Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and

sponsored by the Holy Spirit.

Your fall favorite is back!!

Buy Tickets // Volunteer

CYO Italian Dinner Nov 4th

Buy Tickets // Volunteer (+Donate Wine)

Principal's Letter

Dear Families, 

We have reached the midpoint of our first trimester, and I find myself thinking about community. What does it mean to be a community? By definition, it is simply a group of people living in the same place, or having a similar characteristic in common. To me, to be a community is so much more than any definition that’s out there. It’s about the way that we lift one another up through a common mission. It’s about the way we support each other for the betterment of all, and seek ways to grow, forgive, and thrive. It is about the love and the life that is shared in the simple day to day. It is a feeling. A hope. A belief. A prayer. Community is about unity and faith; threads and pieces intertwined together that when bonded, form a beautiful quilt or tapestry. Community is a treasure that lasts long after so many other things have faded away. 

At OLG, community is our foundation. It is the relationship that feeds all that we do, and defines who we are. Individually, we are beautiful threads, but when we come together, we form something remarkable. I am reminded of the power of our community on a daily basis. Today, it was in one of my favorite ways, All School Mass. Our 5th graders led us in prayer so beautifully, our 8th graders led family groups with grace, and together we honored the life of a young man, Devin, who spent his childhood as a student at OLG, and passed away recently. Surrounded by the love of our community, his family and so many who knew him, were reminded of the lasting love, and the immense power of community, even when you’ve grown and moved on. The OLG community at present, wrapped his family in love, without even knowing it, as the beautiful quilt that we are, simply being present and praying for him. How special small acts are. 

This week we had many opportunities to learn about community and experience it as a living tapestry. We supported one another at CYO over the weekend, and through the celebration of Unity Day on Wednesday, promoting anti-bullying and the power of kindness. We recognized our Bulldogs of the Month, students who showed our SLEs coming to life within their classrooms and within the school. We worked together as Family Groups, and saw the ways in which our oldest students led and guided their families for the first time outside of a classroom, attending Mass together today. The list goes on and on. 

Next week, the ability to grow as a community continues through mandatory student Conferences. These provide students, teachers and parents/ guardians an opportunity to come together and focus on ways to support our children in their learning, growth, and development spiritually, mentally and physically, and help them to grow. We recognize that taking time out of the work day can be a challenge, and we appreciate your ability and willingness to be present. Please click on the sign up button below to mark a spot for you and your family to attend. 

As we reflect on covenants and community, I wanted to personally thank the 70% of our families who have reviewed the Family Handbook with your children, and signed the Handbook Agreement. It is its own covenant of sorts, and helps us to support your children, and helps us to be on the same page at school and at home. If you haven’t had a chance to do this, please log in to your SchoolAdmin account to complete the task.

Finally, seeking ways to build community further? The OLG School Directory 2023-2024 is here! Requests for a printed copy may be made at the school office.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Thank you for being such an integral part of our OLG tapestry.

Fall Conferences Sign up
With Gratitude, 

Ms. Lauren Hobbs
Lauren Hobbs

Principal, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School

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Oct 22 - Coffee & Donuts after each Mass (PK & 6th gr helpers)

Oct 25 - NOON Dismissal Fall Conferences Teacher Prep

Oct 26-27 - Fall Conference sign up - Required all grades

Oct 28 - Halloween Carnival 3:00-6:00 pm

Oct 29 - Charleston Wrap Sales End

Coming Up

Nov 1 - All School Mass K-8 in Full Uniform (blues)

Nov 4 - CYO Italian Dinner 6:00 pm

Nov 6-20 - Wreath Sales/ Pick up @ OLG Nov 28

CYO Athletics News

CYO Italian Dinner!

We hope you will join us for a fun evening celebrating youth sports at OLG and our amazing coaches!

Saturday, Nov 4th @ 6pm

Dinner! Dancing! Raffle! FUN!

Buy Tickets (21+ Event)




Grades 4-8

CYO basketball registration is open!

Register by Wednesday!

There is also a half-season for 3rd grade (registration opens in January). Looking for your basketball coach? Contact Dan Womac

Game dates here

Halloween Carnival

OLG Halloween Carnival

Saturday, October 28th

Only one week until Halloween Carnival fun! To make it great for our kids and community, we need a lot of volunteers. We would love more help with more carnival game supervisors. Please check our volunteer link to see the many ways you can help out and make sure your class is represented.

Decorate your car for trunk-or-treat! Donate a cake - earn volunteer hours! Sign up for a shift to set up or help during the carnival! All ghouls, guys and grads welcome.

Early bird wristband pricing ends soon! Click to save now

Click to buy your wristband now!
Volunteer Here!
Donate Cakes!

PO News

Charleston Wrap

If you, a family member or friend, near or far, needs wrap (or other goodies), please consider buying via Charleston Wrap so the school can also benefit, getting us closer to our P.O. fundraising goal of $125,000. 

Register today: ID# 12596

Please place your orders by Oct 29th

Day of Service

Are you interested in service to our community? Are you looking for a way to get involved in service at OLG and beyond?  Our first meeting for the year will be on Monday, Oct 23rd. Please contact Karen Fitton for more details or to learn how you can become involved.  

Synod News

Synod Update from Archbishop Etienee

Archbishop Etienne shared an update this week about his experiences at the Synod. He writes,

“… While Pope Francis called the Church to ‘pause’ during this time, to create ‘space’ for the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church, pause is not exactly the word I would use for our very busy days, but it is giving us the ‘space’ and ‘environment’ to peacefully and prayerfully carry out the work of the synod…There have been many graces these past few weeks, among them is the opportunity to hear about the life of the Church in every corner of the world. Some of that happens in small group discussions and in small group reports to the general assembly. Some of it also happens in the many conversations over meals and breaks. I’ve interacted with Bishops and representatives from Singapore, East Timor, Australia, Central Pacific, Papua New Guinea, Ethiopia, India and all over Europe. Fascinating!” 

You can read his entire update on our Website or Here

Sat, Nov 18th 6:30-7:30 pm

Sun, Nov 19th 9:30am-2pm

Buy Pura Vida Coffee - A Great Holiday Gift!

Purchase Pura Vida coffee for $13/bag and $5/bag comes right back to OLG Parish!  Order by Nov 5th. Pick up your coffee at the Holiday Gift Fair, Nov 18, 19 or at the Parish Office.

Climate Action Pledge

Join with other Catholics in the United States and take the “My Laudate Deum Action Pledge.” After you take it, share the pledge with family and friends in your community. Together, our U.S. Catholic community can help transform our world. The pledge takes just a couple of minutes to complete, but its effects can change the world.

Shoe Boxes Of Joy!

Each November, we ask our parishioners to create “Shoe boxes of Joy” for the variety of people served by CCS’ Volunteer Chore Services. We provide a list of desired items and the boxes are blessed by Father Kevin during Thanksgiving weekend. Right now, we are collecting empty shoeboxes which will be wrapped and returned to the church for parishioners to use for their items. If you have some extra shoeboxes, please bring to the Parish Office, or leave them in the Narthex—thank you!

Remembering Our Loved Ones Who Have Died

The Catholic Church has a long tradition of remembering those who have died during the month of November, beginning with the Feast of All Souls on the 2nd. You are invited to join us for Mass that evening at 7:00 pm to celebrate all who have died, but in a special way your own loved ones. A light reception will follow. Also, besides those we remember on our All Souls Banners, people traditionally submit names of family and friends who have also passed away to also be included in our prayers for the month (sometimes with a donation)Sign up online or contact the Parish Office

And always more to see on the OLG Parish Website

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