Session Summary
Bob Snyder
Clerk of Session
At the Stated Session meeting on November 19, 2024, the Session:
· Discussed ongoing changes to the Church’s website that Elder Nancy Huff is leading.
· Approved the Transition Team's recommendation to extend the interim pastor's contract through December 31, 2025. The financial terms of the contract remain essentially the same as the current contract which expires in June 2025.
· Examined and unanimously approved the ordination of Becky Lofton-Desanto.
· Discussed the congregational listening sessions using the “Animal Farm” assessment tool that were completed on November 20th. Janet Sockwell is compiling the notes and data from those meetings and will provide them to the Transition Team, and subsequently to the Session.
· Discussed options for Children’s Church with incoming Elder Lisa Rhodes to take the lead for developing options to present to the Session at the December 17th Stated Session Meeting.
· Considered the development of the 2025 budget, noting that there are still several outstanding pledges that we hope to receive. Also discussed the desirability of developing a preliminary budget earlier next year that can be used for the 2025 stewardship campaign.
· Approved sending 30 choir robes that the church no longer needs to churches in western North Carolina that are recovering from Hurricane Helene.
· Discussed measures to enhance security for the staff at the church.
· Discussed the progress being made to renovate the rental house, with the intention of having it ready to rent again by January 1, 2025.
· Discussed the preparations for the various services to be held during the Christmas season, including a Celtic Service for Wholeness to be held on December 29th.
· Approved the Fellowship Committee's recommendation to cancel the Christmas Luncheon on December 15 and replace it with an extended coffee hour.
· Approved the Fellowship Committee's recommendation to hold a tailgate party/chili cookoff during the Super Bowl on February 9, 2025.
· Approved a request from Dare County Ministerial Association to hold Lenten Lunches at OBPC from 12:00 – 1:00 pm on March, 5, March 12, March 19, March 26, April 2, April 9, and April 16.
· Approved a request from the Dare County Ministerial Association to use the church for their 2025 monthly meetings from 8:30 – 10:30 am (dates to be determined) through June.