OARRS E-Newsletter
MARCH 2018
Dear OARRS User,

Over the past several years, the use of OARRS has increased significantly. In fact, a new report released by the Board of Pharmacy found that, since 2011, patient requests have increased by 4,900 percent.   With more than 88 million requests last year alone, OARRS has become an essential tool for its users in addressing Ohio’s opioid epidemic.   

In an effort to enhance communications between OARRS users and the Board of Pharmacy, we are pleased to introduce the first issue of our OARRS E-Newsletter. This newsletter, which will be disseminated regularly, is intended to provide relevant information to enhance your overall use of the system. This will be especially important as the Board is planning to add new features and tools to OARRS in 2018.

In addition to this newsletter, the Board is committed to creating new educational resources for OARRS users. We are already working on developing additional training materials to assist you in maximizing your OARRS experience. 

On behalf of the State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy, I thank you for your continued use of OARRS and hope you find this newsletter to be a valuable resource.


Steven W. Schierholt
Executive Director
State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy
Update on the Prescriber Practice Report
If you are an Ohio prescriber, you may have recently received a personalized PMP Prescriber Report which provides you with a snapshot of your prescribing of controlled substances from July 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. 

Please be advised that the report will be disseminated on a quarterly basis. OARRS users will be provided advanced notice by the Board via email prior to the dissemination of the next report.  

Below are some Frequently Asked Questions to help you make the most of the information that has been provided.

Q: How do I change my Healthcare Specialty if it appears to be incorrect?
A: Within the OARRS site, click your name (upper right corner), then click My Profile. You will find the option to change your Healthcare Specialty on this page.

Note: This initial round of reporting reflects the 2 nd level Healthcare Specialty. Future report deliveries will drill down to the 3 rd level Healthcare Specialty when appropriate, for example: Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians > Family Medicine > Hospice and Palliative Medicine represents 3 Healthcare Specialty levels. For purposes of peer group comparisons from this example, this round of reporting utilized Family Medicine. Future rounds would utilize Hospice and Palliative Medicine for peer group comparisons.

Q: Why didn’t I receive a prescriber report?
A: For a prescriber report to be sent, you must choose a specialty in your OARRS profile. Within the OARRS site, click your name (upper right corner), then click My Profile. You will find the option to change your Healthcare Specialty on this page.

Q: What if I have multiple Healthcare Specialties selected?
A: The Prescriber Rep ort will compare your prescribing activity against other prescribers who share the same primary Healthcare Specialty. On the My Profile page, your primary Healthcare Specialty is designated by a star icon in the upper left.

Q: How can I view a list of my prescriptions that were included in my Prescriber Report?
A: Within the OARRS site ( https://ohio.pmpaware.net/login ), click Menu, then click MyRx (under RxSearch). Enter the date range 07/01/2017 to 12/31/2017, and select the DEA number associated with your Prescriber Report. This will allow you to see a full list of prescriptions that were included within the Prescriber Report metrics.

Q: What if I believe that there is an error on my MyRx prescription history?
A: If you believe that one or more of these prescriptions are incorrect, you may contact the dispensing pharmacy for additional details about the prescription in question. If you believe that there may be fraudulent activity associated with your DEA registration, please contact the Board of Pharmacy at support@pharmacy.ohio.gov or 614-466-4143.
Integration of OARRS into EHR and Pharmacy Management Systems Available
In October 2015, the Board of Pharmacy announced that it will integrate OARRS directly into approved electronic health record (EHR) and pharmacy management systems. This integration initiative is intended to provide Ohio prescribers and pharmacists with immediate access to OARRS to promote patient safety and assist in clinical decision making.

Integration is available to all Ohio providers at no-cost. To learn more about this initiative, please visit the integration page of the OARRS website at www.pharmacy.ohio.gov/integration .

We believe that this is an important opportunity to deliver a more efficient prescription drug monitoring program for your use, and encourage you to sign-up today

For additional information on the integration readiness status of specific EHR or pharmacy management systems vendors, please click here .
OARRS Annual Report: Opioid Prescribing in Ohio Down Nearly 30 Percent in 2017
The State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy released the 2017 Ohio Automated Rx Reporting System (OARRS) Annual Report. The report shows continued progress in reducing the supply of prescription opioids.

Between 2012 and 2017, the total number of opioids dispensed to Ohio patients decreased by 225 million doses or 28.4 percent. The report finds an 88 percent decrease in the amount of people engaged in the practice of doctor shopping since 2012. Additionally, the use of OARRS continues to break records, with more than 88 million patient reports requested last year; or an increase of 4,900 percent since 2011. 

An executive summary of the report can be accessed here: www.pharmacy.ohio.gov/Summary2017

The complete 2017 OARRS Annual Report can also be accessed by visiting: www.pharmacy.ohio.gov/OARRS2017

Updated county level data for 2017 can be accessed by visiting: www.pharmacy.ohio.gov/county