OC San’s largest construction project to date is currently underway and it is quite the undertaking. The Headworks facility at Plant No. 1 in Fountain Valley, which is the first and main component of our treatment process, is being overhauled.
When wastewater enters the plant, it goes through a metering and diversion structure to monitor the temperature, pH, conductivity, and amount of flow. Bar screens rake out large debris such as rags and plastic bags. Grit chambers remove smaller materials such as eggshells and coffee grounds. Bar screens and grit chambers remove items that should not have gone down the drain in the first place. All of these components and several more will be rehabilitated and upgraded as part of this $222 million, 7-year construction project.
What makes this project, so complex is the necessity to detail in prescribed sequence each work activity while still maintaining the facility at all times. This is a big construction project. Any changes to how wastewater that comes into the treatment plant is routed or any system shutdowns, big, small, or temporary, need to be carefully coordinated with our 24/7 Operations staff to ensure there are no interruptions to the sewer service we provide to our customers and through the means in which we protect the environment