
January 7, 2019 Newsletter
OCAABA Events/Opportunities
As we look forward to celebrating the Lunar New Year on February 5, 2019, the Orange County Asian Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA) and the Orange County Asian American Bar Association (OCAABA) are partnering to provide 125 Asian American families in need with basic foods such as rice, baby food and formula, and canned proteins and vegetables. We are asking OCAABA members and supporters along with Asian American businesses and food providers in our community to provide monetary donations or donations of nonperishable food items. All proceeds will go towards food baskets to be distributed to 125 families in celebration of the Lunar New Year.
Deadline to drop off donations is February 1 (the last Friday before Lunar New Year), but monetary donations can be accepted until February 5.
The Public Law Center's South East Asian Legal Outreach Program (SEALOP) provides free civil legal assistance at the BPSOS Center for Community Advancement, Inc., 13950 Milton Ave. Suite 301, Westminster, CA 92683.
Clinics take place on the second Saturday of every month from 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
The State Bar's Lawyer Assistance Program (LAP) helps lawyers, State Bar applicants, and law students who are grappling with stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse or concerns about their career.
Lita Abella, Senior Program Analyst with the L.A.P., will speak on wellness strategies for the legal community, specifically: (1) How prevalent substance use and mental health issues are among attorneys; (2) Review the signs and symptoms of substance use, depression, addiction, anxiety, and stress; (3) Explain how the Lawyer Assistance Program can assist attorneys.
$10 OCAABA members/$25 non-members | 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Space is limited. |
Please register by January 11.
A reminder all 2018 memberships expired on December 31st.
Current and new members can visit the membership sign-up page to renew or sign up online. The online system allows you to pay by credit card or you can print an invoice to pay by check.
IMPORTANT: When renewing your membership with the Orange County Bar Association, please remember that you may designate $10 of your OCBA membership fee to OCAABA.
Have News to Share?
If you have news to share to our membership, please email contactus@ocaaba.org to include the news in our next newsletter.
Affiliate Events/Activities
The Orange County Korean American Bar Association (OCKABA) and the Filipino-American Lawyers of Orange County (FLOC) are hosting a bowling night on Thursday, January 10th from 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM at Bowlmor Orange County, 2405 Park Ave, Tustin, CA 92782. An option is available to attend the event without bowling. Non-members welcome. Fee includes food and soft drinks.
January 11 - OCWLA "Ethics 2.0: California's New Rules of Professional Conduct"
The Orange County Women Lawyers Association (OCWLA) will be hosting a Specialty MCLE (Ethics) program on California's New Rules of Professional Conduct on January 11 from 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM at Andrei's Conscious Cuisine, 2607 Main Street, Irvine, 92614.
The presentation will cover California's new Rules of Professional Conduct, which went into effect November 1, 2018. It will focus on the more significant and interesting new rules and changes to existing rules, including duties to prospective clients, ethical screening, conflicts of interest, discrimination and harassment, and, of course, sex with clients. The presentation includes a catered lunch.
January 12 - Western State College of Law "Practical Advice for Novice Attorneys"
Western State College of Law is holding an all day seminar on Practice Advice for Novice Attorneys with 2 hours of Ethics credit and 5.0 hours of General credit. Registration 8:30-9:00 am wih sessions from 9:00 am to 4:30 p.m. Networking reception to follow.
RSVP to Career Resources:
pdavidson@wsulaw.edu or (714) 459-1106.
January 12-13 - Volunteer Judges Needed for UCI Mock Trial
UC Irvine Mock Trial is one of the most prestigious programs in the country, ranked third in the nation. The program is in desperate need of judges for the tournament.
Mock Trial is a competition with diversity, and having a diverse set of judges come to our tournament enables the competitors to be exposed to different legal perspectives and experiences. Judges would be playing a presiding judge: ruling on objections and directing the trial.
The tournament will take place Saturday, January 12th through Sunday, January 13th. There are two rounds each day, one in the morning (around 8:30 A.M.) and one in the afternoon (around 1:30 P.M.). There are four rounds total that need judges. Judges can feel free to judge as many or as little as they want.
