5:00pm - 6:30pm

Grades: 6-12th

Where: In the annex (gym)

You Are Needed!

If you are interested in participating in the discipleship of children and building the Kingdom, the Sunday morning nursery would benefit from your helping hands.

If you are willing and able to serve in the nursery please reach out to

Sydney Masten

OFBC Kids- Great things coming!

We will be starting a "March into Missions" on Sunday mornings beginning March 3rd. The kids will hear about missionary stories from new and old. We will be collecting coins to give as an offering to the Mission Funds to Tanzania, Puerto Rico, and Thailand. Please come and worship with us after the service in the Ministry Center!

DNOW Youth Event

Date: March 16th & 17th

Time: 8:45am on Saturday-12:00pm Sunday

We will be challenged to be unashamed of the Gospel from God's word. Also you can look forward to some zany games, helping a neighbor church with an outreach, playing Top Golf, and a Saturday to Sunday Sleepover! 

Parents, you are welcome to join us at top Golf (sign up below). 

Student Host homes are the Lee (girls) and Dack (boys) families!

Sign up 

The Puerto Rico Mission Trip is confirmed for July 7-13, 2024!

Please keep the Puerto Rico trip in your prayers. If you feel let to contribute, you can support them by donating to the Student Mission Fund through the online portal.

** Team Meeting this Sunday, March 3 at 3:00pm in Room 213 in the Worship Center**

VBS Rally at Old Fort Baptist coming soon!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024
North Trident Baptist Church
9939 Jamison Road, Summerville, SC 29485
5-5:45 pm Snack Supper
6:00 pm Worship Rally
6:45-7:35 pm, 7:45-8:25 pm Break-out sessions 
Pre-school/Kindergarten, 1-4 grade, 5-6 grade (VBX), Directors, All Rotations, Decorating, Breaking the Waves, VBS is for Everyone, No Runaway Kites, Leading a Child to Christ and more!
8:30-9:15 pm Closing Rally/Games/Door Prizes

CONTACT ANNE REDNER by March 1st if interested in going!

VBS 2024!

Interested in helping lead VBS in 2024?

Please let us know here so we can start planning together!

We will be taking any leaders interested to the Rally at North Trident Baptist Church!

I want to help!

Bronson is leading a Teen Boys mid week bible study in the book of Proverbs.

When: Tuesdays from 10-11am

For more information, please email or text Pastor Bronson

Send Email

Dream Team

Sunday, March 24th

3:00pm - 4:00pm

Each month on the fourth Sunday we will meet to talk about being all Jesus has for us as leaders!

Kids Camp 2024 at Camp Longridge is just around the corner! Please see the flyer below for more information. Click the link below or scan the QR code to register. We have only 10 total spots available!

Our staff is always happy to hear from you and eager to assist you in any way that we can. Feel free to reach out by email or call us through the church office at 843-873-2283.

Bronson Simmons

Next Generations Pastor


Anne Redner

Director of Kids Ministry


Sydney Masten

Preschool Coordinator
