Thank you to all early childhood education (ECE) professionals who participated in the ECE Special Initiative for Janssen, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID-19 Vaccine by completing the ECE Registration Request Form by the March 19, 2021, deadline. The survey is now closed. Individuals that did not sign up in this initiative are able to schedule independently through local participating pharmacies or their health care provider.
Information collected in the J&J Vaccine ECE Registration Request Form has been provided to the Department of Health and is being assigned to Retail Pharmacy Partners (RPP) for follow up. ECE workers will be contacted by one of the local RPP to schedule vaccinations using the additional, separate allocations of J&J vaccine RPP receive from the federal government. Each local RPP may handle scheduling differently. Directors should share with their program staff, that RPP will be reaching out based on the shared contact information.