OACES Newsletter for March 27, 2024


Upcoming OACES Meetings:

View the 2024 OACES Meeting Schedule

Legislature Wraps-Up Short 2024 Session, Including County Right-of-Way Permit Fee Authority

The 2024 "short" legislative session came to a close after 32 days, with 291 bills introduced, and 135 bills passed. By all accounts, this session was one of the least divisive in many years, with bipartisan agreements reached to pass budgets and large policy packages dominated by housing and public safety issues.

The Joint Committee on Transportation (JCT) met a number of times, taking up policy and committee bills, but primarily focusing on informational sessions regarding the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) deficit, 2025 revenue, local tolling, and the Highway Cost Allocation Study. With workgroup support from the Oregon Association of County Engineers and Surveyors (OACES) and Association of Oregon Counties (AOC), the legislature also passed Senate Bill 1566, county right-of-way permit fee authority.

More information is below on the successful passage of SB 1566, a full recap and 2024 OACES Legislative Summary will be available soon. ...[Read More]

Save-the-Dates: State Transportation Package Legislative Listening Tour

In early February, the Joint Committee on Transportation (JCT) released a 2024-25 Beginning Conversation Draft Action Plan for the development of the expected 2025 State Transportation Funding Package. The document included tentative dates for a statewide listening tour in the 2024 interim. AOC encourages you to save-the-date for your area meeting and be prepared to testify on behalf of your county’s local road, bridge, and transportation needs and priorities.

*Please Note: the schedule is tentative, and the committee has yet to schedule any official listening tour dates.

County road project tour suggestions: If your county has a project or particular facility that would convey county road needs to the legislature, please click here to fill out a short survey and help AOC compile a list of tour options.

As the listening tour dates approach, the AOC County Road Program and OACES will be providing additional suggested talking points, statewide county road needs data, and individual county road priorities one-pagers, to help your county share its needs effectively with the legislature. ...[Read More]

OACES 2024 Spring Conference Registration Open Through April 20

The OACES 2024 Spring Conference will be held Monday, May 6 through Wednesday, May 8. This year’s conference is at the Sunriver Resort, located at 17600 Center Dr., Sunriver Ore., 97707.

To reserve your hotel room, please click here or call the hotel directly at 855-420-8206 and reference the OACES Spring Conference. 

To register, click here. The registration deadline is Saturday, April 20.

Registration Fee

  • Members: $375
  • Non-members: $400

More information, including the draft conference agenda, will soon be available on the 2024 OACES Spring Conference page.

If you have booking or registration questions, please email events@oregoncounties.org or call 503-585-8351.

Yamhill County Wins National Award for Emulsion Excellence

During its 51st annual meeting, which was held last month in Palm Harbor, Fla., the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA) recognized Yamhill County Road Department staff for a chip seal project completed during 2023.

Along with Yamhill County, staff from Sierra Santa Fe Corporation and Albina Asphalt received the AEMA Past Presidents Award for Emulsion Excellence for their work on the 2023 Baker Creek Road Scrub Seal Project, a three-mile contracted double chip seal. The project was unique with the first lift being a scrub seal using PMRE emulsion oil with 3/8-#4 chip aggregate, followed the same day with a PMCRS-2H standard emulsion chip seal again using 3/8-#4 chip seal aggregate. The project engineer was Yamhill County's Greg Haffner, with work performed by Sierra Santa Fe Corporation and emulsion oil provided by Albina Asphalt.

(from second to left:) Kevin Jeffers, Albina Asphalt; Greg Haffner, Yamhill County; and Parker Zimmerly, Sierra Santa Fe Corporation receive, the AEMA Past President Award for Emulsion Excellence Feb. 22 in Palm Harbor, Fla. Haffner was the project engineer, while the work was performed by Sierra Santa Fe Corporation with emulsion oil provided by Albina Asphalt.

Presented annually, the AEMA Past President Award for Emulsion Excellence recognizes a project using asphalt emulsions completed in the last calendar year, which utilized the right materials and application for the pavement lifecycle with minimal environmental impact while employing AEMA best practices.

Congratulation to Yamhill County, Sierra Santa Fe Corporation, and Albina Asphalt!

USDOT Funding Opportunities

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) regularly publishes Notice for Funding Opportunities (NOFO) as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). Current open funding grants include:

Technical assistance resources:

Please contact AOC County Road Program Director Brian Worley with any questions about USDOT grant funding opportunities.

TGM Planning Grant Pre-Applications Now Open

The Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) Program is excited to announce that it is now accepting pre-applications for 2024 TGM Planning Grants.

TGM Planning Grants provide planning resources to help Oregon jurisdictions address transportation, land use, and growth management issues in their communities.

Pre-application Process

Pre-applicants are asked to submit a short paragraph describing the local issue and desired outcome. A TGM staff member will contact each pre-applicant to discuss project ideas, assist with submitting a qualifying grant project application, and identify other resources.

The pre-application period ends April 1, 2024. The formal 2024 TGM Grant application period opens May 6, 2024 and runs through July 31, 2024.

Click here to complete you pre-application form.

If you have questions about the application process, please contact Elizabeth Ledet (ODOT) at 503-986-3205 or Bill Holmstrom (DLCD) at 971-375-5975.

Oregon Community Paths Program to Host Webinars this Spring, Grant Applications Open Later this Year

As part of the 2024 solicitation of the Oregon Community Paths Program, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is offering two upcoming webinars to discuss and answer questions about the program, which supports investments in multiuse paths that are not part of a roadway.

Webinars will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on the following dates:

  • Thursday, April 11
  • Thursday, May 9

To register for a webinar, please contact alan.l.thompson@odot.oregon.gov.

