Meet two new steering committee members!
We are happy to announce two new members of our steering committee joining William Sonntag, Ph.D. (OUHSC) and Bruce Benjamin, Ph.D.(TSET). Both of these scientists have been OCASCR grant recipients and we look forward to their input on the steering committee.
Heather Fahlencamp, Ph.D.
Professor and Head of the School of Chemical Engineering
Edward Bartlett Chair in Chemical Engineering
Click here for more information.
Sathish Srinivasan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Click here for more information.
Next OCASCR Grant Deadline: September 15, 2023
Please click here for more information. We will be accepting proposals for research, large and small equipment, and spring and summer travel through June 2024.
Did you miss it?
Our last three seminars were recorded. Click on the links below to view the videos.
Submit your news to OCASCR
If you have ever received OCASCR funding and have news you’d like to share, please send it to us. We are eager to promote the successes of OCASCR scientists.
Core Facilities
Check out the updated list of equipment that is available to all scientists in Oklahoma.
Have OCASCR News to Share?
Please send ideas for future newsletter items to Kelly Gentry (