Welcome to the ECE Recap where you can find the
most recent and important information from the
Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).

Is Your Early Learning Program Represented in the 2022 Market Rate Survey?

39 percent of Pennsylvania's certified child care and after school programs have responded to OCDEL's 2022 Market Rate Survey (MRS) to evaluate future child care related programming and policy decisions, ​including Child Care Works rate setting.

Is your early learning program represented?

Send your survey by the Oct. 11, 2022, deadline.

Do you have questions about the 2022 Child Care Market Rate Survey, didn't receive one, or need help submitting the survey? Contact the Institute of State and Regional Affairs at ChildCareResearch@psu.edu or leave a toll-free voicemail at (866) 982-6433. Learn more.

September Edition of the PA Early Ed News

An inside look at Pennsylvania's early childhood education system with important information for those invested in early childhood education is now available in the September edition of the PA Early Ed NewsClick here to subscribe.

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