OEL News and FAQs

From the New York State Education Department Office of Early Learning 

September 2022

  • Applications for the 22- 23 School Year
  • PreK Funding FAQs
  • Setting up the PreK Classroom 
  • Emergent Multilingual Learners in Prekindergarten Programs
  • Helpful Resources/Professional Development


PreK Applications for the

22-23 School Year Due 8/31

Districts and agencies may apply for Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) allocations and Statewide Universal Full Day Prekindergarten (SUFDPK) grants before each school year. Click below:

State-Administered Prekindergarten Programs | Applications


PreK Funding FAQs

The following are common questions and answers regarding PreK program funding:

Q: What is the difference between “allocation” and “maximum grant payable”?

A: A district’s allocation is the maximum they can be reimbursed for their UPK grant should all slots be filled. The maximum grant payable is calculated based upon the number of slots filled as well as the number of instructional days (should it be less than 180 days). The maximum grant payable can be less than the maximum allocation available to the district.

Q: Are there specific budget forms that need to be submitted throughout the year?

A: Yes. All districts running a UPK program must submit an FS-10 to the Office of Early Learning when they submit their application. It is strongly encouraged that districts also submit budget amendments (FS-10-A) if there are changes in their budget prior to submitting their final budget expenditures (FS-10-F) to Grants Finance. Failure to submit an amendment could cause the district to be disallowed funding related to finance law. Forms and further information can be found at NYSED’s Grants Finance website.

Q: Is there a place to see what my maximum grant payable is based upon student enrollment?

A: Yes. The State Aid Unit in NYSED allows all districts to run their State Aid Management System (SAMS) output report. Each district receiving UPK funding can check their maximum grant payable by accessing their output reports.


Q: Our district is receiving new funding from the 2023 enacted budget on top of state-funds we already receive to run a state-funded prekindergarten program. Do we have to convert our half-day program to a full-day program with our old allocation?

A: No. Districts who have been receiving funding to run state-funded UPK programs for half-day programs do not need to convert those seats to full-day slots. Any new funding the district is receiving through the 2022-2023 enacted budget was intended for serving full-day 4-year-old students. However, under Education Law 3602-e, a district may convert no more than 30% of their full-day slots to half-day slots before incurring an overage penalty.

Q: If we serve more students than what our allocation is for, will the district get reimbursed additional funding?

A: No. Any seats that are filled beyond what has been allocated to the district are at the district’s own expense. A district cannot receive additional funding if they fill more slots than what they are allocated for.

Q: Is the district allowed to use all their UPK funding to contract out the entire program to eligible agencies?

A: Yes. There is nothing that prevents a district from entirely using eligible agencies to run a UPK program. However, the district would still have oversight of the program as the funding is awarded to the district and not the eligible agencies.

Q: What is the length of the project period for the UPK grant?

A: The project period runs from July 1 – June 30 of each year. For example, for the 2022-2023 school year, the project period will run from July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. Districts are encouraged to make sure all budget amendments (FS-10-A) are submitted by July 8th.


A Look at Quality Learning Environments

This video is designed to support educators in creating quality learning environments for young children in Prekindergarten. It illustrates how effective teachers can plan and implement a classroom design that supports children of all abilities and language backgrounds in their early learning stages of development. Click below to view:

Prekindergarten: Creating a High Quality Classroom Environment


Emergent Multilingual Learners in Prekindergarten Programs

The New York State Board of Regents (BOR) approved a protocol for Emergent Multilingual Learners developed to guide and support state-funded Prekindergarten programs in implementing best practices relative to the role of the home language. Click below for more information:

A Protocol for Emergent Multilingual Learners

Helpful Resources/Professional Development:

· P-3 Virtual Summer Institute 2022

· Tip Sheet for Practice and Play: Setting Up Learning Centers

·  Getting Ready for School: Healthy Bodies and Minds – Family Tip Sheet

Jason Breslin, NBCT, Director, Office of Early Learning

Lori Smart, Supervisor

Tanya Amodio-Kovacs, Samantha Chobot, Carly Feldman,

Eric Feml-Nelsen, Jason Gish, Christine Lyons, Brandon Orszulak, Tina Rose-Turriglio, Zak Snyder