
Here are our upcoming events!

Friday, November 22

Community Meeting, 9 am

Wednesday-Friday, November 27-29

Thanksgiving Break

Tuesday, December 3

Giving Tuesday

Sibling & Make-Up Picture Day

Thursday, December 5

Half-Day, Lower School Conferences

Friday, December 6

No School, Lower School Conferences

December 10

Hearing & Vision Screening

Quick Links & Reminders

United Nations Day Video & Photos

We are excited to share a beautiful video of our United Nations Day celebration this year! In addition, click here to check out some of the amazing pictures from the day taken by photographer Jowan Gauthier. 

A big THANK YOU to everyone who worked to make the event a success—faculty and staff, parent volunteers, and, of course, to our student performers, presenters, and tour guides!

Photo Gallery

Weather Policy & Updates

As we near the winter season, we would like to remind you how we will notify parents of a late opening, early dismissal, or closure in inclement weather.

Our policy is that Oneness-Family School makes its own decisions on delays and closures, considering commuting families and staff. Here is how we will notify parents and staff of a late opening, early dismissal, or closure in the event of inclement weather.

  • CHECK OUR WEBSITE: Our website homepage and Parent Portal will notify you of the school's status.
  • CHECK YOUR INBOX: An email will be sent with the school’s status.

Please note that the school will no longer post a status on WTOP. All weather updates will be sent via email and via the school's website.

Oneness Fund Giving Campaign

November marks the start of our Oneness Fund Direct Giving Campaign! In the coming weeks, we will reach out to OFS families, staff, alumni, board members, and friends of Oneness-Family School for contributions toward our Oneness Fund. Our goals are to achieve 100% family participation and to raise $100,000.

We invite you to read more about the Oneness Fund and show your support of OFS by making a personally meaningful gift this holiday season.

Learn More: Oneness Fund

Thanksgiving Break – November 27-29

This year's Thanksgiving Break will begin on Wednesday, November 27, and continue through Friday, November 29. We wish our families festive and meaningful gatherings over the break.

Festival of Lights Bazaar – December 20

We're looking forward to our Festival of Lights Celebration on Friday, December 20!

The Festival of Lights Bazaar is growing this year, and we're thrilled to invite you to a celebration of creativity, community, and cheer! This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your talents, connect with fellow Oneness families, and share the joy of the season.

Whether you're an artist, crafter, baker, or small business owner, the Festival of Lights Bazaar is the perfect place to display and sell your goods. If you are interested in participating in the bazaar, please email by Friday, November 29, for further details. 

Photo Galleries

Connect With Us

Connect with our OFS Community online! If you aren't already a member, we encourage you to join our Oneness-Family Montessori School group page and like our official school page on Facebook! For school pictures and stories, follow us on Instagram. 

Facebook  Instagram