Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).
Application Now Open: Child Care COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Award
Jan. 13, 2021: The Child Care COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Award application is now open. Deadline for submitting applications is Feb. 12, 2021. The one-time award of $600 is paid to eligible child care employees and child care support staff of Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) certified child care providers. The award will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Funding will be distributed regionally and be limited, so applicants are encouraged to apply sooner rather than later. Read more.
Time Remains to Provide Feedback on Market Rate Survey: Jan. 22 Deadline
There is still time remaining for early childhood education providers to share their feedback regarding the Market Rate Survey report or any barriers to participating in Child Care Works using the Market Rate Survey Feedback Form. The Feedback Form will be available until Jan. 22, 2021.
Wolf Administration Announces Vendor Selection For Upcoming RISE PA, Statewide Resources And Referral Tool
Jan. 13, 2021: Department of Human Services (DHS) Secretary Teresa Miller announced the selection of a vendor for Resource Information and Services Enterprise – or RISE PA – an upcoming statewide resource and referral tool. Aunt Bertha, the selected vendor, will create an interactive online platform to serve as a care coordination system for providers including, health care and social services organizations and a closed-loop referral system that will report on the outcomes of the referrals. It will also serve as an access point to search and obtain meaningful information to help Pennsylvanians find and access the services they need to achieve overall well-being and improve health outcomes. Read more.
Prepared Renter Education Program (PREP) Implementation Lunch ‘n Learn
The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) and Self-Determination Housing of Pennsylvania, are providing an opportunity to learn more about how to implement a housing program for low-income individuals and those with disabilities. Please join the Prepared Renter Education Program (PREP) Implementation Lunch ‘n Learn on Jan. 26, 2021, from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Learn more.
Share Feedback for Farm to Child Nutrition Summit
The Pennsylvania Department of Education, in collaboration with Penn State, is planning to offer a statewide Farm to Child Nutrition Summit in Harrisburg. They are seeking input regarding session topics to be used for planning the summit, as well as other professional development opportunities. Those interested can provide feedback via a short survey by Feb. 15, 2021.