Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and
sponsored by the Holy Spirit.
This month, we recognized students chosen for their strong mission alignment to "a faith inspired Catholic".
We are loving these beautiful fall days!
Dear OLG Families,
As we move into October, we are heading soon into Fall Conferences and our Halloween Carnival (both coming in just about two weeks time!). A special invite to signupgenius will come out soon for Fall Conferences with more details, but save the dates for parent-teacher conferences on Thursday and Friday (10/27 & 10/28). Here are a few brief mentions of practical news of this week:
Finally, I want to especially thank all the volunteers who have stepped up (both adults and peer tutors) to get a great After School Tutoring program going this week. We look forward to sharing the news of progress and growth in all our students with this and all the other additional supports as we gather together at conferences.
Tomorrow is a statewide inservice day for teachers and staff to gather and reflect on their craft. As professionals dedicated to educating our children, we know we are at our best when we are in communion with each other. On that note, we have invited the Holy Rosary school staff to join together with OLG in this professional development day and are excited to share in this together. Our office will be closed as well for this inservice day in support of these efforts. Thank you for supporting the professional growth of all our fabulous OLG educators this October 14th.
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
Oct 14 - NO SCHOOL - Professional Development - Christ in the Classroom Retreat for Staff
Oct 15 - Altar Server Training (Grades 4+) 9:30-10:30am at Church
Oct 19 - Picture Retakes
Retakes: Bring your Yuen Lui packet & change of clothes
Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal (K-8)
Coming Soon
Oct 26 - NOON Dismissal
Oct 26-28 - Fall Conferences (Required)
- Conference sign up available soon
EDC Sign up / NO ELC care
Tuition Assistance Application is Open for a Limited Time
We ask you to complete before Dec 16 (Christmas Break)!
Families must apply each year through the FACTS Grant and Aid portal to qualify for a grant—all awards are made based on financial need. The Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Grant program is designed for families and students currently enrolled or applying for the next school year in any Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Seattle.
Halloween Carnival
The OLG Halloween Carnival is just a few weeks away! Make sure to mark your calendars for Oct 29th from 4 - 7 pm because you won't want to miss this spooky fun! Outside games include bouncy castle, slides, and mini golf. Inside games include old time carnival fun, balloon animals, airbrush face painting, a DJ, and of course, the Cake Walk!
Buy your unlimited fun wristbands for $20 per person and individual game and Cake Walk tickets for $1 each.
We still need a few volunteers for Cake Walk, Indoor Games & Clean Up! We also need Trunk or Treat volunteers for Pre-K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 7th grades! PO provides the candy--all you need to do is decorate your car! Contact your room parent to volunteer.
Plan on having your dinner at the Halloween Carnival!
OLG 8th graders will be selling HOT DOGS, CHILI, BAKED POTATOES, popcorn, beverages, and treats to raise funds for their graduation gift to the school. New this year, COTTON CANDY and CHURROS!! Help support 8th grade’s fundraising efforts for their service project and check-off tonight’s dinner plans!
Charleston Wrap® On Sale Now!
Stock up on wrapping paper and other goodies for your holidays and help us reach our fundraising goal. Place your order by Oct 26th and thank you for your support!
(Enter Organization ID 12596)
Jog-A-Thon Wrap Up
Thank you again for a successful Jog-A-Thon! All Jog-A-Thon donations support our Parent Org which annually supplies $125k to the general school budget.
Donations Received: $29,098
Top Fundraising Class: Congratulations 2nd Grade ($4,963.00) - Pizza Party coming your way!
Most Laps Wave #2: Congratulations Liam H.!
Most Laps Wave #1 (and overall): Congratulations Amanda T.!
And thank you to our Co-Chairs Victoria Arthur, Rachelle Snyder and all of our volunteers!
Basketball Registration Open!
Open for Grades 4-8
Enroll today!
CYO Day at Husky Stadium Oct 14 - 50% off
Friday, October 14 – 4:00pm UW Men’s Soccer host Gonzaga and CYO families can use THIS LINK for 50% off tickets. Tickets as low as $5. Wear your CYO Jerseys and they will give video board messages and shout outs to all schools that are represented. They will have autographs and a players meet and greet after the game. There is also a women’s game at 7pm vs Oregon State that you can attend with the same ticket.
Can you or someone you know referee CYO basketball games?
You will find fun ideas for family activities for October and Halloween to grow your faith together. This month also includes resources on media and values. How do we manage the impact of media on our children’s values and on our own?
Parol (Christmas Lanterns) Making
Sunday, Oct 23 12:00-2:00 pm
The Filipino Community of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, in collaboration with the Multicultural Ministry invites everyone (individuals, families, groups) to making Parols (Christmas Lanterns) - Sign up by Oct 18....More information
Looking for service hours?
- Altar Server Training Oct 15 9:30-10:30am
- Camera Operators needed for our daily and weekend Masses
- Sunday School Assistants needed at the 11:00 am Mass
Part-Time Job Opportunity -- Little Lamb Teachers/Care Givers for your very young children (6 months - 3 years) during the 11:00 am Masses. Contact Helen
More details about these opportunities on the school's web site or parish web site
Feast of All Souls Mass & Reception
This year on Wednesday, Nov 2 7:00 pm, you are invited to join us for Mass as remember all our loved ones who have passed away, including parishioners this past year. A small reception will follow.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651