OCAABA Events/Opportunities

The Public Law Center's South East Asian Legal Outreach Program (SEALOP) provides free civil legal assistance at the BPSOS Center for Community Advancement, Inc., 13950 Milton Ave. Suite 301, Westminster, CA 92683. (PLEASE NOTE NEW LOCATION.)   
OCAABA will host the SEALOP clinic on January 20th from 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. with future clinics for 2018 taking place on the second Saturday of every month from 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. 

Volunteer attorneys and Vietnamese-English translators are needed.
If you are interested in volunteering, use the links below or  
contact Nathan Watana be at nathan.watanabe@wsllplaw.com .

A list of cases will be e-mailed the week of the clinic to those interested in volunteering.  

Are you a diverse* law student committed to a career in public interest and social justice? The CBF along with various diversity bars wants to support you.
The CBF believes that a state as diverse as California needs a justice system led by advocates of all ethnicities and races. So every day, the CBF invests in bright, diverse scholars to ensure that they have the opportunity to become tomorrow's legal changemakers. Because righting historical wrongs in our courtrooms, classrooms, and beyond will allow us to truly deliver the original American value- justice for all. By supporting the brightest changelawyers of tomorrow as they begin their pursuit of a legal career, we eliminate the roadblocks that exist between them and success.

*Diversity includes a broad array of backgrounds and life experiences, including students from groups or with skills or attributes that are underrepresented in the legal profession, and specifically including students from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

A reminder all memberships expired on December 31st.
Current and new members can vis it the membership sign-up page to renew or sign up online. The online system allows you to pay by credit card or you can print an invoice to pay by check.
You can also download the application .
IMPORTANT: When renewing your membership with the Orange County Bar Association, please remember that you may designate $10 of your OCBA membership fee to OCAABA.

Have News to Share?  
If you have news to share to our membership, please email contactus@ocaaba.org to include the news in our next newsletter.
Judicial Appointments

November 2, 2017
Scott B. Cooper, 48, of Irvine
Andre De La Cruz, 42, of Fullerton
Katherine E. Lewis, 47, of Huntington Beach

December 22, 2017
Jeremy D. Dolnick, 45, of Ladera Ranch
David J. Hesseltine, 47, of Tustin
Affiliate Events

January 8th Deadline - Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP 2018 MTO Fellows Program
Applications are now open for the 2018 MTO Fellows Program. This program is an important initiative of Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP designed to encourage, promote and support a community of individuals who contribute to the diversity of the legal profession. The program is intended for individuals seeking to start law school in Fall 2019 (college juniors or seniors as of Spring 2018, or individuals who have already graduated). Application deadline: January 8, 2018 by 5:00 p.m. PT  
Click here to learn more about the 2018 MTO Fellows Program. 
January 10th - JAMS, FLOC and TMBA Present "Implicit Bias Involving Gender and Race"
You're invited to join a discussion and CLE on Implicit Bias Involving Gender and Race presented by JAMS in collaboration with the Filipino-American Lawyers of Orange County and Thurgood Marshall Bar Association. This discussion will explore how implicit bias related to gender and race can affect attorneys and clients during negotiation. Attorneys will learn how to overcome those challenges, maintain trust and rapport with clients and become more effective negotiators.

One Elimination of Bias CLE credit will be provided.

Featured JAMS Speakers:

January 13th - TMBA Scholarship Awards & Board Installation Dinner
The Thurgood Marshall Bar Association (TMBA) is having its first Scholarship Awards & Board Installation Dinner on January 13th. TMBA will be honoring Orange County Superior Court Judge Karen L. Robinson with their inaugural Legal Excellence Award.
They will Install the new board members for 2018-2019 and acknowledge their scholarship recipients who have been selected as Thurgood Marshall Bar Association's Law School Ambassadors for 2017-2018.
Guests will enjoy dinner, dancing and the opportunity to socialize with Orange County professionals at Chapman University - Dale E.  Fowler School of Law, 1 University Drive in Orange.

