OCAABA Events/Opportunities

The Public Law Center's South East Asian Legal Outreach Program (SEALOP) provides free civil legal assistance at the BPSOS Center for Community Advancement, Inc., 13950 Milton Ave. Suite 301, Westminster, CA 92683.    
Clinics take place on the second Saturday of every month from 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. 
 If you are interested in volunteering, click on the links below or email Nathan Watanabe at nathan.watanabe@wsllplaw.com.    

Please join us for our annual Moon Festival Mixer and General Meeting on Friday, September 20th. This event provides a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones. Enjoy tasty food, beverages (including beer and wine), and moon cakes. The event is open to both attorneys and law students.
Email Alex Payne for sponsor information apayne@minyardmorris.com 
Logo_MM    Logo_OMM
for OCBA Secretary

Join OCAABA from 12:30-3:30 pm on Saturday, September 28 at Second Harvest Food Bank and help end hunger in Orange County!   
If you cannot attend, but would like to make a monetary donation,$1 can help provide the equivalent of 3 meals. Donate here   
If you would like to bring your own food donations to the event, the current, most-needed shelf-stable items are: peanut butter,  canned meat, canned fruit, and cereal (hot or cold). If you would like to make a food donation, but cannot attend, please email contactus@ocaaba.org.
Have News to Share?  
If you have news to share to our membership, please email contactus@ocaaba.org to include the news in our next newsletter.
Affiliate Events/Activities

Invitation to Participate in a Research Study Conducted by Arizona State University: Asian American Law School Grads
If you graduated with a J.D. degree from an ABA-accredited law school in the United States, identify as Asian American, and are at least 18 years old, you are
invited to participate in a study that is part of an undergraduate honors thesis, which seeks to explore the relationship between social and cultural capital and Asian Americans' experience in law school and post-graduation work in the legal field. 

Participation will involve completing an electronic survey, which may take approximately 30-45 minutes.
If this sounds like an interesting opportunity, please access the survey here: https://forms.gle/21xQAZvHBxQ5VRes5.  
For more information, please contact Yuhong (Emily) Su (Student at Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State University) yuhongsu@asu.edu or Dr. Kathryn Nakagawa at nakagawa@asu.edu.

DEADLINE September 15 -  VABASC: Liem H. Do & Associates Scholarship
Liem H. Do and Associates is offering a $5,000 scholarship to a deserving law student. The scholarship will be awarded at the Vietnamese American Bar Association of Southern California (VABASC) Installation Dinner, held on Saturday, October 26, 2019.  Please visit https://www.vabasc.org/installation-dinner for details about the dinner.
Applicants must be a VABASC member, and must submit:  1) a resume; 2) proof of enrollment at an ABA-accredited law school; and 3) a personal statement describing the applicant's achievements and why the applicant deserves the scholarship.  If you are not yet a member, it is not too late to join.  Please submit your materials to vabasc@gmail.com or visit www.vabasc.org

DEADLINE:  September 15, 2019

September 18 - OCWLA Women Judges Reception 
Orange County Women Lawyers Association (OCWLA) invites you to join them for an event celebrating and encouraging the advancement of women on the bench on Wednesday, September 18 at Chapter One Local in Santa Ana. Hosted appetizers, wine and beer will be served. 

September 23 - VLI Lawyers For Warriors    
Veterans Legal Institute (VLI) invites you to the Lawyers for Warriors annual event for an evening of fun, networking, wine, cigars, delectable appetizers, and surprises. For the past 4 years, Lawyers for Warriors has sold out, having a full room of over 250 Patriots who represent legal, medical, financial, military, and other professional industries. Proceeds from the evening will ensure that veterans can receive free legal services so they thrive.

This year's Lawyers for Warriors Event will be held on September 23 at 5:30 pm at the Center Club in Costa Mesa. They are presently signing up sponsors and accepting nominations for an honoree whose commitment to veterans reflects VLI's mission to provide pro bono legal assistance to homeless, at risk, disabled and low-income veterans that eradicates barriers to housing, education, employment and healthcare and fosters self-sufficiency.

OCTOBER 3 - U.S. Attorney's Office's Diversity Committee Presents "A Conversation With Mexican-American WWII Veterans"
The U.S. Attorney's Office's Diversity Committee will be hosting a Hispanic Heritage Month event "A Conversation With Mexican-American WWII Veterans" on October 3, 2019, at 2:30 p.m. in Courtroom 10A of the Federal Courthouse in Santa Ana. The Honorable Frederick Aguirre (ret.) will profile and moderate a panel discussion with Mexican-American WWII veterans, including fighter pilots. A reception with light refreshments will follow. Guests of Honor: Lt. Col. Henry Cervantes 1st Lt. Edward Lopez 1st Lt. Roberto Ruiz Joe O'Campo, U.S. Navy

Please RSVP by September 23 to vibhav.mittal@usdoj.gov.

October 4-5 NCVAA 13th Annual Conference Dallas, Texas  
Every year National Conference of Vietnamese American Attorneys (NCVAA) brings together Vietnamese-American judges, attorneys, government officials, and legal scholars from across the country to address issues and experiences of the Vietnamese legal community. Registration is now open for its 13th Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas October 4-5.

October 10 - Second Annual Ante Up For ELDR Casino Night 
The ELDR (Elder Law & Disability Rights) Center invites you to their second annual fundraiser! It's time to Ante Up for ELDR and support the critical work they do to close the justice gap. Enjoy a fun night of playing games and eating great food with great company, and repairing the world one person at a time!


October 10-12 CLA 2019 Annual Meeting 
With legal professionals attending from across the state, CLA's 2019 Annual Meeting delivers connection, industry insights, and innovative business solutions. Join CLA in Monterey, October 10-12 to fulfill CLE credits, build your network, and learn about the trends affecting the future of our industry.


