Welcome to the ECE Recap where you can find the
most recent and important information from the
Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).

Device to Eliminate Pathogens in Child Care Facilities


The Department of Health (DOH) is currently evaluating devices that can eliminate viruses, bacteria, mold and other pathogens from air and surfaces, simultaneously. The devices could be stand alone or wall mounted, utilize a standard outlet for power, and would come with two years of supplies that may be needed to run the device. If funding is approved, DOH would purchase and distribute the devices free of charge to small businesses, non-profit entities, childcare and other facilities throughout the Commonwealth to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, flu, and other diseases. If you are interested in receiving a device that could greatly reduce viruses, bacteria, mold and other pathogens in your facility, please complete this application. Complete the application form by May 31, 2023, to express your interest. Read more.

Certified Child Care Providers: Deadline Extended to Order Two Free Carbon Monoxide Detectors


The deadline for Pennsylvania certified child care providers to order one or two Carbon Monoxide Detectors has been extended until June 30, 2023. 

The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) is making these detectors available to certified child care providers, but the ordering and placement of detectors is not a regulatory requirement. Certified child care providers should have received an email from School Health on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, with directions. See the original release for more details

Renewing Medicaid and CHIP Coverage


Pennsylvanians throughout the state may get information in the mail about renewing their Medicaid or CHIP coverage. If they and/or their children get health coverage through the state, they must complete a renewal every year. If this renewal is not completed, they and/or their children could lose Medicaid or CHIP coverage.


When this packet arrives, they must complete and return it by the date printed on the packet. They can send it in by mail or deliver it in-person at any local County Assistance Office. They can also complete the renewal by phone at 1-866-550-4355 or online at

To help spread the word to the families you serve, check out DHS’ Communications Toolkit ( for print material, social media posts, and newsletter blurbs.

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