Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and

sponsored by the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for great Halloween Carnival OLG!

Principal's Letter

Dear OLG Family, 

"My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together."

- Desmond Tutu

This coming Tuesday is Election Day. It is a time when all registered voters across our nation are called upon to perform our civic duty and vote as informed, educated voters. As Catholics, we are asked to vote with our conscience. In our society, it is easy to make politics polarizing and isolating. As a teacher during the last two elections, what I appreciated most was the students’ ability to focus on the importance of a peaceful election, the understanding of current events from various lenses, the constructs of our political system, and why our voices matter. My job was to share the information and teach about our civic duty, civil discourse, and what it means to be an active member of a global community, who aligns to the Catholic Social Teaching (CST). At the end of the day, what came through most, and what I believe is most important, is that we remember the CST of Life and Dignity of the Human Person. Every single person in our world and in our OLG community has value. We are fortunate to live in a country where we are also able to have a voice, our own opinions, and the ability to make decisions for ourselves, that impact the world around us. Desmond Tutu was once credited as saying, "My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together,” and I find this to be so very true, especially around election season. We are all one humanity, we are all one community. We are one nation. What binds us should be greater than what divides us. 

In the days ahead, I invite you to talk to your children about what it means to respect our neighbors, classmates, fellow parents, fellow school families, parishioners, etc. who may have different viewpoints. It is our call as a community to be a place where all are welcome, not simply those who conform to our personal ideologies. At OLG, we are better together. We are each other’s humanity. 

As a country and community, we pray for a peaceful election in the days ahead, and in the days that follow. Together, as people of faith, Pope Francis calls us to seek ways to make our world more just, more peaceful, more welcoming to all. The most successful civilizations in the world, and in our diverse global history, were founded and the manifold ideals, beliefs and gifts of many. They were sustained on mutual respect, care, welcomeness and appreciation that every single one of us brings something different to the table. So, let us come to the feast and join together as one. This is our call as active members of the global community today, and always. Jesus welcomed all His neighbors, and loved them each as God made them. We are called to do the same.

With Gratitude, 

Ms. Lauren Hobbs
Lauren Hobbs

Principal, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School

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Important Dates

Oct 31-Nov 1 - Fall Conferences Continue - Required all grades

Nov 3 - Daylight Savings Time 🌞 Fall back 1 hour

  • Family Faith Sunday 9:45am School Hall
  • Sunday Coffee & Donuts with 6th grade between masses

Nov 4 - West Seattle Middle School Fair 6-7:15 pm OLG Gym

Nov 4-20 - Christmas Wreath & Garland Sale

Nov 6 - Veteran's Day Assembly 🇺🇸 led by 4th grade 9:00 am OLG Gym

  • Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal

Nov 7 - Full Uniform "Blues" (K-8)

  • All School Mass 9:00 am All Saints Day led by 3rd grade
  • FCE goes home with youngest student - remove contents and return to school ASAP

Nov 8 - NO SCHOOL Professional Development NO EDC/ELC

Nov 11 - NO SCHOOL Veteran's Day NO EDC/ELC care

Stay up-to-date with calendar events

Coming Up!

Nov 16 - CYO Italian Dinner Buy tickets by Nov 10

Nov 27-29 - NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break NO EDC/ELC care

School Happenings

Tuition Assistance Application Open for students entering K-8 in 2025-26.

Please complete the application BEFORE Christmas break!


Thank to all the volunteers at the Halloween Carnival! Next week, we are seeking recess volunteers 11am-12pm Monday and Wednesday. Find more opportunities here.

K-8: November EDC Sign up is available

Halloween Carnival

Halloween Carnival - Thank you, everyone!

Thank you to everyone who attended, volunteered, donated toward and enjoyed this year's smashing Halloween Carnival. We hope you had a spooktacular time. The link to the photobooth pictures are here: OLG Halloween Carnival. Until next year, Boo-dogs!

December Art Workshop

Holiday Workshop 2024

Smart with Art's popular Holiday Workshop is back!

Sign up for your student to create a winter holiday themed artwork that will be gift wrapped, ready for giving! This one-time special class is 1.5 hours in length on December 10th after school. More details here

CYO Athletics

CYO basketball (Grades 4-8)

You've registered, right? Don't miss out!

Register Here

*Registration for 3rd grade opens in January.

Community Events

Holy Names Academy is excited to offer a unique STEM event for GIRLS in grades 4-8 on Sunday, November 17. Please share this opportunity with girls in your school community. Attached is a flyer with more details and the link to register


Prayers continue for our new priests and parish family. And for Fr. Kevin and Fr. Jack.

For our community members whose family members who are fighting cancer and other ailments.

For all families, students, children and community members be joyful and full of hope!

Parish News

Remembering Our Loved Ones Who Have Died on the Feast of All Souls

During the month of November, beginning with the Feast of All Souls, we remember all those who have died, including parishioners from this past year. You are invited to attend a special Mass on Saturday, Nov 2nd, 10:00 am as we pray in a special way for those who have gone before us and for us who mourn their loss. A small reception will be held afterwards. Please invite families and friends to join us.

October is RESPECT LIFE MONTH! Each week this month, a page in the bulletin will explore different aspects of Church teaching on a variety of life issues: abortion, human trafficking, war, and euthanasia. You will find these inserts along with additional information on our website.


Want to Get to Know Fr. Phuong & Fr Tim Better?

Invite them over for lunch or dinner. They would love the opportunity to also get to know us better while enjoying a delicious meal. You can also pair up with another person or family. You can call the Parish Office or email them at frphuong@olgseattle.org and frtim@olgseattle.org


Volunteers Needed to Hep Organize Church Pews

During the school year, the OLG second graders help to organize our pews most weeks as part of their service project for the year. A few volunteers to “touch up” the pews before our weekend Masses and on the weeks when school is not in session. Contact Helen, 206-935-0358


More in the Parish Bulletin

OLG Parish Website

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