Hope Is Born, Musical

A Multigenerational Christmas Experience 

Sunday, Dec. 8 | 6pm | Ministry Center

Embark on this journey of worship as we embrace the profound hope we have in Jesus, whose birth we celebrate this Christmas!

Childcare is available for ages 0-4 years old.

Are you looking for biblical parenting resources?

Below is a link to an audio parenting class taught by Jeff & Jen Wilkin at The Village Church. In this 6 part parenting class, the Wilkins draw on their experience as students of Scripture and parents of four children to encourage Christian parents of young children to view their home as the ultimate small group, the primary place of belonging. This class is geared toward parents of children brith-5th grade.

**We would love to hear any feedback you may wish to share**

Listen to the Parenting Class


~ (Wednesday Evenings from 6:15-7:30pm September through December 4th for 0-4s

~ Babies/Toddlers & PreK for both AM services on Sunday.

~ Babies/Toddlers & PreK for Sunday evenings 5:00 pm

The Preschool Ministry is looking for members to disciple our precious littles. Please reach out if your are able to help in a rotation to Sydney Masten.

C#(843)810-8223 (call/text/email)

Email Sydney
Our staff is always happy to hear from you and eager to assist you in any way that we can. Feel free to reach out by email or call us through the church office at 843-873-2283.

Bronson Simmons

Next Generations Pastor


Sydney Masten

Preschool Director
