Greetings Everyone:
I have recently returned to New Orleans from Washington, D.C. where I participated in the March for Life and met with some of our national leaders in the Black Catholic community. While in DC, I was privileged to say Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in the Our Mother of Africa Chapel. I was joined by Dr. RaeNell Houston, her husband, Leon, Ms. Ingrid Fields, and her son, Kenya. It was a beautiful experience to offer the sacrifice in our chapel.
We also had the privilege to go to the National African American History and Culture Museum. All I can say is wow! The staff of the museum did an excellent job curating the exhibit and displaying our history. It is an excellent opportunity for families to take an inter-generational trip and experience this beautiful sight. Dr. Houston, Ms. Fields and I are working on some collaborative opportunities between our two offices focused around race and the Dignity of Human Life. So, for us this was an opportunity for research and planning. I am very grateful that we were able to take the time for this experience.
I want to remind everyone about The Sankofa Day of Reflection. The Day of Reflection will be held on February 17th at St. Mary's Academy. Please be sure to get your registrations into the office. We will be discussing the finalized Pastoral Plan of Action from the National Black Congress. The link is
ere. We encourage all those who attended the National Black Catholic Congress to attend and we also encourage all our clergy to attend. The registration form is
here. Please call the office with any questions.
As you are browsing the date section of the email please know that anything in gold is a link and you can get more information to share with your friends, family and parishioners. We want to make sure that we are keeping everyone informed of what is going in our community and in the Archdiocese.
Lastly, any parish that would like to get sets of the posters of those on the Road to Sainthood for Black History Month or prayer cards should contact the office. We have a few sets of the posters available and some prayer cards. Alecia can help you with any of your needs. If you would like to use the bulletin inserts as well for Black History Month you can find the links below.
Blessings to you,
Fr. Daniel