January 16th - OCCDL MCLE "Understanding - and Attempting to Address - Implicit Bias in the Workplace
The Orange County Coalition for Diversity in the Law ("OCCDL") invites you to a FREE lunch program on January 16th at the Pacific Club in Newport Beach. This training will help lawyers understand the biases that they each unconsciously have, what damage those biases wreak on the profession and one's own career, and manners in which a lawyer can overcome and/or address such bias. Registration is at 11:30 with the program from 12 to 1.

1.0 hour of Recognition and Elimination of Bias CLE (An application requesting MCLE credit for this activity is pending for approval by the State Bar of California.)

Space is limited. Please RSVP by January 12th.

January 17th - SABA-SC Chai Chat - Diversity on the Bench
The South Asian Bar Association of Southern California ("SABA-SC") is hosting a "chai chat" with the Hon. Jacqueline Nguyen (9th Cir.), the Hon. Shashi Kewalramani (CD Cal.), and the Hon. Neetu Badhan-Smith (LASC). Moderated by Apalla Chopra, Partner, O'Melveny & Myers.

The event is FREE and will take place Wednesday, January 17th from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. at O'Melveny and Myers, 400 S. Hope St., 18th Floor in Los Angeles.

January 18th - OCBA Judges' Night and Annual Meeting
Save the date for the Orange County Bar Association's ("OCBA") 2018 Judges' Night and Annual Meeting featuring the installation of Nikki P. Miliband, Esq. as 2018 OCBA President, as well as the installation of the OCBA Officers and Directors and the OCBA Charitable Fund Directors. A highlight of the evening will be the presentation of the Franklin G. West Award, the highest honor bestowed by the OCBA.     

January 19th - OCWLA Ethics MCLE "Dealing with Common Ethical Challenges in Workplace Investigations"
Orange County Women Lawyers Association ("OCWLA") presents "Dealing with Common Ethical Challenges in Workplace Investigations", which provides
1.0 hour legal ethics MCLE credit. In light of the "Me Too" movement and related current events, attorneys can expect an increased likelihood of questions from their clients about how to handle workplace complaints. This presentation covers the duty to investigate, who qualifies as an investigator under the Business and Professions Code (many attorneys are surprised by the answer), privilege and work product considerations, witness-related challenges like reticent employees and third-party witnesses, what constitutes a sufficiently "reasonable" investigation, and how credibility determinations can help the investigator make factual findings in close-call situations.

The presentation includes a catered lunch.  Free valet parking. 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM at Andrei's Conscious Cuisine.

January 26th Deadline - Orange County Grand Juror Applications Are Being Accepted
The Court is accepting applications for the Orange County Grand Jury. A new 19-member Grand Jury will be empaneled for a one-year term that begins June 29, 2018. To qualify to serve on the Grand Jury, you must be a resident of Orange County for at least a year, a United States citizen, at least 18 years old, in possession of sound judgment, and have sufficient knowledge of English. Interested citizens must apply by January 26, 2018. Grand jurors receive a $50 per day stipend, mileage reimbursement, and onsite parking.

The application form and additional information are available on the Grand Jury website at www.ocgrandjury.org, by calling the Grand Jury Hotline at 657-622-6747, or in person at the Jury Commissioner's Office, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, 92701. 
February 23rd - APABA's 20th Annual Installation Dinner
The Asian Pacific American Bar Association ("APABA") will hold its 20th Annual Installation of the Officers & Board of Governors on Friday, February 23rd at 6:00 p.m. at the Omni Los Angeles Hotel, 251 S. Olive Street in Los Angeles. Cocktails at 6:00 p.m. with dinner & program at 7:00 p.m.

Keynote: A Conversation With Associate Justice Leondra R. Kruger, California Supreme Court, moderated by Hon. Elwood Lui, California Court of Appeal, 2nd Appellate District.

Public Service Award
Douglas S. Chin | Attorney General, Hawaii
Neal Katyal | Hogan Lovells

Volunteer of the Year Award
Jason Lee |Law Offices of Lee W. Salisbury,APC

March 3rd - The OCHBA 40th Annual Scholarship Fundraiser & Installation Dinner
The OC Hispanic Bar Association ("OCHBA") will hold its 40th Annual Scholarship Fundraiser & Installation Dinner on March 3rd from 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM at the Irvine Marriott Hotel, 18000 Von Karman Ave in Irvine. Attire is Black Tie.

