Love God. Love neighbor.
The only thing that counts is faith
working through love. Gal. 5:6
News in a Nutshell -- Week of Feb. 17, 2021
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17 -- 2 Services
Noon and 5:00 p.m., OAPC Parking Lot

These will be brief Ash Wednesday services, with COVID-19 protocols
in place, similar to the Outdoor Sunday Prayer services.
Please wear masks and observe social distancing.
Individuals will distribute ashes to themselves and to their family members.
Please bring your chair(s) and dress appropriately for the weather.

In case of rain, an ash station will be set up beside the parking lot, under the walkway along the Christian Education Building, or in the Welcome Center for individual/personal ash distribution.

If you aren't comfortable attending an in-person service,
this link from PC (USA) provides several worship alternatives.
Devotions for Lent
PC (USA) has done a fabulous job of providing devotions this year. See a few options below.

Presbyterian Outlook -- Deepen your Journey through Lent . . . by praying Scripture as a way of discerning God’s movement in our personal lives and in the life of the world around us:
A week of daily devotionals will be emailed by Mondays.
Week 1 -- click here, begins Ash Wed.

Presbyterian Mission Agency -- The Way to Shalom, A Journey to Peace and Wholeness . . . How can we receive this gift of shalom and, in turn, bestow it upon the world?

Presbyterians for Earth Care -- 2021 Lenton Devotional . . . an invitation to join in with the voices crying out for justice, mercy, and love, to join in the reimagining that is needed to build the new Jerusalem of our dreams.

Feb. 21, 2021
1st Sunday in Lent

11:00 a.m. Live Stream Worship
On Feb. 21, the Worship service
will be live streamed from the Sanctuary.
Only those participating in the service will be in the Sanctuary.
These are not in-person gatherings. 

You may view or print these links to assist in your worship experience:

Live Stream:

The Outdoor Prayer Service has been moved to one hour earlier
to accommodate these services.

10:00 a.m. Outdoor Prayer Service -- OAPC Parking Lot*
30-45 minutes -- child friendly and casual
It's supposed to be sunny! However, it may be chilly; please dress accordingly.

*Weather permitting -- we are not able to meet indoors as a rain backup.
The increase of positive tests and cases of COVID-19
has necessitated a pause in our indoor services.
Feb. 28, 2021
On Feb. 28, we return to Outdoor Prayer Service at 11 a.m.,
with pre-recorded Worship at 11 a.m.,
which may be streamed through the links above.
Sun., Feb. 21, 1:30 p.m.
Presbytery-wide Discussion of this book.
Livestreamed on Facebook, click here.
Join Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 980 6615 1107
Passcode: 547678

If you are accessing this email by a mobile phone, you may
call in using One Tap mobile
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OR Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

You are encouraged to join those from the OAPC study groups who will be participating.
Having read the book is not a prerequisite for attending.
Want to read the book? Find it on Amazon in multiple formats. ($11)
OAPC Disciples Against Racism Book Study,
Mondays, 4-5 p.m. Everyone welcome!
OAPC is participating in the Presbytery-wide book reading of "So You Want to Talk About Race" by Ijeoma Oluo. Every Monday from 4-5 p.m., a group meets online to discuss this book,
along with instances of racism we encounter in our daily lives.
To receive the Zoom link, email: [email protected].

Providence Presbytery Small Group Book Study, Thursdays, 7:00 p.m.,
• Build relationships with people of diverse racial ethnicities.
• Use this book to stimulate discussions about race and race relations.
Allow discussions to be as in depth as the group wants to take it - flexibility.
• Promote continuing relationships beyond reading and discussing this book.
• Increase awareness of how to explore actionable steps for eradicating racism in this country.
Sign up by emailing: Fred Smith – [email protected],
Susan Smith – [email protected], or Linda Kennedy – [email protected].
Preschool and Elementary, Sun., Feb. 21, 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Preschool: GOD IS LOVE - “We LOVE because he first loved us.” I John 4:19
Elementary: LOVE ONE ANOTHER - “’I give you a new commandment:
Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other.’” John 13:34

Families with preschool and elementary-age children are cordially invited to celebrate God’s love for us on the front lawn of OAPC. We will create art, play games, sing songs, and read stories about the love God offers us, as well as answer Jesus’s call to share that love with others through a mini-service project. Please bring a blanket or chairs for your family and wear your masks (ages 3 and up). We hope to see you there! Questions? [email protected].

Dimes for Hunger -- Feb. 1 - March 3
Food Pantries have remained open during the time of COVID-19;
some have even been delivering food to those without transportation.
The many agencies that receive our dimes do not want people to be hungry during the pandemic, but they need our help. What would Jesus do?
He would give them something to eat. Let us follow Christ’s example.
Thank you for contributing to the Dimes for Hunger Offering;
every dime makes a difference.
Community Vaccination Clinic
Information was emailed on Sunday indicating individuals could contact Mayor Gettys' office directly. This would add a layer to the process and could result in a delay -- instead -- please follow the instructions below!

Vaccinations are by appointment only.

Community Vaccination Clinic Call Center: 803-980-2684
SCDHEC Care Line: 1-855-4-SCDHEC (1-855-472-3432)
A Big Thank You from HOP!
Thanks to all of our great OAPC cooks who brought baked goodies for HOP this month! We had brownies, cupcakes, bundt cakes, gingerbread, brookies, blondies, and so many delicious looking, beautiful cookies! The desserts were WELL received by our HOP neighbors! Thank you, again! We will be preparing and delivering our next HOP meal on Sun., March 7.
Report on Congregational Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the church went very well last Sun., Feb. 7.
We elected a Nominated Committee.
We voted to sell the Activities Center to HOPE of Rock Hill.
We received the 2021 budget, and approved the recommended
Terms of Call for our pastors.

