Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and
sponsored by the Holy Spirit.
6th graders have fun in math class using their dividing fraction skills
Thank you 2nd grade for your service in keeping our church pews organized
Dear OLG Families,
We near the end of our Trimester with Thanksgiving approaching... this also means major upcoming events:
TODAY: Commit to your family auction item or $200 donation procurement
THIS WEEKEND: Holiday "Fair Trade" and community gift fair!
NEXT WEEK: Thanksgiving, Shoeboxes of Joy, then ... ADVENT
Tuesday (11/29): https://www.givingtuesday.org/ OLG Giving Tuesday
The Holiday Seasons are upon us soon, so as Advent begins and we enter into the new liturgical year then I encourage all of us to reflect on what we are thankful for and breathe new life into our commitments and our community.
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
Nov 23 - NOON Dismissal
Nov 24-25 - NO SCHOOL - Enjoy Thanksgiving Break 🦃
Coming Up
Family Procurement Auction Deadline 11/18!
Each school family is required to procure an item/service/sponsorship valued at a minimum of $200 retail OR provide a $200 cash donation. There are three ways to meet your required family donation:
Don't Delay! Help us meet our goals! - see PO section below for more
Thanksgiving Break is a good time to check this off your list!
Families must apply each year through the FACTS Grant and Aid portal to qualify for a grant—all awards are made based on financial need. The Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Grant program is designed for families and students currently enrolled or applying for the next school year in any Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Seattle.
Have a younger sibling of your current OLG student that you want to enroll next school year? Make sure you login to your SchoolAdmin and " add a new student" to start the process!
A Reminder about Illness
A friendly reminder about illness from our handbook...please do not send your child to school if he/she has a fever, is vomiting, has diarrhea, fifth disease, lice/nits, or a bad cough. When children come to school with these conditions, other students are exposed. If a child comes to school and, in the opinion of the teacher, is sick, we will call you to come and pick up your child. If your child is sent home due to illness, he/she cannot return to school until he/she has been symptom-free for 24 hours. This allows ample time to recover and stops the spread of illness to other children.
Auction Family Donation Deadline: DUE!
Each school family is required to procure an item/service/sponsorship valued at a minimum of $200 retail OR provide a $200 cash donation. There are three ways to meet your required family donation:
All family cash donations OR intent to donate are due Nov. 18, 2022. Physical items can be dropped off at the school on Friday, Dec. 2, or Friday, Dec. 9, 2022, between 8-10 a.m. Class Projects/Baskets are due Jan. 20, 2023.
Introducing the Blue & White Club!
The Blue & White Club recognizes individuals who donate additional cash to our Auction. It's a great way for extended family, parishioners, and community members to support the school! Donate to the Blue & White Club
Here's a brief summary of what is happening in SEL class.
1st Grade: We practiced ways to manage distractions, such as reminding ourselves to focus, turning away from the distraction, changing places, or politely asking someone to stop a distracting behavior. At home, you can model this by asking your student to suggest ways that you can manage distractions when you need to focus on a task.
2nd Grade: We discussed that mistakes tell us something’s not working. We can respond to mistakes by asking for help, trying again, or making a small change to keep going. At home, ask your child what a mistake tells them and what they can do to keep going after a mistake.
3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades all completed their unit on Goal Setting this week! In 3rd grade we made a practice plan on how to reach a goal. 4th grade worked towards a 10-minute goal with a group. In 5th grade students chose a 10-minute goal to work towards during class. Ask your students how they did!
6th, 7th, and 8th Grades started a new unit on recognizing and responding to Bullying and Harassment.
School Counselor
CYO is looking for Gym Monitors for Basketball Games
If you are interested in volunteering at the Walmesley Center on the weekends, please contact Dan Campbell. A fun way to earn commitment hours!
Parent like a Champion Workshop
Holiday Fair Trade Gift Fair
Let’s kick off the Advent season together on Nov 19 & 20 at OLG’s Holiday Gift Fair! By buying Fair Trade, you support the efforts of skilled farmers and artisans who are working to break the cycle of poverty and build stronger communities. Join our Knights of Columbus, PreK & 3rd graders, Young Adults, Refugee Support Group and the Young Ladies Institute volunteers for a day of shopping, wreath making, eating and socializing. 9:30am-1:30 pm at the Walmesley Center gym Click Here for special events
The Lord’s Lions: Sunday Morning Pre-School during 11:00 Mass
We are ready to start the Sunday morning Pre-School group in January during the 11:00 Mass. All we need are children! This is geared to 3 through 5-year-olds (kindergarteners attend at 9:30). Please let us know of your interest
Little Lambs Nursery
We also want to bring back the Little Lamb during the 11:00 am Mass. However, we need caregivers. Contact Helen Oesterle for more information.
Shoeboxes of Joy - Bring to mass next weekend!
It is that time of year where we create “Shoeboxes of Joy” for the variety of people
served by CCS’ Volunteer Chore Services. Bring your donations in a shoebox that is wrapped with Christmas paper to mass next weekend. They will be blessed by Fr. Kevin at the 11:00 Mass. Contact Helen for more information
Thanksgiving Mass Thursday, Nov 24th 10:00 am
Please bring donated food for our St. Vincent de Paul. In addition, we will be taking up a special collection for SVdP as their funds are significantly depleted due to historical need in our community. Also, you are invited to bring any item for your special dinner to be blessed by Fr. Kevin and enjoyed later that day.
Advent is less than two weeks away. Hopefully you will be able to participate in some of our parish's celebrations of this season. We encourage you to reach out and invite your neighbors, family, or friends to come and join us whether it is the celebration of our Feast Day, our Reconciliation Services, or our Christmas masses. It truly is a time of great preparation and celebration! Schedule of events and resources
Looking for Volunteer Hours?
Help sell gifts and food Nov 20 9:00-11:00am and 11:30 am-1:30 pm...…or both shifts! No merchandising experience needed, just bring a warm smile and friendly personality! Contact Kelly
Pew Pencil Ministry - We need volunteers to help clean out our pew pockets of misplaced pencils and to redrill the holes to hold pencils. Contact Helen
Eucharistic Ministers to serve at Mass - details here. Training will be offered in the coming weeks. Contact Helen for more information
Camera Operators are needed for our daily and weekend Masses. Time commitment would be once a week and/or as a sub. Training provided…it is simpler than you think! Contact Helen for more information
Adult Confirmation Preparation Program
Begins on Tuesday, Jan 3rd from 6:30-7:45 pm by Zoom with one Saturday morning retreat. The Confirmation celebration will take place on Sunday, Feb 12th at the 11:00 Mass. The sacrament of Confirmation completes our Catholic initiation and makes it possible for us to participate as godparents, sponsors, and other liturgical roles in our Church. Contact Helen
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651