Hon. Francisco Briseño Lifetime Achievement Award
Joseph L. Chairez, BakerHostetler
Attorney of the Year
Norma García Guillén, Garcia Rainey Blank & Bowerbank, LLP
Guardián de Justicia
Goodwill of Orange County
Corporate Citizen
Microsoft Corporation



State of California OAG Opportunities 
The Office of the Attorney General is seeking to fill attorney positions throughout the State of California. Click the link below for a PDF listing of the most current Deputy Attorney General series vacancies. If you are interested in applying, postmark your application on or before the deadline. You can review the job announcements for each vacancy by clicking on the hyperlinks under the "Link" column. Click here for PDF listing. (Posted 12/29/17)


AAA (LA) Seeks Senior Trial Attorney, Insurance Defense  
Automobile Club of Southern California - Los Angeles seeks dynamic trial counsel to represent & defend insureds in personal injury & property damage lawsuits, with an emphasis on high exposure cases. The experienced trial litigator can flourish in this position with a legendary company. Ideal candidate will have significant trial & insurance defense experience, or similar background. Great benefits, including pension, matching 401k & insurance packages. Join AAA & put your litigation & customer service skills to work in a supportive environment. Email resume, boisen.ryan@aaa-calif.com. For a complete job description visit:
aaa.com/careers - job number 12818. EOE (Posted 12/18/17)  
AAA (LA) Seeks Litigation Attorney, Insurance Defense  
Automobile Club of Southern California - Los Angeles. We are looking for enthusiastic litigators to represent & defend insureds in personal injury & property damages lawsuits, including some high exposure cases. Will have the opportunity to develop trial skills in this position with a legendary company. Ideal candidate will have minimum 2 years insurance defense experience, or a similar background. Some jury trial experience preferred. We provide great benefits, including pension, matching 401k & insurance packages. Come join us & put your litigation & customer service skills to work in our supportive environment. Email resume, boisen.ryan@aaa-calif.com. For a complete job description visit aaa.com/careers - job number 16412. EOE (Posted 12/18/17)
Automobile Club of Southern California Seeks an In-House Employment Litigator, Costa Mesa, CA 
The Automobile Club of Southern California, part of the AAA federation, is seeking an employment litigator to join its in-house counsel team located in Costa Mesa, CA.  This is an exciting opportunity that will allow the successful candidate to: (1) first-chair single plaintiff employment cases in arbitration hearings; and (2) provide advice and counsel to internal clients. The Auto Club's benefits include pension and 401(k) matching contribution. Apply online at: http://careers.calif.aaa.com/job/7715034/litigation-counsel-iii-employment-costa-mesa-ca/, or email your resume to boisen.ryan@aaa-calif.com. (Posted 12/18/17)    

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Seeks Transactional Real Estate Attorney (WA)
The Real Estate and Land Use Practice Group in the Seattle office of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP seeks a transactional real estate associate attorney with a minimum of three years' experience with commercial real estate transactions, including acquisitions and sales, leasing, finance, real estate joint ventures and land development projects. Prior law firm experience is preferred. This is a great opportunity for a confident, self-motivated individual with a demonstrated ability to handle matters independently and a desire to assist our client teams in more complex transactions. To apply, please go to DWT Career Page and upload a cover letter addressed to Bahareh Samanian, Sr. Mgr. Atty. Recruiting Initiatives, resume, law school transcript and a relevant writing sample, 5-10 pages in length.
(Posted 12/15/17)

Inner City Law Center Seeks Directing Attorney
Inner City Law Center (ICLC) is a nonprofit law firm on Skid Row. The center combats slum housing and develops strategies to end homelessness. Founded on the fundamental principle that every person should always be treated with dignity and respect, their professional staff of 55 (including 30 attorneys) fights for justice for low-income tenants, working-poor families, people who are disabled or homeless, people living with HIV/AIDS, and homeless veterans. Pri ority will be given to applications received by December 22, 2017. However, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. More info (PDF)
(Posted 12/13/17)

