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Dear Eddy,

Welcome to your weekly Wednesday digest of social care news curated by OACP.

In this week's edition:

In this week's edition:

  • DHSC health and care visa reforms webinars
  • New analysis: most care homes closed by industry regulator are run for-profit
  • Disclosure and Barring Service Spring Conference on Tuesday 30 April
  • As always, please let us know if you are looking for something and can't find it.

We're here to help.

Eddy McDowall, CEO, OACP

Oxfordshire Care Awards 2024 Inspiration for All!

Click here to nominate !

Save the Date...

The Awards this year will take place on

Monday 17 June 2024 at the VOCO Oxford Thames Hotel

Henley Road, Sandford-on-Thames, Oxford OX4 4GX.

This uplifting and joyous event reinforces the work and dedication of all those who make a difference to the ‘real lives’ in their care every day!

Awards Timetable

  • Award categories and entry terms now published on the OACP website
  • Friday 26 April 2024: Award nominations entries cut-off date
  • Friday 3 May 2024: Award nominations collation of entries
  • Friday 31 May 2024: Award nominee shortlist published on the OACP website
  • Monday 17 June: Oxfordshire Care Awards at the VOCO Oxford Thames Hotel

All enquiries to

Oxfordshire Care Awards 2024 winners will be entered into the

Great British Regional Care Awards 2024

Celebrating outstanding Adult Social Care across Oxfordshire!

Oxfordshire provider networks | up next...

OACP Learning Disability network - for services for people with learning disability/ autism/ ABI

OACP Home Care network - for CQC registered home care, extra care and live-in care providers

OACP-OCA Care Home network - for CQC registered residential and nursing homes

  • Wednesday 10 April 2024, 2 - 3 pm, via Teams

Safeguarding Quarterly [with Oxfordshire County Council and OSAB]

Trusted Assessor Services

The Oxfordshire Trusted Assessor Service provides support Monday - Friday at the John Radcliffe Hospital.

We take referrals on:

  • local authority funded care home placements
  • self-funders seeking a care home placement
  • self-funders seeking a home care package
  • complex local authority funded home care packages

To contact the Service:

Buckinghamshire Trusted Assessor pilot

Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust have commissioned a 6-month pilot Trusted Assessor Service with funding from Buckinghamshire Council.

Two Trusted Assessors working with patients who are usually resident at Fremantle Care Homes (largest care provider in Buckinghamshire). The Trusted Assessors will manage communication and information flow between the Patient, the Care Home and the Ward to ensure patients move through the system quickly and effectively.

The pilot will run through until the end of March.

Local News

Find more local resources and EVENTS!

Oxfordshire County Council | County awarded £3.6 million to triple public electric vehicle charging provision by 2025

Oxfordshire will receive £3.6 million to triple its number of public electric vehicle (EV) chargers after the county’s Local EV Infrastructure (LEVI) bid was approved.

Read more here

Oxfordshire County Council has released details of its uplift for 2024-25.

If you haven't received your letter, please let us know.

Funding Nursing Care

The rate paid to care homes for NHS-FNC will increase by 7.4% for 2024 to 2025.

The standard weekly rate per person eligible for NHS-funded nursing care will increase from £219.71 to £235.88 from 1 April 2024.

No news yet of CHC funding uplift.

Oral health mini series

Delivered by Community Dental Services and Oxfordshire County Council public health

Multiply is a Government 3-year programme aimed at upskilling adults 19yrs+ to level 2 Maths in order to improve employment prospects

Do you know if any of your staff would be interested in attending free 2 hour engagement sessions. They must be learners who are 19 years and over and resident in Oxfordshire, and have less than Grade C at GCSE.

Students have to be resident in the UK for a minimum of 6 months to qualify. Hong Kong nationals are not eligible.

Download the flyer

Local open frameworks

We have summarised the latest information and links to current Oxfordshire County Council frameworks open for bidding here.

