Dear OLG Community,
Happy Thursday of Catholic Schools’ Week! A quick shout out to all our amazing performers last night at the Winter Concert! If you missed it or loved it so much, check out the live stream here! Tomorrow, we conclude our week with Pajama Day! Thanks to all of you who made the week special, for the PO and the care that they showed the staff and faculty, and for the many ways you also showed up and brought joy at Open House on Sunday. Your positive energy and attitude was felt by prospective and alumni families alike.
Today we celebrated the incredible special people in our lives, those who could be with us, and those that we hold in our hearts. To those who made it today, thank you for taking the time to be present, as you clearly make such an impact in the lives of your children, however they are related or connected to you.
Today’s Gospel reminded us that we, as disciples, are sent out, just as Jesus’ early disciples were, in pairs and are tasked to bring hope and goodness into the world, even when it is challenging, even when we might be turned away, do it anyway and keep going, in companionship with others who support, challenge and teach us, who lift us up and push us to grow. Jesus’ early disciples didn’t know what they were doing. There was no guide book or one of those “How to become a _____ (insert: “Disciple” here) Without Really Trying” book series to go off of. No stone tablet, no intensive scroll, no Google or AI. No, it was simply Jesus saying, “This is what you shall do”. Simply. That’s almost humorous, how complex such a simple task actually is and was. But they (the disciples) left it all, followed His directions, and found their faith in Christ as the Son of God, not just their friendly neighborhood carpenter, Jesus. God too calls us each by name, to listen and hear what in fact He is calling us toward, helping us to be who we are meant to be. He chose us, not because it’s easy, not because we know what we are doing, but because it’s simple. It’s pure. At the end of the day, what it is, is love.
On this Special Persons’ Day, know and be certain that you are in fact just what God had in mind. You, exactly as you are, are love; God’s love, meant to be shared. We are tremendously grateful for the light that you bring, the joy that you share and the hope that you spread in the lives of your children, in our community and in the world. We are better for the love that you give, and hope that you felt the love we have for each of you and the community we hold dear, today, tomorrow and always.