January 2022
Ocean County Soil Conservation District
wishes you and your family a happy & healthy 2022!
In 2022 we celebrate the 70th year of the Ocean County Soil Conservation District. We remain committed to building and sustaining a conservation legacy by working with our partners and constituents to conserve, protect and restore our soil, water and natural resources by providing technical assistance, implementing restoration projects, and most importantly through education.
We Have a New Website!
Visit www.SoilDistrict.org and check-out the District's new website!
Your Soil Conservation District at Work
Storm Sewer Inlet Protection
Protecting Soil & Water
When driving by active construction sites, you may have noticed sporadically placed haybales, wooden frame structures with stone surround, or even mesh-like fabric sticking out of the ground around a storm sewer grate. What you may not have realized was that these devices are known as Storm Sewer Inlet Protection, section 28-1 of the New Jersey Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control. Inlet protection comes in a variety of different designs, as noted above, but ultimately have the same goal – to prevent the flow of larger sediment particles and construction debris into the storm sewer system. By retaining excess sediment from cleared and graded construction sites, inlet protection plays a vital role in maintaining the health of local waterways. (Photo of storm sewer courtesy of OCSCD)
While the specific design of inlet protections can vary and be installed per the preference of the project site manager or design engineer, a few critical design criteria must be implemented. The chosen protective device must slow the speed of storm water flow to properly filter out larger sediment particles and debris. The designed protection must not completely close off the drainage purpose of the inlet, i.e., water must be able to pass through, thus preventing flooding hazards in the adjacent areas. Lastly, the chosen inlet protection shall be able to filter runoff from a higher flowing 1 year, 24-hour storm event. As with any temporary control devices on construction sites, inlet protection requires frequent inspection, and any maintenance or repair shall be completed immediately to ensure the integrity of the designed protection system. 
Education Programs & Events
Let's Celebrate our 25th Annual Barnegat Bay Environmental Educators Roundtable!
Our Roots Run Deep – Celebrating 25 Years of
Local Connections, Culture and Conservation!
Save-the-Date! Join Ocean County Soil Conservation District on April 27 at Jakes Branch County Park and help us celebrate 25 years of providing professional development for teachers and educators at our Annual Barnegat Bay Environmental Educators Roundtable.
Schedule a Jersey-Friendly Yards Program for Your Group
Calling all Green Teams, Environmental Commissions and Garden Clubs! Is your "Green Group" interested in hosting a Jersey-Friendly Yards webinar for your constituents? Jersey-Friendly Yards partners will provide a free 1 hour webinar discussing the importance of landscaping for a healthy environment. We'll start by introducing the tools and resources on the Jersey-Friendly Yards website, explain how to get your soil tested, introduce water conservation practices, suggest appropriate native plants, and offer ways to attract and support pollinators and wildlife. Contact Karen Walzer [email protected] and Becky Laboy [email protected] to schedule a program.
Visit our website: www.SoilDistrict.org
For more information about education programs, events and projects pertaining to soil, water, native gardening and natural resource conservation, please contact Becky Laboy, M.Ed., Education Outreach Specialist, Ocean County Soil Conservation District: [email protected].