Your support to overseas recruitment

DHSC webinars on reforms to Health & Care visa - choose one from two

Your national resources are here via SESCA International Recruitment hub

Your local support directory is here on the OACP website


REACT Mental Health | 90 minutes, online, free training

To support wellbeing conversations in your teams and communities - open to social care staff

BOB ICS | Digital Transformation Funding Extension - Action Needed Now

The digital transformation funding opportunity has now been extended to support you to transition from paper to Digital Social Care Records (DSCR).

One-off grant payments are available to providers who fulfil the following criteria:

  • Adult social care provider
  • CQC registered
  • Located and registered within BOB ICB’s footprint. Use this link to see if you are within the footprint: Find your ICS and Partners
  • Moving from paper care records to digital care records
  • Implementing a system from the assured supplier list before April 2024: Assured Supplier List
  • Retrospective grant funding for a system already purchased (Post April 2022) is also available

Next steps

To register your interest, please complete this Expression of Interest form (form will download automatically from link), complete and email it to

Expression of Interest forms need to be submitted as soon as possible.

The funding pot is finite but we do not want you to miss out on this opportunity.

You will be fully supported through the grant fund application process. If you would like any assistance with completing the paperwork, please email and we can set up a convenient time to assist you.

No closing date provided by BOB ICS

National news

DHSC | £20 million boost for adult social care and unpaid carers

People in adult social care and unpaid carers will benefit from a £20 million boost to fund innovative projects across the country, as the government continues to deliver on its vision for social care reform.

The Accelerating Reform Fund will expand community-based care models such as Shared Lives, a service that matches people aged 16 and above with approved carers..

Read more here

DHSC | 4D tech to prevent falls to be rolled out in social care settings

4D imaging technology which can prevent falls and automatically alert carers to a medical issue could soon be rolled out in more care homes across England.

Whzan Guardian, a UK-developed technology, is a monitoring system that uses 4D mapping technology to track people’s movement around the house and detect falls through sensors placed around the home.

Read more here

University of Oxford | New analysis: most care homes closed by industry regulator are run for-profit

A new analysis led by researchers at the University of Oxford and funded by the Nuffield Foundation has found that virtually all care homes forced to close in England by the Care Quality Commission are run on a for-profit basis. The results were published on 18 March in The Lancet Healthy Longevity.

Read more here

The Disclosure and Barring Service is hosting its Spring Conference on Tuesday 30 April – a free virtual event open to everyone with an interest in safeguarding.

DBS supports employers to make safer recruitment decisions by processing and issuing criminal record checks and by maintaining the Adults’ and Children’s Barred Lists.

You will be able to join all six webinars throughout the day, or choose any specific ones you are most interested in.

To keep up to date with announcements, and to view details of the webinars, click on the LinkedIn page, DBS Spring Conference 2024, follow the page and turn on the page notifications at the top of the page.

The sessions will be available after the conference via this page on LinkedIn and on a separate landing page for the benefit of non-LinkedIn users.

If you have any queries, please email the team at

CQC portal update

It's not just you, but many Members contacted us last week to say that they have been unable to set up their new account on the CQC portal.

CQC say they are working quickly to resolve these issues and will be in touch to let you know when they're fixed.

For now, if you haven't been able to sign up to the new portal you can continue to submit notifications to CQC via email.

The Better Hiring Institute has released a Toolkit on Tackling Hiring Fraud, a collaboration between BHI members and expert organisations working to mitigate the risks posed by fraudsters and unsuitable individuals attempting to gain employment dishonestly.

You can find the guidance on the Better Hiring Institute by clicking here.

Capacity Tracker Care Find

The ability for all Care Home providers to create their unique public profile is now available in Capacity Tracker.

What are the benefits of CareFind to providers?

CareFind is a Free website available to all ASC Care Home providers to promote their Care Home services and Room Availability to the public. 

