Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and

sponsored by the Holy Spirit.

Your fall favorite is back!!

Buy Tickets // Volunteer

CYO Italian Dinner Nov 4th

Buy Tickets // Volunteer (+Donate Wine)

Principal's Letter
Fall Conferences Sign up

Good evening, families and happy Conference Week!

It has been wonderful seeing so many of you around campus, and I look forward to seeing more of you tomorrow. During conference time, we hope that your meetings are fruitful, and provide ample opportunities for your children to reflect on ways that they want to grow and thrive, and set goals for themselves. As educators, our mission is to help your children to achieve their goals, and support them in their development, spiritually, academically, behaviorally and beyond. Our partnership with you as families is irreplaceable, and one that when done with unity and collaboration, helps students to know that they are wrapped in support and guidance. I am tremendously grateful for the fantastic teachers and support staff we have at Guadalupe, and know that they each put their hearts into all that they do, including preparing for conferences, and prepping the students to lead them. Thank you for making the time to be present. 

This Saturday is the Halloween Carnival, and you’re in for a great treat. The PO Halloween Carnival Committee has been working hard to bring so many wonderful things to life, including bringing back a Haunted Hallway, and for those 21+, even a beer garden! We hope that you can join us to celebrate the fun and festivities of the season, and to witness the lucky middle school student who gets chosen to even pie me in the face for best costume! 

Speaking of Halloween, for those who are new, or who are unaware of the Halloween customs around school for Tuesday, October 31st, the guidelines are below: 

Halloween Attire and Costumes:

  • ELC-4th: Costumes or school uniforms
  • No weapons, masks, violence, or gore. No “adult” or inappropriate content or apparel (review “free dress” guidelines in the handbook if you need more context). As parents/ guardians, use your judgment and general school appropriateness. As principal, if I determine that a costume is inappropriate, your child will be sent to the office to change into uniform. 
  • 5-8th Grade: No costumes. Halloween colors (orange/ black/ purple/ green) or school uniform. No costume ears, etc.

For ELC- 4th, there will be a parade around 2. If you would like to attend to see it, please let the teacher know directly. This will likely include you volunteering to help with any class party that may be occurring. What a fun way to accrue some service hours! 

Lastly, as a school, we prefer to be a place of learning. The past few days, we were learning how to handle lots of sickness. That said, just a reminder to please stay at home if you are sick! We are working hard to keep the many viruses affecting a few students from spreading to the many. This week, there were quite a few students with abdominal pain and low appetites which can signal norovirus or the flu, both highly contagious. And in the last weeks step and covid are still making the rounds. Please take precautions to keep the many safe and stay at home. Stay at home at least 24 hours after fever or vomiting (without the use of medications). Whether you are feeling ill or not, frequent hand washing with soap and water helps everyone to stay healthy. 

Happy Conferencing to all!

With Gratitude, 

Ms. Lauren Hobbs
Lauren Hobbs

Principal, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School

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Oct 26-27 - Fall Conference sign up - Required all grades

Oct 28 - Halloween Carnival 3:00-6:00 pm

Oct 31 - Happy Halloween! 🎃

  • PS-4th grade: Wear your Halloween costume! (appropriate, no masks face paint or weapons)
  • 5th-8th grade: Wear Halloween colors (orange/black/purple/green) or school uniform

Nov 1 - All School Mass K-8 in Full Uniform (blues) All Saints Feast Day led by 3rd grade! - Join us 9:00 am

Nov 2 - FCE goes home with youngest student - remove contents & return Family Communication Envelope to school ASAP

Nov 3 - Wednesday 2:15 Early Dismissal (K-8)

Nov 4 - CYO Italian Dinner 6:00-10:00 pm

Coming Up

Nov 5 - Daylight Savings Time ends ☀️"Fall back 1 hour"

Nov 9 - Veteran's Day Assembly 🇺🇸 led by 4th grade 9:00 am

Nov 10 - NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day (No EDC or ELC care)

Halloween Carnival

OLG Halloween Carnival

Saturday, October 28th

Our spooktacular OLG Halloween Carnival is just a few days away, this Saturday 10/28! Reminder that we have an earlier start time at 3pm! We have something for all ages (Haunted Hallway! Oktoberfest Tent! Games and inflatables! Trunk-or-Treat! And everyone’s favorite Cake Walk!). We hope to see you there!  


Any questions? Our co-chairs Nicole and Alise can help!

PO News

Love the holidays? 

Love cookies? 

We have the volunteer position for you! We're searching for a Light Up the Night lead:

  • Create an event flyer
  • Get cookie donations (create sign-up genius to track)
  • Provide volunteers to pass out cookies at the event
  • Create/manage a simple craft in the gym for kids (something we're bringing back this year!)
  • Hire security (we have a lead!)

Contact Robyn Campbell

Sale Extended to Nov 3

If you, a family member or friend, near or far, needs wrap (or other goodies), please consider buying Charleston Wrap so the school can also benefit, getting us closer to our P.O. fundraising goal of $125,000! ID# 12596

Shop Charleston Wrap

Counselor Corner

Middle School and High School Students

Please join us for safeTALK, a suicide intervention workshop.

Click here for details


CYO Athletics News

CYO Italian Dinner!

We hope you will join us for a fun evening celebrating youth sports at OLG and our amazing coaches!

Saturday, Nov 4th @ 6pm

Dinner! Dancing! Raffle! FUN!

Buy Tickets (21+ Event)


Synod News

Synod Update

This weekend the Synod on Synodality will conclude

this stage of the process. But there is more that will be taking place in the months to come before the Synod delegates gather again in Rome in October 2024. Please join in praying for the last intentions for the Novena...click here. More on the parish website

Partners in the Gospel

Question: What does Partners in the Gospel mean for staff?

A: As parishes form into families and then eventually one canonical parish, there will inevitably be staff changes. How Partners in the Gospel will impact a specific staff role will certainly depend on the makeup and needs of the new parish family. Parish leaders are urged to move slowly and take their time in determining the needs of a parish family – especially as it relates to staffing. The reality is that some positions may consolidate. It is important to remember that the goal of this effort is to renew parish life and doing so will require many people. There are many open positions across the archdiocese and many new positions will be created through the Partners in the Gospel process that will provide opportunities for staff to bring their gifts and talents to a new community. A team in Human Resources is exploring ways to help support people who may be displaced through this process by matching them to other open positions in the Archdiocese.

A Great Holiday Gift!

Purchase Pura Vida coffee

Pick up your coffee at the Holiday Gift Fair, Nov 18, 19 or at the Parish Office.

Sat, Nov 18th 6:30-7:30 pm

Sun, Nov 19th 9:30am-2pm

Remembering Our Loved Ones Who Have Died

The Catholic Church has a long tradition of remembering those who have died during the month of November, beginning with the Feast of All Souls on the 2nd. You are invited to join us for Mass that evening at 7:00 pm to celebrate all who have died, but in a special way your own loved ones. A light reception will follow. Also, besides those we remember on our All Souls Banners, people traditionally submit names of family and friends who have also passed away to also be included in our prayers for the month (sometimes with a donation)Sign up online or contact the Parish Office

And always more to see on the OLG Parish Website

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