Pathway Capital Management, LP Seeks Mid-Level In-House Counsel
Pathway Capital Management, LP, headquartered in Irvine, California, is a leading global private equity fund manager currently seeking a mid-level in-house counsel. Ideal candidates will possess approximately 6 or more years of experience in corporate law primarily focused on private equity fund transactions, M&A transactions and/or crafting partnerships agreements. Additional considerations include experience with Investment Advisers Act compliance and partnership taxes.
Candidates must possess a JD from an accredited law school and be a member in good standing with the California State Bar. To learn more or to apply for this position, click here. For more information on Pathway Capital Management, please visit www.pathwaycapital.com . Interested individuals should contact David Tosches davidtosches@pathwaycapital.com. (Posted 12/8/17) 

Inner City Law Center Seeks Staff Attorney or Senior Staff Attorney for Disability Benefits Hearing Program (Full-Time Position)
Inner City Law Center (ICLC) is a nonprofit law firm on Skid Row. The center combats slum housing and develops strategies to end homelessness. Founded on the fundamental principle that every person should always be treated with dignity and respect, their professional staff of 55 (including 30 attorneys) fights for justice for low-income tenants, working-poor families, people who are disabled or homeless, people living with HIV/AIDS, and homeless veterans.

Priority will be given to applications received by December 3, 2017. However, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. More info
(Posted 11/29/17)
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Seeks Mid-Level Media Associate (LA)
The Los Angeles office of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP seeks to hire a mid-level associate attorney to join its nationally recognized Media Law practice. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of three years experience in a large law firm in the areas of media and entertainment law, including copyright, trademark, right of publicity, defamation, and/or privacy litigation. Experience with pre-publication and pre-broadcast review and daily development and production counseling for studios, television networks and production companies is strongly preferred.

To apply, please go to https://careers.dwt.com/media-associate-mid-level-los-angeles/job/7337412 and upload a cover letter addressed to Bahareh Samanian, Sr. Manager, Attorney Recruiting Initiatives; resume; a brief writing sample and law
school transcript. (Originally posted 10/17/17. Still open as of 1/4/18.) 

PLC Pro Bono Case List
The Public Law Center (PLC) has an ongoing (as of December 15, 2017) case list for individuals in need of pro bono representation. The PLC staff can answer any questions you may have related to your case to support you in your pro bono representation; locate a mentor to help you; supply you with samples and manuals (some case types excluded); provide translation support in Spanish and Vietnamese; and arrange for office space for you to meet with your client at PLC. For questions contact: Leigh Ferrin 714.541.1010, extension 290. Visit the PLC website Volunteer page.

Department of Justice Attorney Vacancies
 Click the link below for an updated list of current attorney vacancies at the United States Department of Justice. All interested applicants are encouraged to apply; however, please note that due to temporary funding restrictions the DOJ may not be able to fill all of the currently advertised positions.
To learn more about Justice and legal careers available, please visit the DOJ website at www.justice.gov/careers/legal/.
In addition, every year over 1,800 volunteer legal interns serve in DOJ components and U.S. Attorneys' Offices throughout the country. If you are a law student or know any law students who may be interested in a DOJ volunteer internship, please review the many opportunities featured at  

Thanks to our 2017-2018 Sponsors





Buchalter  |  Greenberg Gross | LTL Attorneys | O'Melveny & Myers | Orrick
Sheppard Mullin | Union Bank | Western Digital | Whittier Law School
ADR Services, Inc. | Bryan Cave | Fragomen Worldwide | JAMS | Judicate West
Manatt | McDermott Will & Emery | McGuireWoods LLP | OCCDL
ADR Office of Michelle A. Reinglass | Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law The Cooper Law Firm  |  Gordon & Rees |  JABA  |  John Hueston
Ringler | Umberg Zipser | Veritext
OCAABA | contactus@ocaaba.org | (949) 440-6700 x254 | www.ocaaba.org