You can volunteer using the link below or contact Alexander (Sasha) Yusuf, UC Irvine Mock Trial Tournament Director
Ayusuf1@uci.edu | (714) 603-5119
January 18 Deadline - Orange County Grand Juror Applications Now Being Accepted
The Court is accepting applications for the Orange County Grand Jury. A new 19-member Grand Jury will be empaneled for a one-year term that begins June 28, 2019. To qualify to serve on the Grand Jury, you must be a resident of Orange County for at least a year, a United States citizen, at least 18 years old, in possession of sound judgment, and have sufficient knowledge of English. Interested citizens must apply by January 18, 2019.
The application form and additional information are available on the Grand Jury website at
, by calling the Grand Jury Hotline at 657-622-6747, or in person at the Jury Commissioner's Office, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, 92701.
January 19 - TMBA 2nd Annual Gala and Installation Dinner
The Thurgood Marshall Bar Association (TMBA) will be holding their 2nd Annual Gala and Installation Dinner on Saturday, January 19th featuring dinner and presentation of awards. Judge Karen L. Robinson Legal Excellence Awardee Honorable Erithe A. Smith, United States Bankruptcy Court Lawyer of the Year Awardee John S. Gibson, Partner, Crowell & Moring LLP Community Organization of the Year
Christ Our Redeemer AME Church
Cocktail Reception 6:00 p.m. | Dinner 7:00 p.m. Avenue of the Arts Hotel, Costa Mesa
January 31 - FALSD/PALSD 41st Annual Dinner and Installation of Officers
The Filipino American Lawyers of San Diego (FALSD) and the Pan Asian Lawyers of San Diego (PALSD) are holding their 41st Annual Dinner on January 31, 2019, at Jasmine Seafood Restaurant, 4609 Convoy Street, in San Diego, California. Enjoy dim sum and a ten-course meal as we install our officers for the coming year.
Tickets and sponsorship information available at
February 2 - SCCLA Private Tour of Notorious RBG Exhibition
Southern California Chinese Lawyers Association (SCCLA) invites you to a private one hour tour of the Skirball Cultural Center's latest exhibition featuring "Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg" on February 2nd from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Tour includes complimentary all-day admission to the Skirball Museum ($12 value for general admission without private tour) and free parking. Location: Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90049. Limited availability.
March 9 - OCHBA's 41st Annual Scholarship Fundraiser & Installation Dinner
The OC Hispanic Bar Association (OCHBA) invites you to its 41st Annual Scholarship Fundraiser & Installation Dinner on March 9th from 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM at the Irvine Marriott Hotel, 18000 Von Karman Ave, Irvine. Black Tie Optional
5:00 Cocktail Hour | 7:00 Dinner Program | 9:00 Dancing
Morgan Lewis 1L Diversity Fellowship (Summer Associate) - Los Angeles Office
Morgan Lewis will be hiring paid 2019 1L summer associates in the Los Angeles office and we invite interested students to apply for our 1L Diversity Fellowship.
Fellowship recipients will receive the following: A $35,000 fellowship stipend made in three payments conditioned on satisfactory completion of the 2L summer & subsequently joining the firm as an entry-level associate; the opportunity to spend a portion of your 2L summer with a firm client supplementing the summer associate program by providing hands-on experience with the operations of and challenges handled by in-house legal departments; an experiential pre-summer kickoff where firm leaders and all summer associates from across the United States gather for a multiday orientation and bonding program.
The 1L Diversity Fellowship is open to any first-year law student. Eligible applicants must (1) be enrolled full-time in an ABA-accredited law school with an anticipated graduation date of 2021 at the time of application, (2) have demonstrated academic excellence, (3) have outstanding leadership skills, and (4) have an interest in employment with Morgan Lewis. More info
(Posted 1/7/19)
Public Health Institute Seeks Experienced Chief Legal Counsel
The Public Health Institute (PHI) is seeking an experienced Chief Legal Counsel (CLC) to provide professional legal services to protect PHI's interests and maintain its operations within the scope of established law. Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer, this individual will play a critical role in supporting the implementation of PHI's business strategy and methods. Please see the attached job announce for details or visit our career page at https://www.phi.jobs/postings/6324.
