OCPAC Weekly Insights

1. At OCPAC: Candidate for Republican Party Chairman, David McClain

David McClain has more than breathed new life into the Tulsa County Republicans. He has transformed it and hopes to do the same for the state Republican party.

Come listen to his speak and ask him questions.
Join us from NOON to 1 PM at Olivet Baptist Church
Lunch $10 . Drinks and tip included.
Not eating: $2 donation to church
NW 10th and Western, OKC
2. Republican Failure to Save Our Culture! by Bob Linn
3. Republican Failures in American Education Warnings from Academia
4. Our American Purpose Ralph Bullard of Christian Heritage Academy (CHA)
5. Pastor Paul Blair undergoing treatment .
6. Dr. Everett Piper: Not A Daycare available here .
7. OCPAC Officer Election Feb 6, 2019
1. OCPAC this Wednesday, February 6th, at OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH: Candidate for Republican Party Chairman, David McClain will speak of his plan to solidify and to expand the party.
This Wednesday at OCPAC’s noon meeting.
We meet at OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH at NW 10th and Western.
2.  Republican Failure to Save Our Culture! by Bob Linn
There has been a dearth of leadership in the Republican party at all levels. Republican voters have been betrayed in state politics as well as national politics.

Nationally, Senate Republicans only reluctantly dispensed with the unconstitutional filibuster in order to confirm Justice Neil Gorsuch. Nationally, Republican leadership has been unresponsive to the need to remediate the tyranny of the U.S. Department of Education.

On the state level, while the majority of conservative voters abhor Common Core, Republican governors have confused and deceived parents rather than rid our educational institutions of this cultural menace. Such was the case with Oklahoma's Republican Governor, Mary Fallin.

Republicans have controlled Oklahoma politics for many years. Five of the current six members of the University of Oklahoma’s Board of Regents have been appointments by Republican Governor Mary Fallin. The result? An LGBTQ agenda. 

The University has promoted LGBTQ through the Freshman Diversity Experience (FDE) described here .  Even more of your tax dollars are used to fund the university’s team of " College Diversity Liaisons. " To insure that no student steps out of line, the O.U. " Bias Response Team" stands ready to pounce !  

Is this the impact Republican voters should expect from Republican leadership?

Let me insert something here. Dan Fisher has addressed the importance of this issue in the American church, in American governance, and in American culture in his sermons at Fairview Baptist Church! Listen to these important sermons here and here .

Back to the Republican party. In spite of the general domination of the Republican party in state politics across America over the past ten years and Republican strongholds in the Governor’s office in the majority of the states, their ranks are completely missing on the faculties of 39% of America’s state universities. Can you imagine sending your child to a “university” where Republicans are not allowed on the faculty? If you don't do your research, you may be doing just that. Even in the other 61% where Republicans are allowed on the faculty, the ratios are something like 100 Democrats to 1 Republican. It all depends on which departments are doing the hiring.

I wonder what our Republican leadership is doing! Vladmir Lenin predicted Republicans would vote to use educational dollars to endorse causes which would bury them.

Most of our universities might as well adopt the motto, “Where thinking comes to die and ideology lives again.” It is a point made well in Allan Blooms New York Times best seller, The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students . Still available on Amazon here .

As we consider electing a new chairman of the Oklahoma Republican party, perhaps we can hope for a shift in the way we develop our intellectual culture. 

Oklahoma higher education would do better to follow the lead of Dr. Everett Piper of Oklahoma Wesleyan University . He has taught the nation how to run a university that is not a daycare! 

Another private university which is a light in the current darkness is the University of Chicago. Like Oklahoma Wesleyan University, they demonstrate to us what a university should be. They recently declared that their campus is not a " safe space " nor is it a romper room for snowflakes more interested in savoring their own sense of virtue than learning about the world.

Regarding similar issues in secondary education, Oklahoma's OCPA (Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs) will be addressing school choice in their Symposium on Thursday, February 7. School choice is a critical issue in need of Republican support!

Also grinding in the Republican gristmill is a move on the part of our RINOS and Democrat insurgents to do away with the Republican Party Platform . This platform is one to be proud of. If we loose it, the party will be a meaningless "club". We have a plan to combat this and need to speak to you this Wednesday. Your help is needed to stop this evisceration of the party!

Come help us re-direct Oklahoma's future.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
NOON to 1 PM
1201 NW 10th St, OKC, OK 73106
3. Republican Failures in American Education Warnings from Academia
Leading GOP Politicians Oppose Campus Due Process
Mitchell Langbert
National Association of Scholars
Associate Professor of Business, Brooklyn College
In an article a bit over a month ago (Dec 13, 2018), Mitchell Langbert reported on the failure of Republican leadership to help remediate an educational system which is destroying America's cultural landscape. He says:

"In the  Weekly Standard , KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor Jr. describe how the overwhelming majority of GOP senators, governors, and congressmen have failed to support Education Secretary Betsy DeVos's revised regulations under Title IX of the Education Amendments.

It is unclear whether the failure of Republican senators to respond indicates opposition to the amendments, cowardice, or lack of time and resources.

I have been wondering for many years as to why elected Republicans seem to behave in a self-defeating way... they have no qualms about funding ideologically imbued cultural studies that indoctrinate students to be anti-Republican Party activists...