Thanks to everyone who helped make this a great meeting!
Click here for a link to the video if anyone wants to watch.

OAPC's Annual Report is available here.
Compassionate Care Fund
The Compassionate Care Fund has been part of OAPC’s ministry for over 30 years. It has been used to assist people in financial crises, helping pay for rent, gas, electricity, medicine, and other necessities. 
The CCF is funded by loose offerings given during worship. Since we no longer pass the offering plate, and because needs have multiplied rapidly, the CCF has shrunk considerably.
You can give to this Fund online at Click on a Donate button on the upper right. You can also give through the Church Life App (click on lines in top left corner; then “Give;” then
“Select a fund”.) You may also send a check to the church office. 
Thank you for your generosity.
American Red Cross Blood Drive, Mon., March 8, 2021
2:00 - 6:30 p.m., OAPC Activities Center, 504 Oakland Ave.
Volunteers and Donors are always welcome!

Please email Chris Williamson if you can assist.
You may sign up for an appointment to donate blood here.
Middle and High School Youth
Purpose Collection -- Sundays
Feb. 21, 11:00 a.m. In Person, OAPC Parking Lot,
or 7:00-7:30 p.m., via Zoom*
A 4-week series on the topic of purpose. Purpose is a word often used by many popular Christian influences and pastors, cultural icons, and entrepreneurs. Finding your purpose has become one of the most popular messages our society tells young people. The problem comes with the pressure to live up to that standard. Becoming the next “big deal” sometimes puts a weight on us that we aren’t meant to bear. This series is designed to help youth navigate God’s purpose for their life and give them practical steps on how to be influencers for the Kingdom of God.
Join us on Sundays -- by Zoom, 7-7:30 p.m.:;
or in-person gatherings (masks required), OAPC parking lot.
On Feb. 28, the in-person gathering will meet at 11:30 a.m.

Illuminating Lent
Wed., Feb. 17, 7:00-7:30 p.m.
This week we have a special Zoom session dedicated to helping youth grasp the concept of Lent.
We are putting a pause on our study of the book of John until next week. Join us this Ash Wednesday, from 7:00-7:30 p.m. Our hope is to help youth understand the purpose of Lent, explain some of the history behind it, and discuss the Upward, Inward, Downward, and Forward components of Lent. Luke will be using the "Being Reformed: Faith Seeking Understanding, Illuminating Lent" booklet by the Presbyterian Mission Agency, as a reference. If you would like an opportunity to read the booklet for yourself, please let him know, so he can get a copy to you. Here is the Zoom link for Wednesday night

On Feb. 24, at 7:00 p.m., we resume studying the book of John.
Family-to-Family Course --
help for those with a loved one with a mental health condition.
Saturdays, Feb. 27 - April 17, 9:30 - noon, through Zoom Pro
NAMI Piedmont Tri-County is offering a FREE evidence-based, Family-to-Family Course for the faith community. This is an 8-session course delivered virtually, starting on
Sat. Feb. 27, 9:30-noon. So many families are already affected by a loved one
with a mental health condition, but the pandemic has made mental health
a priority for those struggling in our families.

Click here for a flyer with additional information.
  • Pre-registration is required. Class size is limited to 15 people.
  • Login details will be sent after registration. 
  • Contact Monica Hearn at [email protected] 

Word@Hand Bible App -- Steps Into Lent Journal
If you'd like another Lenten resource, presented by PC (USA) through Presbyterians Today, please click here for more information. Get your free Steps Into Lent Journey for Ash Wednesday, when you create your Word@Hand account and download their app.
Holy COW! Rehearsals Have Resumed
Wednesdays, 5:45 p.m., via ZOOM
5:45-6:15 Combined Joyful Praise & Covenant Choirs

Due to the increase in positive tests and cases for COVID-19,
choirs will be rehearsing virtually until further notice.
The choirs will be combined while they are meeting through Zoom.
New participants should contact Lisa Gallagher at [email protected] for registration information and a ZOOM password.
Tech Help Needed for Sunday Mornings
When we return to Worship in the Sanctuary,
this will require lots of hands,
especially with technology --
recording, streaming, PowerPoint, etc.

Are you even a little tech savvy? Is God calling you to serve?
If so, please reply to: [email protected].
Coping with COVID-19 and Other Life Challenges
Your Congregational Care Committee has asked the Reverend Randy McSpadden, PCUSA pastor and Pastoral Counselor, to provide some
“Little Talks” on coping with the challenges of these stressful days,
drawing from the resources of our faith. 
A series of thoughtful words of encouragement --
1. Fear & Uncertainty, click here;
2. Fear and Anxiety, click here;
3. Depression, click here.
Church Office Hours, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
To reduce traffic into the main office,
many items may be picked up in the Welcome Center.

COVID-19 Guidelines:
All individuals entering any of the OAPC buildings
(or participating in an outdoor event) must follow these guidelines:
• Do not attend an in-person event if you are sick or are showing symptoms of any illness.
• Follow social distancing guidelines and stay at least 6-feet apart.
• Wear a cloth face covering that covers your nose and mouth in public settings
(this applies to all individuals over the age of 2).
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Text Message Giving is Fast and Easy
Text OAPC to 73256; click the link you receive, then complete
the amount, purpose and account information. Thank you for helping us serve this community and extended ministries through OAPC.
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Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church
421 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Office: Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m.