
We are writing to provide important updates about 2020 Wage Tax refunds in Philadelphia. The coronavirus pandemic has caused unprecedented disruption to businesses and employees. In response to these new challenges, we’re introducing new ways to request refunds in some –but not all– cases. Please read on for more information about the changes, and when to expect them.

Employer-requested refund form (only for 2020)

In previous years, only an employee could apply for a Wage Tax refund. Because so many people were ordered to work from home, and for TY2020 only, we are allowing employers to submit a refund request on behalf of a group of their non-resident employees.

To do so, we’ve created a new form you can download now at The employer must provide the following information for each employee:
  • First and last name
  • Social Security Number
  • Current mailing address
  • The highest gross compensation on the W-2
  • Philadelphia withholdings
  • Calculated refund amount

Starting in February, employers will be able to upload the form on our eFile/ePay website. We will mail refund checks directly to employees, so please double-check mailing addresses.

New online non-resident and income-based petitions

If your employer is submitting a petition on your behalf, DO NOT submit a petition yourself. Need to submit on your own? You may be able to use one of our forthcoming online Wage Tax refund petitions.

The first form is for non-resident employees who were ordered to work from home during the pandemic. It will be a streamlined petition, and only available to workers who were required to work from home by their employer. Like paper filing, a complete petition must include:
  • A letter from your employer for the dates you were required to work outside Philadelphia.
  • A full copy of your W-2, which includes taxes paid to Philadelphia.

The second online form is for income-based petitions. It can be signed by the employee or a preparer. Your petition must include:
  • A full copy of your W-2 for each employer (if you have more than one).
  • A copy of the PA SP 40 form you filed with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

We will also simplify the 2020 refund form for income-based petitioners who want to file a paper form.

These online refund forms –as well as paper versions– should be available on our website in the first week of February. Thank you for your patience.

For other Wage Tax refunds

The new forms described above, are NOT for employees who would like to request a Wage Tax refund for travel, stock options, and/or business expenses. If this is your case, you must continue to use paper forms.

All taxpayers should also note that we will accept digital employer signatures and have created a uniform travel worksheet. All 2020 paper refund forms will be available on our website starting in February:

If you have any questions, please email OR call us at (215) 686-6574; 6575 or 6578.


Refund Unit
Philadelphia Department of Revenue

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