Welcome to the ECE Recap where you can find the
most recent and important information from the
Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).
Apply Now for CDA Scholarship
Application deadline June 28, 2021

In recognition of the hardships and challenges the past year has brought upon us, and in partnership with the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), the Pennsylvania Key is offering 100 full scholarships to be used to complete Child Development Associate (CDA) coursework through Better Kid Care.

To apply for a scholarship, please see the Frequently Asked Questions and complete the brief online application. Applications are subject to approval.
Upon approval of a scholarship application, a one-time use code will be sent to the applicant to be used during the payment process through Better Kid Care.

Applications must be submitted by 8:00 am June 28, 2021. For more information, please refer to the FAQ document. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Amy Barrett at amybar@pakeys.org
Pennsylvania Key Offering Refunds of Director Credential and/or School-Age Professional Credential Application(s)
Application deadline June 28, 2021

The Pennsylvania Key is offering an opportunity to receive a one-time refund of the application fee for any Director Credentials and School-Age Professional Credentials earned between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021. Applications must be submitted by 8AM EDT on Monday, June 28, 2021, for consideration and all applications are subject to approval. Click here for more information.
Apply Now to Serve on the PA Pre-K Counts/HSSAP Advisory Committee
Application deadline July 26, 2021

The Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts (PKC)/Head Start Supplemental Assistance Program (HSSAP) Advisory Committee is currently accepting applications for new members.
Committee members will reflect diverse geographic regions of the state and have a range of attributes, collective skills, and experiences. The application process is open to individuals who possess practical program content knowledge, skills, and experiences, including those of family members whose child(ren) or grandchild(ren) have participated in early learning experiences that will enable the Committee to achieve its goals. Application deadline is July 26, 2021. All those who wish to strengthen and advance the PA Pre-K Counts and Head Start Supplemental initiatives are encouraged to apply.
More information on the roles/responsibilities of committee members and the application can be found here (scroll to the bottom of the webpage). Direct questions to Deb Wise at dewise@pa.gov
Upcoming Deadlines