(Posted 1/4/19)
California Coastal Commission Seeks Chief Counsel (San Francisco)
The California Coastal Commission (Commission) is seeking a candidate with strong legal and leadership skills that will facilitate full implementations of the Coastal Act by the Commission and the Commission staff. The Chief Counsel position is central to the effectiveness and success of the program. The Commission seeks a candidate with high ethical and professional standards, a commitment to excellence, productivity, and accountability, who will work collaboratively to problem-solve with senior management. A strong candidate will also exhibit dedication to public service and the California coast. (The requirement that the candidate have present or past employment in state government has been removed.) More Info
(Posted 1/3/19)
State of California OAG Opportunities
The Office of the Attorney General is seeking to fill attorney positions throughout the State of California. Click the link below for a PDF listing of the most current Deputy Attorney General series vacancies. If you are interested in applying, postmark your application on or before the deadline. You can review the job
announcements for each vacancy by clicking on the hyperlinks under the "Link" column.
Click here
Metropolitan Water District Has Multiple Openings for Senior Deputy General Counsel
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is seeking to fill multiple Senior Deputy General Counsel positions with expertise in one of more of the following areas: litigation/environmental resource law, real estate law including transactions, leasing and litigation, labor/employment law, and public finance law. For each of these positions, knowledge of public agency laws such as the Brown Act and the California Public Records Act and experience working for or representing public agencies, providing legal advice, working with boards, committees or legislative bodies, including serving as counsel during public meetings and hearings, is preferred. More info: https://metrowater.hodesiq.com/job_detail.asp?JobID=5572012&user_id (Posted 12/20/18)
University of California Professional Medical and Hospital Liability Program Seeks Applications from Qualified Law Firms for UC Los Angeles Medical Center Panel of Approved Defense Counsel The Regents of the University of California Office of General Counsel and Office of Risk Services are conducting a review of the panel of law firms providing services for UC Los Angeles Medical Center under the University's Professional Medical and Hospital Liability Program. Click here for a memorandum announcing the panel review and seeking applications from qualified firms. Application materials are available online at http://www.ucop.edu/general-counsel/index.html. All applications and supporting material must be submitted via email to PL_Defe.svimj5vaqp713tex@u.box.com. Applications will be accepted through January 31, 2019. For questions or assistance regarding the process or application materials, please contact Shari Guzman, Legal Support Specialist Coordinator/Office of the General Counsel at shari.guzman@ucop.edu or (510) 987-9441.
(Posted 12/14/18)
PLC Pro Bono Case List
The Public Law Center (PLC) has an
ongoing (as of December 13, 2018) case list for individuals in need of pro bono representation. The PLC staff can answer any questions you may have related to your case to support you in your pro bono representation; locate a mentor to help you; supply you with samples and manuals (some case types excluded); provide translation support in Spanish and Vietnamese; and arrange for office space for you to meet with your client at PLC. For questions contact: Carlos Mojica at 714.541.1010. Visit the PLC website
Volunteer page.
Department of Justice Attorney Vacancies
Click the link below for an updated list of current attorney vacancies at the United States Department of Justice. All interested applicants are encouraged to apply; however, please note that due to temporary funding restrictions the DOJ may not be able to fill all of the currently advertised positions.
To learn more about Justice and legal careers available, please visit the DOJ website at
In addition, every year over 1,800 volunteer legal interns serve in DOJ components and U.S. Attorneys' Offices throughout the country. If you are a law student or know any law students who may be interested in a DOJ volunteer internship, please review the many opportunities featured at
Thanks to our 2018-2019 Sponsors
Buchalter | Constangy, Brooks, Smith, & Prophete |
Crowell & Moring | Dorsey & Whitney | Godes & Preis
Hueston Hennigan | Keller/Anderle | O'Melveny | Orrick |
Union Bank | Western Digital | Western State College of Law
ADR Services | Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner | JAMS |
Judicate West | Robinson Calcagnie | Umberg Zipser
ADR Office of Michelle A. Reinglass | Best Best & Krieger | Blackstone Discovery | Dubin Law Firm |
Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy | Honyaku USA |
Kubota & Craig | Littler | Manatt | Nhan Vu | Premiere Bail Bonds | Right Choice Law | Rutan | Shulman Hodges & Bastian |
Smiley Wang-Ekvall Veritext | Wage Recovery Queen/Briana Kim