Over 1,000 providers have already registered for a session which are dedicated to providing support and guidance in helping to create their public profile. The sessions also give providers the opportunity to ask any questions and understand the benefits of engaging with CareFind.

To secure your training space click click here for dates

Ahead of attending a training session we recommended that you review and update your existing information in Capacity Tracker – see the list of recommended updates in Tasks to Complete Ahead of Training: Training and Events - Resource Centre - Capacity Tracker

Please contact the Capacity Tracker Support Team for help in completing your Public Profile 0191 691 3729 or

Compelling reasons for YOU to join OACP...

  • Engagement | Representation | Voice

  • Bespoke support and troubleshooting

  • A direct route from local to national connecting your voice to DHSC and Government

  • Commercial offers including buying discounts and advice

  • Get closer to the action: stand for the OACP Board

  • Demonstrate your Membership: a logo for your website and email signatures

  • Follow us on social media and we'll promote your activity

Join us here >>>

OACP has partnered with the Institute of Health and Social Care Management to provide development and networking opportunities for managers.

If you would like to take advantage of your OACP Membership offer with IHSCM, please contact us for your password to access their services.

IHSCM have put together a quick promo video for you just giving a bit of an introduction to your FREE membership with IHSCM.

ALL managers who work for you will be able to access these opportunities for free.

If you're not sure if your organisation is eligible as an OACP Member, please contact us.

OACP, BCA and BCPA working together for you

Care Association Alliance | our big family

We are part of the largest national care association, the Care Association Alliance, with over 6,000 members across England.

This informs us of current concerns, we can source potential solutions on behalf of you and it helps inform our local communications.

Consistent, quality information

We mail out once a week on a Wednesday, so you know when to look out for it.

These updates will provide summary advice on emerging issues and signpost providers to government and other statutory agency advice as needed.


We are always keen to hear from YOU. If you have anything you would like to share with provider colleagues, please send to the usual address.

OACP Member offers | OACP works with the following suppliers to bring you market insight, quality products and expert advice.

Contact them today...quote 'OACP'

Available to ALL Oxfordshire care providers.

Spectrum is a well-established buying consortium for the Care Sector.

Sourcing discounts with major suppliers for members since 1992.

Find out more about Spectrum

Or contact

Whatever your goals, Citation will help your business to succeed with unrivalled HR and Health & Safety support and expertise for small and medium-sized business.

10% off your first contract as an OACP Member.

Find out more

The home of efficient care home management

Every care home business is unique. We understand that. CoolCare4 is designed by experts who know how care home users need their software to work. As a result, our system is simple and intuitive with helpful functions, which fit seamlessly into the operation of your care home.

Software features include all core aspects of care home business admin. From occupancy management to time and attendance, rostering and invoicing, CoolCare does it.

Find out more about coolcare

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Log My Care is accredited by NHSX as an Assured Supplier for Digital Social Care Records.

Fancy a chat? We’re just a click away

The platform for outstanding care management.

Our platform gathers insights to help you allocate resources and speed up your day-to-day tasks, so you can focus more on those in need.

Easy and intuitive, it can be used in any setting, without the need for extensive training. Designed alongside support workers and service users, it's the platform of choice for enriching the lives of everyone in care.

Person Centred Software’s Mobile Care Monitoring is the most widely-used digital care management system in the UK, and the most widely referred software provider within social care.

Over 3,000 care providers using Mobile Care Monitoring.

Get your membership paid for with your first contract.

PCS is an Assured Supplier for Digital Social Care Records.

RWK Goodman LLP is the preferred legal supplier for advice to the care sector in Oxfordshire

Find out more

National Partners with Care Association Alliance

Working in partnership

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Adult Social Care provider pages

Social Care Provider Engagement Hub

Keep in touch

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Please tell colleagues and pass on this newsletter.

Or contact us with colleague details who would like to be on the mailing list.

Remember to update us if you're moving on.

Our strength is your involvement.

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