October 17 - Advancing Justice-LA 36th Anniversary Dinner
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Los Angeles (Advancing Justice-LA), is pleased to announce that Governor Gavin Newsom will be accepting their Public Service Award at their 36th Anniversary Dinner on Thursday, October 17, 2019 at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles. Given his support of many policies that expand Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) access to state services and protect immigrant communities, he is helping to make California be a state for all.


October 26 - VABASC Installation & Awards Dinner
Vietnamese American Bar Association of Southern California (VABASC) invites you to their Installation & Awards Dinner on Saturday, October 26 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Santa Ana. Keynote Speaker: California Supreme Court Justice Goodwin Liu.

December 3-5 - Global Youth Justice Conference
Global Youth Justice invites you to their 1st Global Youth Justice Conference on Youth/Teen/Student/Peer Court and Peer Jury at the Tuscany Suites Resort in Las Vegas.  
This will be the largest gathering on youth justice professionals in 15-years with 25+ workshops; sessions, panels and presentations; 3 days of training, networking, fun and new friends; 50-resort rooms at $66.89 for friends and family of participants; opportunities to present, display, volunteer and more. Get involved w/the 2020-2030 Global Youth Justice Global Goals

Global Youth Justice, Inc. champions the expansion of youth justice and juvenile justice diversion programs called Youth/Teen/Peer/Student Court and Peer Jury.   


State of California OAG Opportunities  
The Office of the Attorney General is seeking to fill attorney positions throughout the State of California. Click the link below for a PDF listing of the most current Deputy Attorney General series vacancies. If you are interested in applying, postmark your application on or before the deadline. You can review the job announcements for each vacancy by clicking on the hyperlinks under the "Link" column. Click here (PDF)  
(Posted 8/30/19)     
University of California General Liability Program - Seeking Applications from Qualified Law Firms for Panel of Approved Defense Counsel 
The Regents of the University of California, Office of General Counsel and Office of Risk Services are conducting a Request for Proposals to select a limited number of preferred outside law firms to represent the University and its employees in litigation under its General Liability Program.  General liability claims exposure is covered by the University's General Liability Self-Insurance Program and typically involves third-party lawsuits alleging personal injuries (auto accidents, slip and fall, etc.), non-employee discrimination and harassment, ADA violations, libel, slander and invasion of privacy, appellate work and claims involving sexual violence/harassment/Title IX.  This recruitment does not include employment, medical malpractice or professional liability-related lawsuits or police misconduct.  Attached you will find a memorandum announcing the panel review seeking applications from qualified firms, along with the application. These materials are available online at http://www.ucop.edu/general-counsel/index.html. All applications and supporting material will be accepted through October 15, 2019, and must be submitted in 1 PDF via email to General.kq3s0kovpjszgz9l@u.box.com  
(Posted 8/29/19)      
City of Oakland Seeks Deputy City Attorney II or III Real Estate 
The City Attorney's Office seeks a seasoned real estate attorney with significant expertise in development and/or transactional aspects of real estate to fill the position of Deputy City Attorney II or III, depending on experience. Expertise in land use, redevelopment, economic development and municipal law is a plus.

The ideal candidate will fill a position in the City Attorney's Real Estate Unit and will advise the City's Real Estate Department on varied transactional work related to the sale, acquisition and lease of property; the City's Economic Workforce Development Department on varied work related to the development and other disposition of City property; or a combination of both, depending on qualifications. For more information and a full job announcement, click here (PDF).   
(Posted 8/9/19)      
Kutak Rock LLP Seeks Associate Attorney (Litigation) - Los Angeles/Orange County
Kutak Rock LLP, a national law firm, is looking for a litigation associate with 2-5 years' experience for its Los Angeles and/or Irvine offices with substantial experience in environmental, toxic tort and product liability litigation. Please submit resume and a writing sample when applying. Kutak Rock offers a collegial working environment with a competitive benefits package. Principals only. Recruiters, please do NOT contact us with unsolicited services or offers. Interested individuals should contact Miriam J. Blair | Administrative Coordinator for the Office of the Chair at Kutak Rock LLP Miriam.Blair@kutakrock.com
(Posted 8/6/19)  
San Diego District Attorney Seeks Deputy District Attorney I
Deputy District Attorney I is the first working-level class of the Deputy District Attorney series. Incumbents prepare and prosecute misdemeanor cases and preliminary felony hearings in the County's Judicial District courts. MORE INFO 
(Posted 8/5/19)  

PLC Pro Bono Case List The Public Law Center (PLC) has an ongoing (as of September 6, 2019) case list for individuals in need of pro bono representation. The PLC staff can answer any questions you may have related to your case to support you in your pro bono representation; locate a mentor to help you; supply you with samples and manuals (some case types excluded); provide translation support in Spanish and Vietnamese; and arrange for office space for you to meet with your client at PLC. For questions contact: Carlos Mojica at 714.541.1010. Visit the PLC website Volunteer page
Department of Justice Attorney Vacancies
 Click the link below for an updated list of current attorney vacancies at the United States Department of Justice. All interested applicants are encouraged to apply; however, please note that due to temporary funding restrictions the DOJ may not be able to fill all of the currently advertised positions.
To learn more about Justice and legal careers available, please visit the DOJ website at www.justice.gov/careers/legal/.
In addition, every year over 1,800 volunteer legal interns serve in DOJ components and U.S. Attorneys' Offices throughout the country. If you are a law student or know any law students who may be interested in a DOJ volunteer internship, please review the many opportunities featured at  



OCAABA | contactus@ocaaba.org | (949) 440-6700 x254 | www.ocaaba.org