar and others are now available through the NCRRS's Webinar Archives.
Topics discussed include:
  • Requirements for the new round of funding for the Safe Streets and Roads for All Program (SS4)
  • Similarities and differences from the last round of funding
  • Lessons learned from a Local Technical Assistance Center that helped many of their locals obtain SS4A funding for action plans during round one

In addition to the links above, NCRRS has put together a handy resource on the SS4A program. Click here to learn more.
TGM Planning Grants Applications due July 27
The 2023 Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) Program Planning Grant Application packet is now available. It can be found on the TGM Planning Grants page. Applications are due by July 27, 2023, and award announcements will be mailed in September.

TGM is a joint effort of two state agencies: the Oregon Department or Transportation (ODOT) and the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD). TGM grants are awarded on an annual basis to provide planning resources to help Oregon jurisdictions address transportation, land use, and growth management issues in their communities.

Eligible applicants include cities, counties, councils of government on behalf of a city or county, tribal governments, and certain special districts. The total awarded amount will be approximately $2.5 million. Award amounts generally range between $125,000 and $250,000. Grantees must provide a match in the form of cash, staff time, monetized volunteer time, and direct project expenses.

More information is available on the TGM Planning Grants webpage.
Oregon DEQ Extends Application Deadline for Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grants Program
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has extended the application deadline for the Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grants Program to Thursday, July 6, 2023. The grants provide approximately $8 million in funding annually for diesel equipment owners to replace older and more polluting diesel engines with new, cleaner technologies and exhaust control retrofits.

Business, government and tribal diesel equipment owners across the state are invited to apply for support for projects that reduce diesel emissions. Grants can be used in various ways, including replacing diesel engines or purchasing medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicles. Owners of qualified vehicles requiring exhaust control retrofits under DEQ’s Diesel Retrofit Compliance Program may also apply for funding to support the installation of diesel particulate filters.

Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grants are an opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment and public health while also upgrading an existing fleet. The "Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grant Criterion: Vulnerable Population" fact sheet provides more details.

Apply for funding using the Diesel Emissions Reduction Grant User Guide. For more information, please email dieselgrants@deq.oregon.gov.
ODOT's New Community EV Charging Rebates Program Opens
ODOT is now taking applications for its Community Charging Rebates Program. You can learn more about the program, as well as eligibility requirements, rebate amounts, qualifying chargers, and required application documents here.

Eligible applicants may apply for the rebate June 13 to Oct. 13, 2023, or until funding runs out. Click here to begin your online application.

This is the first of several planned rounds of funding; however, ODOT encourages you to apply now if your project meets readiness and eligibility requirements. Eligible project site locations must be at multi-family housing or publicly accessible parking areas in Oregon.

If you have questions about your project or the program, please email them to ODOTchargingrebates@forthmobility.org.
2023 OACES Skills Demo to be Held in Roseburg, Sept. 19-21
Mark your calendar for this year's OACES Skills Demo and Safety Conference, which will be held at the Douglas County Fairgrounds in Roseburg, Sept. 19-21.

More details, including lodging information, an event schedule and a registration link will be available in July on the OACES Skills Demo and Safety Conference page.
Registration Open for the 4th National Summit on Rural Road Safety
The National Center for Rural Road Safety is partnering with the National Association of Development Organization to host the 4th National Summit on Rural Road Safety. Registration is now open for this year's event, "Resources for Rurals," which will focus on practical content designed to help save lives on rural roads. The summit will be held in Oklahoma City, Okla., Sept. 12-14.

For those who cannot travel, but are interested in attending, a hybrid option will also be available, which will allow you to live stream some of the sessions. 

To register or learn more, please click here. Information on sponsorship opportunities can be found here.

For questions, including information on how your organization can become a sponsor for this year's summit, please contact kevin@ruralroadsafety.org.
County Engineering, Road Department, and Surveyor Jobs
The AOC job posting page provides counties and other government organizations with a method to advertise job opportunities while also providing a resource for job seekers looking for a new challenge.

Current engineering, road department, and surveyor postings include:

Find out more specifics for each position and how to apply on the AOC jobs postings page. If you have an open job listing to post for your county, please contact jobs@oregoncounties.org.
Jackson County is Hiring Engineers!
Jackson County Roads, Engineering Division is recruiting for several engineering positions, including:

Please visit the Jackson County website for minimum requirements and additional information.
In The News
County Road Program Director

Legislative Director

Transportation Policy Analyst
Senior Administrative Manager

IT Trainer and Communications Specialist