Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and

sponsored by the Holy Spirit.

Annual School Fund Drive

We have so far reached 22% of our goal with a School Families & Staff Participation of 9.42%

Coming up!

Catholic Schools Week

Principal's Letter

Dear Families, 

Happy New Year to all of you! With the new year, brings new opportunities for growth, collaboration, involvement, support and community. It is a time for us to look at ways to begin anew, with many people setting resolutions, making new commitments; focusing on ways to better themselves and the world around them. As people of faith, we look to the new year with hope, filled with light from the Christmas season. We are refreshed spiritually with Christ’s birth, and are called to action to be people for others, especially going out to those who are marginalized. My hope for each of us is that we can find ways to do this in our homes, in our community, at OLG and beyond--- that in this season of new beginnings, we bring light to others, sharing it as we are called to do. 

In our first week back, we have seen the wonderful gifts of the Christmas break being shared; refreshed and recharged students and staff, happy times and experiences from break being shared, new babies in some of our school families (congratulations!), and irreplaceable time and memories made and shared with people that we love. It’s joyful to see and hear the kids share all their holiday break joys and experiences. 

As we begin the new year, there are a few things to be refreshed on. Please read below and share with your students too.

But before you do, just a quick reminder-- tomorrow is OLG Spirit Day! Wear CYO, school colors, or uniform.

Now to the reminders:

Cell Phones/ Smart Devices: New Gifts from Christmas 

We have also seen the gifts of Santa and family being shared, especially in new tech gadgets like phones, smart watches, smart devices etc. If this applies to your child, please take a moment to refresh yourself on the school handbook (pages 51-52), knowing that all devices brought to school need to be for academic purposes only. Phones are turned off in the backpacks, no exceptions. Smart devices (tablets, ipads, etc) should not be brought to school unless explicitly stated or approved by the teacher or school, and smart watches should be placed in school mode (i.e. watch feature and maybe fitness tracker ONLY), during the day, if and only if they are to be worn at all. Any and all devices being used for texting, cameras, video, games, timers, scrolling, etc. without explicit permission will be confiscated as is our policy. We thank you for respecting the policy and reinforcing it with your children. Tech, though a useful tool, is also something that can be highly detrimental to the learning environment and focus of our students, especially if not monitored. If there is any kind of emergency or need for us to contact families, we will do that directly from the school. Thank you for your understanding, and for reviewing the policy with your children.  

Inclement Weather: Snow & Ice

Snow is in the forecast beginning next week. Living at the highest point in Seattle, there are times when our weather differs from down the hill, or even just a few blocks away. If it is too icy, or too snowy to safely open school for our teachers, staff, families and students, a closure or late start may need to occur. If that is the case, we will give you as much notice as possible, so that you can plan accordingly as a family. While we do not wish to have to close school, we must do what is best for our entire community. If school is closed or there is a late start, there will not be morning care for ELC or EDC, and if the weather is turning suddenly mid-day, after care could be canceled or shortened, depending on the needs of our staff and safety of all. 

In the next few days, we will be testing our emergency communication system via phone, text and email. We will send a separate email letting you know when this test has been sent. If you do not receive the emergency notification test, please respond accordingly.

Please remind your students to dress accordingly and appropriately if there is snow. Boots may be worn for recess only (please bring regular shoes for classroom/ PE), and coats should come to school daily. 

Wishing you all a wonderful rest of your week. Enjoy your weekend.

With Gratitude, 

Ms. Lauren Hobbs
Lauren Hobbs

Principal, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School

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Important Dates

Jan 4 - 4th grade Curriculum Meeting - Mandatory parent/guardian

Jan 5 - OLG Spirit Wear Day - Wear OLG Spirit Gear, anything CYO, or your uniform

Jan 7 - Family Faith Sunday

Jan 9 - Parent Org Meeting 6:30 pm Gym stage

Jan 10 - Wednesday 2:15 Early Dismissal (K-8)

  • After School Tutoring 2:15-3:00 pm

Jan 11 - FCE goes home with youngest student

Jan 15 - NO SCHOOL MLK. EDC and ELC care closed

Stay up-to-date with calendar events

Coming Up

Catholic Schools Week: Jan 28 to Feb 2

PO Auction News

OLG Rocks Auction March 2, 2024

We’ve Got Two Tickets (or more!) to Paradise - Tickets to the OLG ROCKS! 2024 Auction on Saturday, March 2, 2024 go on sale Tuesday, January 16th - gather your bandmates and snag a table at our biggest fundraising event of the year! Enjoy dinner by Duos Catering and beer provided by Elysian Brewing!


