Welcome to the ECE Recap where you can find the
most recent and important information from the
Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).
PA Elementary Schools Invited to Participate with KEI for 2022-2023 School Year
All elementary schools are encouraged to implement Pennsylvania’s Kindergarten Entry Inventory (PA KEI) in the 2022-2023 school year to assist in meeting enhanced federal requirements. PA KEI is a reliable reporting tool that offers teachers an instructional strategy for understanding and tracking a student’s proficiency at kindergarten entry. The PA KEI is available to all local education agencies (LEAs) at no cost and remote implementation options are available, if necessary. Deadline to initiate PA KEI participation in the 2022-2023 school year is May 30, 2022. Learn more.
Opportunity for Child Care Provider Feedback with Keystone STARS
In February and early March, child care providers were invited via email to share their feedback with Keystone STARS. The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) shared a link for the Pennsylvania Keystone STARS Program Survey 2022. If you're a child care provider, check your inbox for the link, then please take a few moments to share your experience.
Apply Now for the Be Strong Parent Café Institute Online
Are the families you work with eager to talk with one another about parenting experiences? Is your program seeking meaningful ways to provide opportunities for family members to use their leadership skills? The Be Strong Parent Café process was created and developed by Be Strong Families to provide an environment in which family members can build the Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors through individual, deep self-reflection and peer-to-peer learning. The Be Strong Parent Café Institute Online (PCTI-O) is a highly interactive course that prepares local teams implement online parent cafés. A PCTI-O event is scheduled for April 27-29, 2022. To apply to attend a PCTI-O please complete and return the Team Application/Readiness Checklist by March 23, 2022. Learn more.
Teach Plus PA 2022-23 Teaching Policy Fellowship
In summer 2022, Teach Plus will launch its second full cohort of Teaching Policy Fellows in Pennsylvania. This highly selective leadership opportunity is for 30 outstanding teachers (early childhood to 12th grade) looking to deepen their knowledge of education policy and amplify the voices of teacher leaders in Pennsylvania. Policy fellows, who will receive a $1,500 stipend for their commitment, will expand their influence without leaving the classroom and elevate teacher voice on important student equity issues. Complete and submit a written application prior to the May 2, 2022, deadline. Learn more and apply or nominate a teacher.
Head Start and Child Care Research Dissertation Grants
Two new 2022 funding opportunities for early childhood dissertation research are now open! The Early Care and Education Research Scholars grants support doctoral dissertations researching issues related to Head Start and child care. Both grant programs support work that informs policy and practice decisions and solutions, particularly for underserved/ understudied populations, and that uses the most rigorous research methodology.

If you have questions regarding these grant opportunities, please send an email to HSScholarsGrants@icf.com or CCScholarsGrants@icf.com, or call (877) 350-5913.
Update Your Email Address Up to Date in Provider Self Service Now!
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) uses email communications targeted to child care operators for important communications. It is critical child care locations maintain an up-to-date email address for the primary point of contact at their program. 
Looking forward, OCDEL anticipates additional grant and award opportunities in the coming months. To ensure certified child care providers receive complete information on these opportunities, certified child care providers should visit Provider Self Service (PSS) and confirm their contact information is up to date as soon as possible.
Specifically, certified child care providers are asked to visit their Licensing Location Profile(s) in PSS and check to ensure all Location Information is accurate paying special attention to the Email Address field
For help with PSS, certified child care providers should contact the PELICAN Provider Help Desk at 877.491.3818 (select option #2 twice), or by email at ra-eln@pa.gov
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Upcoming Deadlines