Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and

sponsored by the Holy Spirit.

 Order by Nov 20th!

More in PO News section below

Required all OLG families:

Family Auction Procurement

By December 1, 2024

Principal's Letter

Dear Families, 

November is one of my favorite months. Not because it’s suddenly dark at 4:15pm, or rainy, or cold. No, none of those things scream “this is the very best!” to me personally. Rather, I love November because it marks a season of change, a season of hope and most of all, a season of gratitude. In nature, of course it’s the changing of the weather. The trees lose their leaves, and snow starts to be visible on the mountaintops in the distance. In the hours of darkness increasingly becoming greater than the hours of light, naturally we seek ways to see differently, or use our time with sunlight more purposefully. And though in the darkness, and in the rain, and even the gloom, I personally consider November the time when a season of hope really begins. Liturgically, we are gearing up for Advent, a time of hopeful, joyful anticipation for the birth of Christ, who arrives just at the darkest point in the year, to be a great light and a beacon. We head into this season seeking our True North, Christ the Savior.  Hope is the belief in more than just us, and in God’s plan. Hope isn’t just a wish and a prayer. It’s a knowledge that God is at work in the seen and unseen, in the known and unknown. That God works at the center of it all, the center being love. Finally, I see this season as one of gratitude. It’s a time to give thanks for the many blessings in our lives, those in the present, those in our past and those yet to come. It’s also giving thanks for the basics that we often take for granted; food, shelter, warmth, light, etc. In a time of year when so many go without, we are encouraged to give thanks for what we have, not what we don’t. It’s a time when we are asked to seek out ways to help our neighbors on our margins, to be the hands and feet of Christ for one another; to not judge, but simply to love, and serve alongside those who need us, and who we need in return. In the newsletter today you’ll see many ways to give back your time, talent and treasure. Perhaps it can seem like “so many asks” or “too much”. We are called to do what we can, for who we can, and in any way that we can, in the time that we have been gifted. We cannot do everything, but everyone can do something. When we all give a little of ourselves, I believe that the world, perhaps, becomes just a little bit brighter. 

With Gratitude, 

Ms. Lauren Hobbs
Lauren Hobbs

Principal, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School

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Important Dates

Nov 14-15 - Collecting donations for OLG Family Yard Sale Bring lightly used children's clothing, toys, books before and after school. Contact Molly if you can help volunteer!

Nov 16 - CYO Italian Dinner // Volunteer!

Nov 18 - Sound Partners & Making Mathematics Parent Info Meeting 3:30-4:30 pm (by invite)

Nov 20 - Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal

Coming Up!

Nov 22 - Deadline to bring Shoeboxes of Joy to your classroom

Nov 27-29 - NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break NO EDC/ELC care

Nov 28 - Thanksgiving Mass 9:00 am

Dec 1 - Auction Procurement Deadline see Auction News below

Dec 3 - #Giving Tuesday

Dec 4 - Christmas Wreath/Garland pick up 2-6pm Gym parking lot

Dec 6 - Holiday Themed Dress by Class - Details forthcoming!

  • Light up the Night 6-8pm, plus Good Tidings Festival and Holiday Gift Fair

Stay up-to-date with calendar events

School Happenings

We can't emphasize this enough!

Complete Tuition Assistance Application BEFORE Christmas break!

Tuition assistance (for students entering K-8 2025-26) depends on on-time completion of the FACTS Grant and Aid application. Re-enrolling families need to re-apply each year. Tuition Assistance FAQ

Apply for Financial Aid

Auction News

Family Auction Procurement Deadline December 1, 2024

Get off the bench and make your OLG All-Stars Auction Donation today! Each OLG family is required to procure an auction donation item/service/sponsorship valued at a minimum of $200 retail OR provide a $200 cash donation. All family’s cash donations can be made here OR intent to donate an item/service/sponsorship can be entered here.  Family donations are due December 1, 2024.

Looking for ideas for what you can donate to the Auction? 

Have a timeshare or vacation property you would share? How about a local business that would benefit from exposure in the West Seattle community as an auction sponsor? Visit our auction page for ideas on donation items. 

Want to be an All-Star volunteer? There are lots of opportunities (both large and small!) to join our team. Email auction co-chairs Heather Fernandez & Courtney Armitstead at olg.auction.chair@gmail.com inquire about volunteer opportunities.

PO News

OLG Wreath and Garland Sale!

Deck your halls and doors with wreaths and garland while also supporting OLG! Wreath orders are going on now through November 20th. Order online Pick-up will be at OLG gym parking lot on Wednesday, Dec 4th 2:00-6:00 pm.

December Art Workshop

Holiday Workshop

Tuesday, Dec10th

One Day Workshop! 3:20-4:50pm

Sign up for your student to create a winter holiday themed artwork that will be gift wrapped, ready for giving! This one-time special class is 1.5 hours in length after school on Tuesday, Dec 10th.

More details here

Season of Giving

Westside Baby Drive

The ELC and 3rd grade are partnering with  Westside  Baby to help fulfill their mission of providing vulnerable children with their most needed items at this time of year, which include warm weather clothing like coats, sweaters, boots, pajamas, blankets, and more

Drop donations to ELC (near the drop off doors) or the 3rd grade classroom. Please direct any questions to Kellie Avendt. 

Kindergarten Sock Drive

New socks, adult size and diabetic socks are in greatest need. Details here

Drop socks off in the Kindergarten classroom.

Celebrate your donation with Sammy the Sock Monkey with a handshake, a high-five or a hug!

CYO Athletics

CYO Athletes at EDC

If your child is at EDC and needs assistance to get to CYO practice, your athlete's coach may pick up your child from EDC. Please check with your child’s coach if this pick up can be arranged. If so, parent/guardians please follow these steps.


Prayers continue for our new priests and parish family. And for Fr. Kevin and Fr. Jack.

For our community members whose family members who are fighting cancer and other ailments.

For all families, students, children and community members be joyful and full of hope!

Partners in the Gospel

Submit your comments/questions

This past Wednesday, the parish staffs of Holy Rosary and Our Lady of Guadalupe met for a day-long retreat. It was a time for us to get to know each other better, pray together, and discern ways that we can work together as we move forward in becoming one canonical parish. As always, we are interested in your feedback and thoughts on initiatives that will energize these efforts. Please submit suggestions/questions in the online comment box or speak to our Parish Staff. 

Partners in the Gospel HQ

Parish News

The latest Family Times Newsletter is available! In this issue:

  • Guiding Children in Our Stress-filled World
  • Communion of Saints
  • Celebrating Veterans
  • Thanksgiving Rituals
  • The Value of Family Meals and more!

Thanksgiving Mass

Thursday, Nov 28th 9:00 am

Please bring a non-perishable food for St. Vincent de Paul. Also, you are invited to bring an item that you will add to your own dinner table to be blessed.

Looking for volunteer hours?

Your active participation in the life of the Parish counts toward required school volunteer hours. Many opportunities are available. Here's a few for this week:


More in the Parish Bulletin

OLG Parish Website

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!

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