Get By With a Little Help From My Friends - many volunteer opportunities exist in the New Year to assist with the auction. Keep your eyes open for a Sign-Up Genius in the coming weeks to sign-up for set-up, night-of duties and tear down after the event and many other chances to get down with us to make the auction a success! 

It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Right - Does your company offer a match to charitable contributions? The OLG auction is a GREAT opportunity to utilize this benefit to double your donation to the OLG by using your employer’s matching gift program. 

School Fund Drive

2023-2024 Annual School Fund Drive Thermometer

THANK YOU so much OLG Community for all your OLG Annual School Fund Drive contributions this first half of the school year!

We have now reached a total of $22K from our goal of $100K with a 9.5% School Families and Staff Participation!

We are still far from our annual goal BUT we also still have 6 more months to make it happen! We can achieve anything when we work TOGETHER!!

How can YOU help?

Donate what you can (every contribution counts!), and SPREAD THE WORD!

Share with your family, friends and colleagues about OLG and what makes our school so special and kindly ask them to support our Annual School Fund.

CYO Athletics News

Volleyball and 3rd Grade Basketball Registration Open

Online registration for volleyball (grades 4-8) and 3rd grade basketball (boys or girls) are now open.

Register Here 

Gym Monitors Needed!

This is a fun way to earn volunteer hours while watching some hoops. Have a high school student looking for hours? This is a great opportunity for them too! Please contact Dan Womac

Go Bulldogs!

Family Faith Sunday - This Sunday

Family Faith Sunday is this week for all families but particularly for first grade Sacrament Prep. 9:30-10:45 in the Walmesley Center (gym).

Help Needed for Local Afghan Families

The OLG immigrant ministry needs drivers to provide rides to English lessons for our sponsored Afghan family. Classes are weekdays downtown, and rides are between South Seattle and the downtown classroom. This is a lovely, easy way to support our new neighbors and log steady service hours. Drivers undergo a background check and must have a license and insurance in good standing. Questions? Contact Immigrant Ministry chair Kathleen Sullivan: or 206/372-4240. 


Everyone is invited on Saturday, January 20, 6:30-8:30 pm in the gym for an evening of games, food and fellowship to fend off the dark days of winter and being cooped up in the home! There will be bingo, cards, spoons, karaoke, and corn hole and other games for kids and the young at heart! Proceeds will go towards our Family Faith Formation Program, including Vacation Bible Camp. CLICK HERE for more information including opportunities to volunteer!


THANK YOU to Everyone who Participated in our Christmas Celebrations!!

Special thanks to the Arts & Environment Committee, Ann Sager, the musicians and choir, the facilities staff, the families who participated in our Christmas Gospel pageant and all the volunteers behind the scene, and to all of you who joined in celebrating this holy season!!

Looking for volunteer hours?

Our parish needs a few more camera operators for our Masses and other events. You can volunteer once a month or more often. The system is easy to operate (especially if you like playing video games!) Contact Helen 206-935-0358.

More on the OLG Parish Website

Partners in the Gospel

Q: What are the Benefits to the Approach the Archdiocese is taking?

A: This highly consultative approach gives parishioners the ability to provide input and take an active role in building and renewing their local Church. The process allows communities time to truly journey together and accompany one another in a synodal manner, while forming one new vibrant parish community. It is intended to give priests more time for pastoral care – while also ensuring no parish community is left out. The new parish family will benefit from the shared gifts, talents, finances, resources and more from each of the joining parishes. This consolidation means that the new parish family may have more resources to carry out the mission, which could include benefits like a larger active youth group and fuller Masses in one location — and a larger outreach ministry at another location. It really comes down to the creativity and engagement of the parishioners and parish leaders to determine how the family will collaborate to carry out the mission. Please know that the Archdiocese is committing significant resources to support parishes throughout this journey. You will find more answers to questions on our parish website.

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