It appears that what is happening is that since left-wingers dominate education lobbies and few Americans who are not part of the lobbies take an interest in education , Republicans respond primarily to left-wing demands.  
That is a self-defeating cynicism because the higher education institutions banish Republican professors and teach students to hate Republicans. "
Deceiving Parents About Common Core
Sandra Stotsky
Ed.D. is Professor Emerita, University of Arkansas
On the role of Republican Governors, Sandra Stotsky told Breitbart in 2014:

"Many governors are drawing from a large bag of tricks to confuse and deceive parents worried about the Common Core standards, their implementation, and the tests based on them.

Republican governors playing games on the parents in their states, have issued executive orders or signed bills that express disfavor for state standards and tests based on the Common Core. But they have also ensured they get back a slightly amended cut-and-paste job so they can use Common Core-based tests and buy good will from organizations that want Gates Foundation money to continue flowing into their coffers." 
This past January (January 7, 2019), one high school history teacher bemoaned the state of secondary education in an article appearing in the National Association of Scholar's publication. She is an immigrant to the U.S. and deeply disturbed at what she must teach. Her name is Procopius Occidens. She writes:

"I am a high school teacher with a National Board certificate. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in History from an Ivy League university. I have been teaching US History in the public schools for more than a decade now.

I have no choice about what textbook to use, and so I am forced to teach my students to demonize white Americans.

My school district, like hundreds of others throughout the United States, uses Holt McDougal’s widely distributed textbook The Americans . As I read the book and taught my students, I got the impression that “white” was mostly used as an epithet.

In The Americans, white people are synonymous with bigotry, racism, exclusion and oppression. The textbook assiduously notes that slaveholders were “white,” but not that the Republican Congress that passed the Thirteenth Amendment was composed exclusively of white men. If The Americans mentions someone is “white,” it’s usually to say he’s an oppressor. If a white American does something good, he has no color at all."
Free Speech & the Academy
Symposium: The New Criterion London
Roger Kimball
Yale Graduate, Roger Kimball, states in The New Criterion, February 2019:

"To the public at large, the cavalcade of politically correct nonsense on college campuses seems preposterous but mostly silly. The recent influx of infantilization—the demand for “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings” against upsetting ideas, the warnings against “micro- aggressions” and other upsetting facts of life—add a surrealistic overlay to the grim comedy."

Should not this bother our Republican leadership?
Dangerous Education
Hot Air's Jazz Shaw
“Allowing nearly all of the schools to be conducting this sort of liberal indoctrination program and supporting an agenda where any opposing views are shouted down leaves us with one generation after another of young workers – and voters – who are still tilted in the direction of socialism. It is a dangerous situation and flies in the face of what true education should be about.”

Again, can we get some mature leadership in the Republican party who will take responsibility for the number one cause of the decline of our civilization: Public Education.
Join us for lunch at OCPAC. This week's meal is $10 including drinks, tax, and tip. We ask for a $2 donation to Olivet Baptist Church to pay for utilities. THANKS!
I'd like to invite you to bring your children and grandchildren to the weekly OCPAC meetings. Build a foundation for the role of Biblical thought in their political views. Only as we train our future leaders will we be able to anticipate the maturing of the Kingdom of God expressed both through the church and through the State.
Ralph Bullard shared his passion for the impact a knowledge of American history and original purpose has had on his own life as well as the lives of hundreds of students who have passed through Christian Heritage Academy.

He is an Oklahoma treasure. We are going to do some special editing on his presentation for a bit of a mini-documentary of his legacy.
Hope for Recovery
Paul is doing well and actually taught this past Wednesday at Fairview Baptist. He also spoke to the church briefly this morning.

Dan Fisher continues to pastor the merged congregations. See Fairview Baptist (Edmond).

We will keep you updated. The family appreciates your prayers for his full recovery.
5. Dr. Everett Piper
Dr. Piper is one of God's choice men. He is leading the way in the American Church and in the American Christian University by calling for a return to epistemological bedrock. I urge those of you who have not read his book, Not A Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth , to order a copy today. It is available very inexpensively here .

The Piper video is up!
6. FEB 6, 2019

On Wednesday, February 6, OCPAC will conduct the compulsory elections required in our bylaws. (OCPAC officers are elected in the first quarter in each odd year. )

You'll need to have been a member at least two weeks prior to the election in order to vote.
Charlie Meadows and Bob Linn will first ask our members to approve a bylaw change to allow the current president to appoint his own staff. If this passes, you will be voting only for president next week.

We will recommend that OCPAC reserve the right to refuse and to terminate memberships. This is not directed toward any of our current members, but is a standard for organisations wishing to protect their internal integrity.

We will ask that the rule requiring the Vice President moderate meetings in the absence of the president be removed to allow the president to assign his own substitute.
Currently there is only one candidate for president: Bob Linn

Should the above bylaw changes not pass, you will vote on those currently expressing interest in serving. They are:
Vice President, Brian Imes; Secretary, Joseph Palmer; Treasurer, Susan Goodman.

If the by law changes are approved, and if Bob Linn is elected president, the above slate of candidates will become presidential appointments.

Charlie Meadows is a permanent member on the OCPAC executive team as founder and first president of OCPAC.
7. Weekly email FAQ's
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