Oct 16: CAB2 ChatnChew: Lecture from the Office of Community Engagement
Kyra Freeman, Operations Manager of Journey Health, will present, "Journey Health: Building a Social Care Delivery System."
Oct 18: HDFCCC Biostatistics and Population Research Core Workshop
Open to all UCSF researchers, this workshop will cover the fundamentals of data analysis and includes a "bring your own data" hands-on session.
Oct 23: Nourish Well: Transform Your Diet to Lower Cancer Risk
In this webinar presented by the Lynch Syndrome Center, an expert dietitian will discuss how to incorporate plant-based foods into your diet for cancer prevention.
Oct 25: Cancer Center Friday Seminar in Basic and Translational Research
Lukasz Bugaj, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) will present, "Perturb to understand: optical and thermal control of condensation, signaling, and cell behavior."
Nov 1-3: RISE UP for Breast Cancer
An innovative conference uniting leaders from diverse fields to drive progress in reducing breast cancer mortality and incidence.
Nov 6: Breast Oncology Program Seminar: I-SPY Updates
Hear updates on the I-SPY 2.2 Trial from Amrita Basu, Laura Esserman, Christina Yau, Rebecca Shatsky (UCSD), and others.
Nov 21: CRISPR Cures for Cancer Symposium
Featuring a keynote by Jennifer Doudna, PhD, this one-day event will bring together investigators from the CRISPR Cures for Cancer network.