Other Key Dates

For questions or more information, please visit the Oregon Community Paths Program page or contact Program Manager Alan Thompson at 971-375-3903.

ODOT Carbon Reduction Program Grants Return Spring 2024

Transportation projects in Oregon that reduce greenhouse gas emissions have another opportunity in 2024 to get a funding boost from the federal Carbon Reduction Program.

About $12 million is available in 2024 for eligible projects in small urban and rural areas of Oregon with populations of 200,000 people or less.

The application window runs March 1 - May 31. Eligible applicants are counties, cities, tribal governments, and local and state transportation agencies.

A full list of 2023's awarded projects can be viewed here.

Visit ODOT's Carbon Reduction Program webpage to learn more about the program and how to apply for funding. For questions, please contact Climate Program Coordinator Rye Baerg at 503-798-0589.

Now Open: Applications for Oregon DEQ 2024 Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grants Program

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is providing approximately $8 million in grant funding for diesel equipment owners to replace older and more polluting diesel engines with new, cleaner technologies and exhaust control retrofits. The Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grants Program is designed to help address health and environmental impacts from diesel emissions in Oregon.

Business, government, and tribal diesel equipment owners across the state are invited to apply for funding for projects that reduce diesel emissions. Visit the DEQ Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grants program web page to:

Owners of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles requiring retrofits under DEQ’s Diesel Retrofit Compliance Program may also apply for funding to support the installation of diesel particulate filters. In addition, non-road equipment and fleet owners (i.e., those with diesel-powered machinery or vehicles involved in construction), may also be interested in applying for a diesel emissions grant. If the project is awarded funding, it will improve the emissions profile for pursuing certification under DEQ’s upcoming Diesel Emissions Identification Program.

Deadline: Submissions must be received by DEQ no later than 5 p.m., Thursday, May 30, 2024.

For more information on Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grants, please contact Gerik Kransky, DEQ program manager.


Registration Now Open for the 2024 Oregon Active Transportation Summit

The Street Trust's 2024 Oregon Active Transportation Summit will be held Wednesday, June 5 through Friday June 7 at the Leftbank Annex in Portland. The theme for this year's summit is Move Oregon Forward!

Registration is now open. This year's summit includes a myriad of presentations, workshops, and field trips to bring attendees together to problem-solve and build community. Participants should expect a full schedule of fun and interesting activities.

For more information, please visit the Oregon Active Transportation Summit page.

PNW Bridge Maintenance Conference, April 30 - May 2

The Pacific Northwest Bridge Maintenance Conference will be held Tuesday, April 30 through Thursday, May 2 at the Seaside Civic & Convention Center.

The conference is open to all local, state, federal, and other agency bridge owners involved in bridge maintenance activities. Click here to to learn more about this year's conference, register, and view the conference agenda.

There is a limited number of scholarships available to assist attendees with financial support. To apply for a scholarship, please click here.

To learn more about this year's conference, please visit the Pacific Northwest Bridge Maintenance Conference webpage.

New FHWA Resource Highlights Proven Safety Countermeasure Applications on Rural Roads

The Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Focus on Reducing Rural Roadway Departures (FoRRRwD), is an Every Day Counts initiative that encourages the systemic application of Proven Safety Countermeasures (PSCs), designed to help keep vehicles in their travel lanes, reduce the potential for crashes, and decrease the severity of crashes that do occur.

Despite the progress made by states to implement FoRRRwD, over 83,000 people died on rural roadways between 2017 and 2021. In addition, during this same time period, 56 percent of roadway departure fatalities occurred in rural areas. To help reduce the number of rural roadway fatalities, FHWA recently published Proven Safety Countermeasures in Rural Communities (FHWA-SA-24-005), a useful resource for communities to help save lives by focusing on roadway departures, intersections, pedestrians, bicyclists, or speed management.

This helpful compendium includes an overview of each proven safety countermeasure (PSC), considerations for rural applications, crash reduction effectiveness, and case studies. This document also features an easy-to-use reference table that allows practitioners to quickly evaluate the PSC based on other factors, such as relative cost and typical service life. 

For questions or more information on FoRRRwD please contact FHWA Office of Safety Program Manager Michael Matzke at 202-366-1331.

New FHWA Local-Aid Trainings Now Available Online

The Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Local Aid Support (LAS) team continues to expand its catalog of online training resources designed for local government and tribal transportation professionals. The courses are available at no cost, but registration is required for regular access to the courses, as well as for generating certificates upon completion. 

Take transportation training anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace. New topics include:

To access all available trainings, please visit the FHWA Local Aid Support Online Training Library. If there are topics of interest not listed on the webpage, please email the FHWA Local Aid Support team with your suggestions.

Join NACE 2024 in Palm Springs, April 15-18

Join your colleagues nationwide at the National Association of County Engineers (NACE) Conference and Annual Meeting in Palm Springs, Calif., April 15-18!

Registration is now open.

OACES hopes to have a strong Oregon delegation attending NACE this year. If you or your county need financial support to attend, you are encouraged to apply or nominate fellow OACES members for the Education & Leadership Scholarship Program.

County Engineering, Road Department, and Surveyor Jobs

The AOC job posting page provides counties and other government organizations with a platform to advertise job opportunities while also providing a resource for job seekers looking for a new challenge.

Current engineering, road department, and surveyor postings include:

Find out more specifics for each position and how to apply on the AOC jobs postings page. If you have an open job listing to post for your county, please contact jobs@oregoncounties.org.

In The News

Newsletters of Interest:

County Road Program Director

Legislative Director

Transportation Policy Analyst

Malea Stockton

Member Services and Education Coordinator

Robert Yde

IT Trainer and Communications Coordinator

IRIS Support