Join Us For an Open House!

OIPS is excited to invite you to our first Open House on August 30th, from 1:00pm – 3:00pm, at the Volker Hall Simulation Center. We have recently updated our simulation spaces, and we are thrilled to share these updates with you. This Open House is a fantastic opportunity for you to tour the center, meet our team, and explore the resources and capabilities that we have to offer. This event is for everyone, including our current simulation partners and anyone with a new interest in simulation that doesn’t currently work with us. We look forward to seeing you soon!

OIPS Open House


Volker Hall, G133A


08/30/23 1:00pm - 08/30/23 3:00pm America/Chicago
OIPS Volker Hall Simulation Center Open House
I'll Be There!
I Can't Make It

Office of Interprofessional Simulation (OIPS) •  Volker Hall G133A  •  1670 University Blvd • Birmingham, AL 35249