Treasurers' Report for AUGUST 2022.

  • Tithe was $31,485 for the month. This results in a YTD total that is 3.3% behind the previous fiscal year-to-date. Remember that Tithe is remitted directly to the Michigan Conference for the support of evangelists, pastors, Bible instructors, and administrative support of these functions throughout the State and worldwide.
  • Income / Giving to the Local Church Budget was $9,294 for the month. That is 37.7% short of our monthly goal, and leaves us 8.3% behind the YTD budget and 11.6% behind the prior YTD.
  • Cornerstone (capital / building projects) received $3,141 in August. That brings our "More than Bricks" campaign to $523,841 after 43 months.

  • Our reserves are healthy and earning interest in the Revolving Fund at the Lake Union Conference and General Conference. Cash-on-hand, general operating reserves, and capital replacement reserves ensure that we can continue to function through short-term crises.

We appreciate God's blessing and the stewardship of our generous members.