Dear OLG Community,
We find our strength in today's Gospel which calls for us to discern the voice of God in our lives amidst the noise created in times of trouble and confusion. Listening to our conscience - to God's voice in our hearts - will always lead us on pathways of goodness and light. Prayer, in all its forms, is the key to experiencing God's grace in our lives and the beautiful peace and serenity that follow. As always, we extend a warm welcome to all of our families to join us in prayer at 8:30 am Mass on Mondays at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church and at Noon on Thursdays at St. John of God Church.
As we look with gratitude and excitement toward the Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas seasons, we acknowledge that our children will spend an increased amount of time at home and, most likely, on the Internet. In a proactive effort to partner in keeping our children safe, we invite all parents/guardians to join us on the West Campus this Wednesday at 6:00 pm for an important meeting on Social Media Safety. The conversation will focus on better understanding the digital world and strategies for helping our children create healthy, appropriate, and responsible digital footprints. The following panelists will accompany me for the workshop: Mr. Hukm Myles Moore, OLG Director of Security and owner of 7 Secure, LLC, Mr. Tyler Capozzoli, Dean of Students and Assistant Principal, and Mr. Frank Azzara, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and member of the OLG faculty. Due to the nature of the presentation, this event will be for adults only. We will record the presentation to share with those parents who are unable to attend on Wednesday evening.
I thank each one of you for your support of our mission and for entrusting us with the care of your most precious children. Please enjoy the music video above, Lord, I Need You, which will be sung by our students at the 8:30 am Mass tomorrow morning on the West Campus. We thank Ms. Evelyn Escobar and Mr. Sal Giorlando for coordinating and stewarding our children's many gifts and talents in our weekly school Liturgies.
Peace and gratitude,
Dr. Val